

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Thanks so much, ladies! Think it will be an early night for me.
    G'nite all,
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :drinker: Allison, DH and I walked around our property to see if any trees need to be cut before the fall and winter season. He wants to do so much himself, but I think I convinced him to hire professionals again. We have done it before and it so much safer. I don't want to lose him trying to top a tree and frankly don't know what makes him think he is good at it. He is very talented at all kinds of other things. Cutting a tree once it is felled comes to mind for example. Men.

    :happy: Yanniejannie...I have no idea how some people think their ideas can just take roots and support their own lack of planning. Weird, is what I say. I agree with a card and well wishes.

    :flowerforyou: Cynthia...you should be applauded for what you did. I have not baked in years. I bet ya I am still pretty darned good at baking if I were to try again (grin). I feel pretty smug about deadheading flowers today :bigsmile:

    :smile: Jane...the one who is house hunting. I sure hope you will have success. Stress is a normal reaction. I am well familiar with that.

    :smile: Heather, I love riots of colours!!! You go girl on being in the holiday mood!

    With respect to balancing check books. Most of you will know that I am an accountant by profession, so things MUST balance by nature. The last 18 months however, I have subscribed to a website which tells me, warns me, alerts me and updates me. I have not balanced my personal check book since. Online services have been my sidekick now for a while. Not spending half the time figuring out whether I made a mistake or the bank did. Which, of course, mostly meant I was to one who made the error. Duh. In addition, I get alerted if anything is amiss. I like that feature.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia - airline seats that fit beautifully? How wonderful a NSV is that. Congratulations.

    I had made a routine mammogram appointment for late yesterday afternoon at 5:45 PM. I never do late afternoon mammogram appointments and don't know what I was thinking. I am exhausted at the end of the day and I am sticky and swollen. First thing in the morning and then onto work, yes. But I am grateful that it was routine. Let's face it, if it were not, I'd be complaining about a whole different thing.

    Laundry has been on the line since lunch time and the sun and wind have surely dried it fully by now. Time to get it down and make the bed. Did lots of housecleaning today. Tomorrow DD is coming over with the 2 little ones. DS is coming to borrow my car, so they can look at a van for their growing family. All par for the course.

    Steak on the BBQ and veggies are planned for dinner tonight.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: I got up this morning filled with great expectations and plans for my day at home alone…..Jake had plans to attend an all day meditation retreat. He left the house at 7:30 while I was still walking the dogs and at 9:30 he called to say that he had back spasms from sitting, the room was hot and stuffy and he couldn’t breathe, and he thought he was coming down with a cold so he was coming home. I wanted to cry with disappointment until I thought about my friend Judy who cares for her 94 year old mom and her wheelchair bound husband and never has the house to herself and then I stopped feeling sorry for myself and went back to counting my blessings. Jake took a nap with the dogs for about two hours and then put things on TV that I liked so I could finish my computer work, do my weight training and ride the exercise bike. He fixed his own food so I could eat whatever I wanted.

    :heart: :heart: :smooched: :smooched: I’m sending hugs to all of you who have real problems and wishing you well.

    :glasses: :flowerforyou: I called my cousin again…….I’ve been calling every day
    she can’t call out so she’s dependent on people calling her----she hates the food, thinks the exercises are a waste of time, says there’s no one to talk to, and doesn’t know whether she’d be better off staying or going home. I tell her about what I’m doing and listen to her lamentations. I talk to her on my cell phone with the Bluetooth so I can go outside and walk while I talk

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: 27,000 steps today

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good night all!!
    Had some good news to share.I`m gonna be a grandma again!!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    My 2nd son and his wife are due in Feb.Leah is gonna be a big sister.She`s going around the house saying big sister,big sister.:smile::smile:
    Im so happy 2 new babies next year.:drinker: :drinker:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of Jari Love's Extremely Ripped DVD. Tomorrow the plan is to do a belly dance DVD for about an hour

    Went to the farmer's market. Didn't get much (that's good, there isn't much room in my freezer anyway). Just got some blueberries (which I can freeze) and a couple of heirloom tomatoes

    Beth - .18 -- could there be a transposition of numbers (or maybe two?)

    Kim - for your fudge, do you use granulated sugar or confectioner's sugar? One time I used granulated and I thought it came out sort-of "grainy" The next time I used confectioners and that seemed to work better. Thanks for the recipe, I'll have to give it a try. Vince won't eat it with the mint, but just chocolate is fine for him

    Cynthia T60 - yea for the smaller size in pants, tops and dresses. You go girl!

    DeeDee - all your renovations sound so gorgeous. Yea for the no new cancers. Are you going to boss the guys today? Is it possible that your headaches are caused by sinuses? Your kitchen is looking fantastic

    Margaret - I don't know if the keylime coleus would grow down here. I'm going to have to check that out when I'm ready to start planting plants

    Becky - welcome! You've come to a great place for motivation, that's for sure

    Well, Bryan found the time to call us. I did make the mistake and say that between Lexi's surgery and Vince's surgery, I've been pretty busy. I thought I might get a "I had that coming" but no go. Now I'm sorry I said it. Vince found the credit card and we'll send it I do want to send other pieces of mail for him in case there's anything that's important. He said he'd call this weekend. Unless Vince sends him an email telling him that we mailed the card, I predict he'll call just to find out if and when we mailed it. If Vince sends him an email, he won't call.

    yanniejannie - hope you're feeling better real fast. I don't think you're at all out of line in refusing to help fund that 40th anniversary get away. I don't expect my kids to fund anything for us, and I certainly wouldn't expect them to ask friends to help fund it!

    Went to a laser light show tonight with the Newcomers. Had a piece of, I don't know what to call it, it was a small piece of bread with onions, mushrooms, and feta cheese on it. Had orange and red tomatoes and raw carrots, had a few of the lasagna cupcakes I brought (mainly had them at home) and this dish someone made of tomatoes with basil and some sort of cheese. Skipped the desserts (all they had was cakes and brownies, I probably would have had some if there had been some fresh fruit), just water to drink

    Tomorrow we're supposed to meet a friend that worked with Vince for lunch. Her husband plays on a softball league and they have games in Boone. We met her last year, too. I made some banana muffins to take to her.

    ActiveYouth - welcome. Pull up a chair, pour yourself a drink and have one of those croissants. I think we know more about our bodies than any GP. I commend you on your great eating.

    We did some work outside today, finished putting the rocks around the outside of the fence and then filling it in. I did empty three of the cat litter containers we had filled with sand and put them in my neighbor's recycling bin. Wish they picked up the recyclables every week instead of every other week. Didn't get to go in the pool today (boo)

    Renny - do you cut down your trees if they need it, or are you referring to just pruning them? If you cut them down, how do you get rid of the stump?

    jane - big congrats!!

    Michele in NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Ok, gang. I'm sitting here feeling sorry for myself. Mrs Cranky Pants, that's me. You can skip to the next post now.

    Hubby plans these trips, but only part way. So everything was wonderful till this morning. He decided we were going to Olympic National Park. Ok, that much is great. Then he decided to hike the Hurricane Ridge trail, which is 1.6 miles one way. Ok, that much sounded fine. Till you realize the stinking trail goes up the side of a very tall mountain! I thought I would die! Of course, it's not hubby's fault that I ate a full pound of cherries just before we started out, and that they give me gas, and that gas expands at higher altitudes, and would NOT come out, so I was miserably bloated and sick at my stomach. Still, I made it to the top. (Yay!) Then we started down and he announced that we were running late to catch the ferry. So, we had to hustle down the mountain, which is a lot harder than it sounds. My feet were killing me and I was sunburned. It took us 2 1/2 hours to make do a trail that the ranger said takes about 1 1/2 hours. Then we got to the ferry and sat in the car waiting for about two hours. Grrrrr!

    The ferry ride to Canada was comfortable, so that was nice. Then we got off the ferry and drove into Canada. We were confused about where to go, because we had to shut off the cell phones at the border to avoid those huge international roaming charges, so we couldn't use the navigator, so he was driving on narrow city streets into the blinding sunset, with double decker busses on both sides, and I was trying to read the map. We don't know how to convert mph to kilometers. Let's just say it was frustrating and there were a few wrong turns taken.

    And we didn't know quite where the hotel was because he didn't print it out, thinking I could pull up the confirmation email, but I can't do that without a cell phone! So we finally found the hotel about 8:30 at night. It was dirty, smelly, the bed is hard and the a/c unit is deafening. We had no lunch, dinner was late, and the ONLY thing nearby was McDonalds. I hate McDonalds! There is nothing on the menu I can really eat, so I wound up with a tiny grilled chicken snack wrap and water. Hubby was complaining about the price of everything the whole time.

    So I ask what the plan is for tomorrow, and he says, he has no plan. That's as far as he got, but at some point tomorrow we have to figure out how to get the Ferry BACK into Washington. I said, why did we even come here, just to turn around and leave again?! He said just to come to Canada!

    And to top it all off, tomorrow is my birthday! And apparently he doesn't even remember! Wah!

    Ok, end of pity party. I hope nobody read thru all this, but it made me feel better to write it all down.

    I'm going to take my night meds and put in my ear plugs and go to dreamland. I hope you are all having a great day.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    Sylvia :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: HAPPY BIRTHDAY to YOU:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Sorry things are not going so well - maybe someone in the area can come up with something interesting to see tomorrow!

    Heather- it sounds so wonderful!!! Christopher Lloyd’s gardens (I’ve only seen pictures) always take my breath away! -- crab risotto and nut crusted cod – drool – I did a pecan crusted salmon once that I loved, I need to go dig that recipe out. I bet you looked fab!

    Alison – thanks! And I am sure you will figure out what you can eat with the least amount of “non-desirables”

    Michele - I use granulated sugar - if you boil for 5 min. it all dissolves... my favorite is to use dark chocolate - but it is a flexible recipe that can be done with white chocolate chips, butterscotch...or chocolate with orange extract.... I love recipes that I can change up easily...

    Yannie Jannie - So sad for you:frown: --- hope you feel better very soon!!!
    As for the neighbor’s dd soliciting money – yes that is how they seem to be doing it… I got an invite to a wedding with a card in it suggesting a $50 cash gift to support the honeymoon. They got an RSVP NO and a nice card.

    I have been recently hearing “deserve” a lot out of folks mouths…. I deserve ______ drives me crazy! This comment won’t reflect the fact that I am a “typical” left leaning Californian – but we all deserve to be treated justly and politely, and some other stuff – but we do not deserve a vacation, a fancy car, restaurant meals, tickets to sporting events…. Grrr these are some of the more recent comments that I have heard…. All of the extras should be earned !

    I work really hard, and would love a vacation, some fancy meals, and maybe tickets to a play – but that is not in the cards yet… although there is savings started for all of that --- but “deserve” *ell no, earned *ell yes!!

    Vent over,

    Kim from hot N. California
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Yanniejannie hope you feel better soon. Stan and I are both on pensions and refuse to give family money now,
    Today is LAST day of the week with NO exercise except walking the dog. I have been cleaning house, sorting files (BIG bag of papers to burn) sorted wardrobes and drawers. Got rid of stuff, good clothes to charity shop rest to throw out. NEEDED doing and feel better for it now.
    Back to training Monday again now sorted myself out. Weight is UP but that is OK. Back to Jeannette's and Jillian's recipes again.
    Shopping day Tuesday and taking car in for service Thursday, they have booked another car so we can drive the 30Km home again instead of staying in town for 5 hours.
    Sunday is my scheduled rest day. Stan makes Sunday Brunch, we drive along coast and walk the dog, then home by a circuitous route to cook roast dinner..
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Kim: there was almost nothing in clearance; they already had the new stuff. It’s no drama; if Kohl’s doesn’t have anything I’ll be OK with the shorts I have. I’ll just put a belt on and they’ll look a bit baggy. Dog training: they’re not making the dogs train in a hot building, are they? :angry:

    Linda: so glad you’re feeling better. :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: congrats on the good skin results!

    Alison: “holy cow”: my mom says that all the time! :happy:

    Jane: still thinking of you and the house hunting. Congratulations on the new grandchild coming! :flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: cooled down now? :smile: :flowerforyou:

    Renny: unfortunately I ate too much banana bread, but whatever. I haven’t baked for months, for exactly this reason. Agree with you on the mammogram.

    Sylvia: oh dear, what an adventure! Sure hope there’s a surprise birthday present coming! Happy birthday! :flowerforyou: :heart:

    I’m actually not that shocked about the asking for money thing, if I’m honest. It’s not elegant, but I know a lot of situations in which that’s done: a golden anniversary or whatever. Then it’s like a group present, arranged by someone close to the birthday person or anniversary couple. But it sounds like it wasn’t really done well, and people shouldn’t ask you directly. It would be better to have a standard letter or card and leave you free to say yes or no, which apparently wasn’t the case. And it definitely shouldn’t be presented as a solution to the kids’ lack of money.

    We had a huge rain and thunderstorm afternoon yesterday. We were inside at the time, at the outdoor café (so it turned into an inside café!), but the bikes and the dog’s bike trailer were outside, and the bike trailer got soaked. Took the cushion out and washed it; it’s hanging outside now. The trailer itself will just have to dry in the garage.

    Today a neighbor is coming over to take a look at the plants that will need watering while we're away. Otherwise we're just puttering around doing preparatory stuff for vacation.

    Hope everyone has a good day!
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    morning ladies,
    had my warm lemon water,walked around the block 4 times got 23 minutes of race walking in and took a shower and having a cup of tea..
    DH is already out sanding the bay window out front, had a quick bowl of cereal and he is off
    ended up cooking here last night and going to see my DFIL, ,he was totally out in left field last night and it sorta upset the DH to see his dad like that.. it is very hard in those places usually early morning and later at night there mind just goes kerplunk..
    he was telling Tom to check on his mom ,she hasnt been feeling well, the poor woman has been gone 5 yrs now.
    .he did scoff down a mini lemon meringue pie , and he had his cookies next to his bed,, he wanted to go to bed, so we took him down and put him to bed fully clothed, did tell the nurse so they wouldnt panic looking for him.
    going to breakfast in a little bit at my friend Jacqui's house, I am excited and a little bit scared.. I know the people going but out of the gym atmosphere it will be interesting..
    like I said yesterday I am taking my dad down to his brothers for a picnic,and I am hoping the rain hold off. I dont think any of my cousins will be there,my uncles girlfriend is my age my uncle will be 81 this year they met in florida after my aunt passed away and we think she is just out for the money... she is nice enough and all .. but!
    so today is a busy day.. will check in tonight.
    Sylvia- sorry you had to rush and go through all that:frown: .
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Good Morning,

    A midst all the glorious flowers each gardener had bits of fun. These frogs are one example.

    Enjoying looking out at the garden as I enjoy coffee and water. :drinker: I will shortly be getting ready for church.

    Today I will eat more non-fat plain yogurt so tomorrow my immune system will be stronger.

    2014 word: contentment

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Happy birthday, Sylvia!! I hope there is a wonderful day ahead of you!

    Jane - Congratulations!

    The for sale sign is in the front yard!! The Realtor was thrilled with work that had been done. I feel such a sense of relief! I know it still has to sell but I'm not letting myself worry about that quite yet; I am going to bask in the light at the end of this particular tunnel for just a bit. I kept telling myself that my reward for getting the house ready would be there fun of looking at new places for me to live so I will choose the places that I want to see and begin checking them out this week. I know that whatever I like may sell before I'm ready to move but this gives me a chance to see whether or not the homes that look so great online live up to their potential.

    In other good news, I am taking the boy child to visit my parents for a week beginning Friday! I feel so bad that I haven't been up there as frequently as usual, and don't really have the time to go this weekend, but I am rearranging my priorities to make it happen instead of meeting them halfway to make the exchange like we do sometimes. I really miss my grandnieces!

    Well, it's time to get ready for church. I hope to check back in later.

    Have a great day!

    Carol in stormy NC
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Hi everyone,

    Sooooo behind, still in computer hell. New hard drive is in but it wouldn't take the recovery disks. Took it back to a Best Buy where they made some adjustment to the settings and it appeared to be making progress. Sat there for 3 hours, until they closed. Left it ther in hopes that it finished doing its thing and I will get a happy call this am.

    A little heavy on the calories yesterday but sticking with the program.

    Have to hit the shower and try to catch up on some of my housework while I wait for my call. Will try to catch up on reading later.

    Xo- Gloria in Metro Detroit
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! :flowerforyou:

    We got back home around 11.30 this morning. By a huge stroke of luck we had decided to avoid the main road nearer the coast as it was jam packed in that direction when we came through on Friday. We took a country route, which was slow (tractors, horses etc) , but at least kept moving and was pretty. When DH looked up his cricket info on line we found that the whole of the M27 was blocked by a huge jam and no one could get to the cricket. The trains were not operating from London either so people were stuck all over the place and tweeting furiously! ! ! ! So we were VERY lucky indeed.:drinker:

    It still hasn't rained here so I did a quick emergency water of the worst affected pots and will do a thorough job when it's a bit cooler. Sooooooo dry.:cry: There is a chance of rain tomorrow, but I will believe it when I see it. :noway: Of course DH doesn't want rain for the cricket. It's an important international game and only very rarely do we get test matches at our local ground. India v England.:bigsmile: I will have the day to myself and the following one as his friend is going to pick DH up.

    Tonight I'm going to use up our eggs and make a frittata with the veg I can glean from the garden. I have done no exercise today as we got away by 9 am, but hauling cans of water around will be something. It's too hot to do our machines now.

    Sylvia - I hope today, your birthday, :flowerforyou: , goes better. I'm afraid I am a bit of a control freak and generally find things go MUCH better when I organise them.:laugh: Sometimes I resent being the one to do most of the organising, but mostly it makes for less resentment and I have no one to blame but myself!:laugh: :tongue: One thing I used to do, in the days before internet etc, when I was in a strange place that I had not prepared for, was head to the nearest postcard shop and see what they had postcards of. The same thing in a cathedral or art gallery. It is annoying about the roaming charges though. Europe keeps trying to get the phone companies to sort themselves out over it, but it's still not cheap. I can buy a £2 a day bundle to use my phone in Europe, so I think I might do that next time if the charges haven't gone down. I will have to check out the USA for October.:happy:
    Hope your DH is going to surprise you for your birthday!

    Katla - I hope your sailboat is ready for visitors! Yet another example of how much better we are at sorting things out!:laugh: But then we end up taking too much on so you can't win really.:tongue:

    Barbie - I understand your frustration at not having the house to yourself when you'd counted on it.:flowerforyou: But I know you know how lucky you are to have a good man by your side.:flowerforyou:

    Jane - grandma again! How great!

    Deedee - I have at last looked at your renovation photos. Fabulous! Your hall looks amazing! It must be very tall!

    Well folks, I had half an hour's lie down as it was too hot to sleep much last night and now I must get myself together on the gardening. The washing is in the machine.
    I'm thinking that tomorrow I might have a look at my memoir - at least read through what I've written to see what to write next. It's so long since I looked at it.:embarassed:

    Love to all.
    Joyce - I hope your day out went well and you were not too exhausted!:flowerforyou:

    Heather in very dry and sunny Hampshire UK
  • beckyb527
    beckyb527 Posts: 5
    Good Morning,

    Slow start to my day - I piddle around Sunday mornings reading the paper, clipping coupons, coffee, water and then strip the bed and start my laundry. DH likes to read the paper, watch old movies and play guitar on Sundays. We might go to the pool later or I'll just stay inside and scrapbook. I'm a huge scrapbooker as DH and I travel quite a bit. Anyway, we live in South Florida, south of Miami, just before you start driving down to the Keys and it has been stifling hot as of late. The heat, mosquitos the size of sparrows and with a 60% chance of rain sometime during the day, it can be frustrating living here in the summer, sigh! Not conducive to much outdoor activity but the winter and spring here are FABULOUS! Dry, 70's during the day and 50/60's at night. We can't wait for winter here, haha!

    Enjoy your day!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Have a great sun!
    Warm today in the 80`s.
    Gonna do my walk to church.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kim: The current plan is to fill and flush the boat’s holding tank with clean water several times, in an effort to clean out the system before we delve into it. We didn’t get to it yesterday, and I don’t know about today. Our major goal is to go to Astoria on the coast and get some paint for our son’s boat. The Portland stores were out. Finding a marine plumber is not likely to be easy. Good luck with your own plumber. I hope your day will be cooler. I agree that 90+ is too hot.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I wish I could see the gardens at Great Dixter, too. Thanks for your wonderful descriptions. Congratulations on your wise choice of routes home. :flowerforyou: I consider hauling cans of water around as weight lifting. Thanks for your good wishes on the boat plumbing situation. No progress on that front to report.:flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: I’m so sorry you are sick and hope you are feeling better soon. It didn’t occur to me to look up Great Dixter online. I’ll do that next! Your neighbor’s DD has a lot of nerve. A card and well wishes are totally appropriate.:flowerforyou:

    Margaret: Add me to the list of garden lovers. :flowerforyou:

    Renny: Line dried sheets sound divine. I have no yard for an outdoor line. I’d have line envy except I’m happy here. But the smell of line dried sheets is absolutely wonderful.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: 27,000 steps! Congratulations! Counting blessings is a lot more fun than self-pity and complaining. You’re a good woman to stay in touch with your cousin.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: Your son is calling with more frequency. Count your blessings. I don’t see why coleus wouldn’t grow most anywhere with enough water in the summer time, but it won’t survive freezing weather, so it is an annual in our area. I tried to overwinter one in the house once, and it got leggy and ugly.:ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I’m sorry you were miserable on your uphill and downhill hike. Lines and waiting for ferries is inevitable, but they’re worth the wait. Canadian taxes drive up prices, but the dollar is usually stronger so costs balance out. Plus you can get a tax rebate from Canada on purchased items. It takes record keeping to do that and we have seldom followed through. Look for wifi hotspots for communication. The last time we went was several years ago, before DH was diagnosed with MS. We had our phone coverage extended for a month and that cost was worth it for the convenience. I miss going to Canada. :flowerforyou:

    Kim: I agree with your comments on “I deserve.”:flowerforyou:

    Alison: I hope you enjoyed breakfast at your friend’s house.:flowerforyou:

    Carol: Congratulations on getting the “for sale” sign up! You’ve worked hard and I hope you get top dollar for the house.:flowerforyou:

    Today is another gorgeous day and we’re driving out to Astoria to pick up paint for DS. I hope we can stop at their Sunday Market and enjoy ourselves just a bit. Astoria Sunday Market is a farmers market plus crafts market and quite enjoyable.

    I wonder whether this will be the 500th post.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    July Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 462 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm taking a rest day today, no workouts. I made brunch for me and Hubby. Doing my nails and then getting ready for church. Thank you to all who posted the information on Savannah, I'm getting excited already!


    Cindy in OK
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Sylvia - talking about looking things up on line, you might like Alan Caiger Smith. I'm currently trying to get my hands on one of his lustre bowls.:blushing: :bigsmile:

    Heather UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    First! First! :laugh: