

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    BAD thunderstorms all last night and lost power a few times. Tornado touched down in town 30 Kms from here, so much damage and a first for NW tassie. Raining all day today.
    Weight is coming down again now back to training this week. Was good to have lst week only walking dog but weight on. Not worrying.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Good morning!

    Sylvia - sounds like a brilliant day. Seattle has always sounded great! And Sleepless! ! !:laugh:

    Michele - you could make a smaller one, maybe half size. The best thing about it is that it comes out like a cake so it is transportable and cut-up-able. It is delicious lukewarm or cold. We had it room temp last night. Today I have the last third cold for lunch. As I don't use low fat feta I count 300 for a third portion of the recipe. She says six portions for the cake, which would be fine as a starter or to take to a picnic to share. She says 125 for a portion. A half cake, if you used low fat feta would be 375. It's not good for anyone on low sodium.

    I was awake and restless st 5.30 this morning do I got up at 6.15 snd went downstairs to get started on my strength training. I did everything but the weights and took 25 minutes. Great to get it done!:bigsmile:
    Then after our muesli and berries we did our machine session. Michele - I am pretty sure the rower over reads on calories as it was not expensive, but at least it is consistent over the years we have had it. 4 years. I did 240 cals on that. The elliptical is a top quality machine and more rigorous on the cals. I do it on 15 resistance and it definitely varies the count according to speed or resistance as we can time our PRs. That was 110 cals. Then I did the recumbent bike, again an expensive machine and pretty accurate. I did 100 cals st 15 resistance and another 30 at 16, which feels pretty hard. So 480 this morning plus my strength training. Then I did my weights. 7 minutes. Bicep curls with 20 lb weights, around 6 or 7 curls. Tricep curls overhead, both hands with one 20 lb weight, - around 10 raises. Tricep curls with knee up on bed, each side with 20 lbs. - 17 each side. Then lateral raises with 12 weights - around 8. Then side arm raises with 5 lb weights, around 10, but I wave my arms around in mid air !:bigsmile:
    The early strength training was leg raises with 2.5 weights, crunches, 100, plank, 1 minute, downward dog and upward dog, about 5, 12 squats with 5 lb weight (I usually use 20 lbs but they were upstairs) , my "alphabet" knee bend and balance, I can now do two sets straight off, rising on toes and balancing, one leg balancing, every other day 20 press ups, and so on, and on and on.. . .:laugh:
    You can all tell I am retired! ! ! !:laugh: It all made 582 lovely calories to eat!:bigsmile:
    I hope some of that helps some people with their exercising. The best thing about strength training is that you only need the space of a hearthrug. I got the weights from Amazon and built up over time, buying heavier ones as I needed them. Poor postman! ! ! !:tongue:
    Yesterday we had the wonderful news that a local man, who is now 40, came 10th in the Commonwealth games marathon. That would not be so remarkable if he hadn't been a couch potato 7 years ago, smoking, drinking and very overweight. Yeah! I certainly, at nearly 65, am fitter than I have ever been.:happy: Yes, I have aches and pains from time to time and I am working hard at getting my knee up to scratch, but, for any newbies, you CAN make huge improvements at any age. 2 years ago I was a shuffling, limping, obese, breathless mess. And I hated and despised exercise apart from swimming as I didn't like getting sweaty! ! ! :laugh: :wink:

    Still no rain, so watering tonight when DH gets back from the cricket. Around us there has been torrential thunderstorms, but not a DROP here. DH is delighted for the cricket.:ohwell:
    Tonight we will have chicken thigh curry with lentils and what kale I can retrieve from the garden that hasn't been eaten by some midge things.:grumble: DH to have rice.

    Sorry for all the exercise details, but I thought it might encourage a few people to try things.

    Heather in sunny and dry Hampshire UK
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia:smile: Thanks for sharing your trip, it sounds awesome!!! Another one I will read and close my eyes and pretend I'm seeing it all too:laugh: !!!

    Barbie:smile: I understand about the getting the will taken care of. I update mine every 2 to 3 years. When hubby and I made our first one, we had it written like we were going to live forever, then he died and boy was it a mess. Now I update mine like I might die anytime, keeps everything current. Not a pleasant thing to do, but a really smart one! What are you planning on planting? My landscaper is coming back in this fall and we're going to add a few plants in the natural area. In the meantime I have to go out and spray or pull the weeds, it's not one of my favorite things to do:noway: . I thought about you yesterday, I had 17,000 steps:bigsmile: , and that dang rash I had last year is back on my legs too. My body doesn't seem to like me walking so much:frown: .

    Joyce:smile: I just love reading your posts!!! I remember you talking about your ice maker last year:laugh: . Sounds like you had a wonderful time at the park with your family. I think it sounds like hubby just wants to see his family happy:heart: .

    Heather:smile: You rock on the exercise girl:bigsmile: !!!! I agree with not using low fat cheeses...ICK, you can use a really nice cheese and because of the taste you only need a little:happy: !

    Lesley:smile: Hope I spelled your name right:embarassed: . Glad you were safe from the tornados!!! What kind of weight training do you do?

    Michele:smile: You're still putting out river rock???? Is the pool party this weekend:glasses: ? You'll have a good time rain or shine I'm sure! I'm hoping it's sunny and nice, my patio should be finished and I plan on spending lots of time out there:love: !!! Glad at least Bryan is communicating with you!

    Jane Martin:smile: Wishing you the best of luck on finding a wonderful place to live:flowerforyou: !

    Time to go, the patio guys will be here in less than an hour and I guess I should be dressed:laugh: .

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    DeeDee in beautiful NC:glasses:
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Good Morning to All,
    Back to work today, :sad: so sad. Today is my ab class though so that's good. Tonight I am personal training and then I will get my own strenght training and cardio in.
    The man who I told you is up for parole, his hearing is Friday. I really hope he doesn't get out. His max was 55 yrs so he can and should serve the next 19 still. Unfortunetly he will eventually be released. I hope this isn't the time.
    My weigh in is tonight and I am hoping for some good news there but I know I haven't done as well this week on food.
    We have had unseasonable cool weather and I love it. Today's high is suppose to be 75. I plan to walk outside on breaks today.
    Last night for supper I had zucchini pizza. I sliced the zucchini, put a spoon of pizza sause, some turkey pepporoni and some cheese on them and broiled them in the oven. They turned out pretty good.
    I better get to work, I have some catching up to do. My day off was nice, I caught up on some things, got a little extra exercise and some reading in.

    Beth, Sounds like you enjoyed your day, good for you.

    Sylvia, Sounds like you’re having a good time, and seeing wonderful sights.

    Heather, Sounds like you got a good work-out in.

    Good health and happiness to all,
    God Bless
    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 462 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Today I will do some yoga and then treadmill. I made vegetable lo mien last night and am glad not to register water weight today!

    Barbie and DeeDee, Hubby and I have do not have a will. We have talked about it, we don't have children and are both the youngest in our immediate family so not an easy decision on how to handle. Our money is taken care of through beneficiary statements but house and property need to be dealt with.......

    Sylvia, glad you are having fun!

    Heather, great job getting your exercise in early!

    Time to get up and get busy. Have a wonderful day everyone.

    Cindy in OK
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    DeeDee - saw your comment about a rash. What about purpura? I've had issues with that, especially in the summer, when walking a lot. Had a terrible case on vacation the first time -- lots of heat and lots of walking.

    Off to work,
    Gail, metro ATL
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy tues!!
    Violet is coming for a sleepover tonite.
    Hoping to hear about the townhouse,stress is terrible.
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Good Morning,

    Well, not feeling so alone in this tech world drama:smile: HP tech support actually told me I should have saved my money on the hard drive and just bought a new computer. Yes, TONS of hassle and stress but $100 vs. $300 or more???? I would like to replace my desk top by the end of the year but at least this one will be working so Aaron will be able to use it for some things and I can wait for the Black Friday/holiday deals.

    Working on getting an order ready to ship early this afternoon so I have not yet worked out. Will do something active with Aaron after lunch so we'll both benefit, maybe some roller blading or biking.....if it's not raining:ohwell:

    Starting to feel the stress of August looming. Just one more month of SO much to do before "back to school". Have to squeeze in all the fun, shopping, work, etc. Working on a summer bucket list today.

    Wishing everyone a great day, smart choices and the belief that, with some hard work and a little sacrifice, anything is possible.

    xo- Gloria in fall like Metro Detroit
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Joyce,I like ice in all my drinks except hot tea. never have any cold drink without ice. I'm not happy about this happening in a new fridge. Don't use ice in winter,so the ice maker is about 4 mos old. Crazy how nothing much is made to last!
    :sad: :sad:
    Woke at. 6,had beans drained,heated & in slo cooker before 7.Stripped bed,laundry is hung out to dry. Gonna be another "fall" day.
    Clear & pretty,with all windows open.
    :smile: Sylvia,we have been to that area ,also spent time on the Wash /Ore coast".Love the coast in any state.Thanks for sharing.
    Pat in Ohio

    Pat out icemaker has been out of whack for quite a while but I like it that way. The ice is not totally hollow but pretty much so and I prefer it that way. Some one said there is probably air in the line. But it's easy to chew that way and the water doesn't seem to be as freezing when I drink it as it is with solid ice. But it's also bipolor. Right now it is in the main phase, doesn't usually last long. But it sure makes the ice fast. It usually stays in the depressive stage and makes about a mug full a day and we supplement with ice trays. Sorry to offend anyone who suffers bipolar diseas or has a family member who has it. We have several family memebers who have it and with all of our other ailments we have in the family we have found one way to deal with lifes challenges is to make light of them,

    I was just talking to Charlie tonight as we were out and I saw a KFC. their recent commercial has them selling a box meal of a piece of chicken, large mashed potatoes, cookie and drink. I told him that since n this diet for almost 2 years I have no desire for that sausage and onion pizza that we had at least once a week. But those mashed potatoes and cookie! It's those nasty carbs that I absolutely crave. And it's the breads, crackers, cookies, stuff like that. Or shall I say junk like that.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Linda in N ON: We’re relatively new to blueberries and have fallen in love with them. :heart: Last year we bought our first bush and we now have three. We don’t have much space at all, but may find room for another in the future.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: I’m sending good thoughts your way for personal healing and patience with Bryan’s “growing up pains.”:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Your Seattle adventure sounds wonderful. You were smart to leave the car in Bremerton.:flowerforyou: :smokin: :flowerforyou:

    Lestan: I didn’t realize that they had tornadoes in Tasmania. I am finding out that I don’t know as much about the world as I previously thought, or as I should.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I’m in awe of your exercise regime. I wonder how long I could keep up with you. That said, the past two years have been transformative for me, too. I’m healthier and fitter than any time since my twenties and early thirties, maybe ever.:flowerforyou:

    Yesterday we got the sailboat potty fixed at last! It will be the guesthouse for DS and DDIL for a few days starting Thursday. DDIL’s parents will be in our guest room, so we’ll have a full house. We should have bought new mattresses, but other expenses came first. The whole point of this visit is to go fishing together. The fishing boat is back in the water and will get some attention today. We had to get a new motor and will need to go through the break-in steps today so that it will be ready for a fishing trip with the in-laws. And I have tons of sheets to wash and cleaning to do. I’m looking forward to the visit and also looking forward to remembering the visit. I’m not very confident entertainer.

    Yoga today! Yay!

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    July Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Katla - I'm sure you understand that I built up to my current regime gradually and almost without realising it!:laugh: When I started I thought I would explode if I did more than 200 calories a day and would need a long recovery time. The only thing I was any good at was swimming, as I have this rotten knee and my right ankle is weak. I still have to do only low impact stuff. I sit down to do my biceps and triceps.:laugh: I grew up thinking girls who liked exercise and games at school were a bit thick, though I enjoyed dancing of all kinds. I damaged my knee at 16, and sprained my ankle several times, so even dancing could be a challenge.
    Like you I am amazed at what exercise has done for me - my life is transformed. And the weird thing is I did not believe anyone who tried to tell me so.:tongue:
    I have DH'S patience and encouragement to thank for a lot of this, though it took me a long time to get the message, becoming almost immobile through weight gain and joint troubles. I know now that he was really worried for me - I had the physical abilities of an 80 year old.
    Many days I sail through the exercise, other days I curse and moan the whole way through, but I still do it. Some days I consider it a blessing, other days a life sentence with no reprieve.:laugh:
    I just hope I can keep it up for as long as possible.:love:

    Heather in still dry and sunny Hampshire UK
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Get back with it. Your not buying bigger clothes I said so.

    Before calling repair man check that the hose is not disconnected happened to me. But hubby is a fixer upper.

    I hear you full well on crackers and bread. I'm a lover of those to. Just to easy to make a sand.

    Blueberries like a sandy soil.
    Memorry foam works wonders on old mattress. I did that.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Oops forgot to put in my day. Which so far is great. For those of you not on my home page I will share this with you.
    Yesterday my day was under 1000 calories this morning my blood sugar was at 10.4. I had to see my nurse practioner this morning. She explained to me if your not giving your body enough it will keep what you gave it. Giving me a .9 of a gain this morning. And about the high blood sugar. If your blood sugar drops it will give it a boost of insulin to bring it up. So darn why is this body so hard to understand.

    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Sylvia your trip sound amazing!

    It will a few more days before our son move in with us. I tried to make some room in our guest room. Hopefully he gets back on his feet quickly and is able to afford to live on his own.

    We are having a delightful week weather wise. No rain in the forecast, so I am trying to get outside painting projects done.

    Today starting the prep work for outdoor painting projects, so tomorrow I can do the priming.

    2014: Contentment

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • beckyb527
    beckyb527 Posts: 5
    Busy morning and afternoon here - cleaning, running errands and went with DH to the ortho doc to see about his shoulder. Inflamed joint from clavicle to shoulder, needs PT 3x a week for a month and then goes back for a follow-up visit.

    Had a good breakfast - went to Red Robin for lunch, had a cheeseburger and iced tea. Having salad for dinner so I should be okay calorie wise. Lost 3.6lbs on my first week and that's motivation to keep me going :)

    Florida Becky
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia, I love hearing of your trip to Seattle and beyond. New England and the Pacific northwest are two of my dream areas to visit. I have two cousins who live in Seattle and their entire family have their annual family reunions there and it is always so beautiful. I love the old light houses. How is your brother doing. I think about him often. My friend who's sister has the same disease is having problems with her new lungs. They are fine but she is having a problem with rejection and they recently did a surgery to wrap the stomach around the esophagus. HUHHHH????? It is supposed to got down on the gastric acid and help with antirejection. Apparently it is used with great results just an awful surgery.

    I am going to have to get a new lap top eventually also. My SIL who is a huge Mac fan, I'm sure started drooling when I asked him to be on the look out for a refurbished Mac lap top. His lap top is about 20 years old and he does routine maintenence on it but it is good as new. But he knows how to add more memory and everything which I don't. I'm just glad for my antivirus I have on my laptop as it tells me of threats all the time and removes them for me. But about a month ago I thought I needed to take this poor thing to an ICU for lap tops.

    Tomorrow is my appointment with the cardiologist. I was going to talk to her about making sure she talks to my husband when he is there for him but he is going with me tomorrow. So I told her nurse today when she called to get a history on me. I appreciate a phone call for that instead of you going and filling out those pages of paper work. She thought it was very interesting that this doctor had put a pacemaker in my Mom and wanted to know what that was for. I am hoping that she doesn't think it is anything familial. Did I mention I don't like appointments at 9 AM???? I am not up at that time. I don't know how you all do it.

    I invented something wonderful in my dreams last night. I invented a double scooter, a scooter that is directly connected to another scooter or wheelchair. They can be unlocked and used seperately if desired. It wouldn't be like the motorcycle side car because of the width of it. My Mom hated for my sister or myself to use a wheel chair in a store for her. She said that at times both of us use either a wheel chair or scooter ourselves and how could we have the strength to push her. She never could understand that the power comes from the wheels! Jo-Annes had a scooter but she was to nervous to operate it and go around the corners. So with this invention I could use a scooter and have her in one behind me!!!! Plus at a place like Holiday World both my husband and I could have a scooter.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Very nice first week.

    you need to get busy getting that scooter pattened.

    Well so far great day. Hope to see a loss come morning.

    Linda in Northern Ontario
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Hubby was gonna grill out,rain had other plans.
    Felt good.I finished buying my last special kid his school supplies.So 5 kids got some supplies .
    Hope you are having a good day.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    DeeDee - saw your comment about a rash. What about purpura? I've had issues with that, especially in the summer, when walking a lot. Had a terrible case on vacation the first time -- lots of heat and lots of walking.

    Off to work,
    Gail, metro ATL

    Hi Gail,

    My dermatologist told me it's called "golfers vasculitis" . I had it last July too, she said It's from walking a lot in the heat and humidity. It doesn't hurt, it doesn't itch, it just looks like a red rash that's not raised. She gave me a prescription for a steroid cream, told me to elevate my legs and cold compresses help too. Last year it was gone in about 3 days, she told me to cut back on walking for a few days until it went away. It doesn't happen in the winter time. Being in Atlanta you get all the heat and humidity too. Thank goodness it's been really nice here today, no humidity , and temp was 79 today. Unheard of for July in the south :laugh: .
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Gotta share a hubby story.
    Rained screwed up his plans to grill out.
    Goes to me,why not throwing meat in the crock pot,mine you it`s 430.Meat doesn`t cook in a 1/2 hour.