

  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 462 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Back to working out today. I did some yoga, strength training for upper body, treadmill is next. I will do some laundry then work on my art project this afternoon.

    Sylvia, belated happy birthday. Your trip sounds wonderful!

    Linda, congrats. I'm pushing you too!

    Michele, ((hugs))).

    Gloria, congratulations on your weight loss!

    Hugs to all I missed. Have a wonderful week everyone!

    Cindy in OK
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia:smile: Happy belated birthday :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: !

    YannieJannie:smile: Sure hope you're feeling better today:flowerforyou: !!!

    Just really saving my place:ohwell: . I'm so busy right now I can hardly stand myself:angry::grumble: !!!

    Heather:smile: Thank you for describing your trip:heart: , I'm going to read about it again and again, then close my eyes and picture myself there:bigsmile: , I think that will be the only vacation I get this year.

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: !!!

    Crazy DeeDee in NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Happy Monday,

    Cynthia hope you have a good trip.

    Heather the spinach and feta pie sounds delicious.

    Alison good luck with your dad. He and you have difficult decisions to make. Prayers.:flowerforyou:
    Hope your hip pain is better.

    Gloria I understand about computer frustration. We bought a chrome book that kept booting us off the internet until we changed to a different security setting. We were close to sending it in for repairs. Love computers until something goes wrong.:grumble:

    Patty sorry about the tea. Yesterday one of my hanging plants fell, so know the frustration of cleaning up a mess you did not expect.

    Linda sounds like a fun weekend. Congrats on the milestone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Today I am going to go splurge on some new sheets. Got a 20% off with an additional $10.00 off. A good way for me to deal with the anxiety of my son moving back home rather than hitting the cookies. Besides I haven’t bought new sheets in twenty years. It is time.:smile:

    Today getting ready for my son to move back in with us, so tomorrow when he does it hopefully will go more smoothly.

    2014 word:contentment
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I hate being separated from my dog. :frown:

  • beckyb527
    beckyb527 Posts: 5
    Afternoon - been a busy morning, worked on laundry and cleaned the upstairs, vacuumed the stairwell, Spot Botted some areas of the carpet from the kitties and their hairballs (blah!) and went to the grocery. Worked up a nice sweat for two hours of work :wink: Tomorrow I'll be cleaning the bathrooms and Wednesday the downstairs. I do this every other week (its just DH and I and our two cats Boodles and Bea) and other chores in the weeks between. My schedule lets me stay on top of everything so I don't spend hours a day cleaning :).

    My afternoon is free (yay!) will probably scrap for a bit and maybe read. If we are rain free - will do a 20 minute walk with DH this evening. Will be back to the gym Wednesday afternoon or on Thursday.

    Time for more water! Enjoy your day!

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Many congrats to Linda, Gloria on your weight loss:flowerforyou: and Sylvia for the steps!:flowerforyou: Great going all of you.:drinker:

    My oldish (5 yrs) laptop is so slow, especially at booting up, but when I suggested droping it off to a computer doctor in the next village DH looked very suspicious.:ohwell: I can't afford a new one right now.:ohwell: I love my tablet and unless I have to print something I use it all the time.:happy:

    The dark clouds have been circling all day, but no rain. I guess DH is delighted. No, Katla, you can't play cricket in any rain at all.:frown: Sussex had downpours with hail and floods, trains cancelled from power outages, London had floods and hail, but not a spot here.:cry: But it was cooler today so I've only watered the pots.
    No rain forecast for tomorrow.:cry: Lucky DH! ! ! ! ! ! !:tongue::love:

    I've eaten ok today so far. Hope I can keep it going.:tongue:

    Love Heather in cloudy Hampshire UK
  • FaithLoveHealth
    FaithLoveHealth Posts: 5 Member
    Who do I join the women ages 50+ group forum? I'm 66 yrs old.
  • ejcg4mine
    ejcg4mine Posts: 10
    What an inspirational forum. I will be 50 in November but would like to join now. :wink: :heart:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    To all new ladies who want to join. If you post, that means we get to keep you!!!!! You are already a member just by posting. Welcome and tell us a little about yourself.

    I slept over 12 hours last night. Oh it felt so good. I didn't sleep well Thursday or Friday nights, up more times than in bed, got home pretty late Saturday night and got up early Sunday morning for church so I got up at 1:30 PM. Yep, PM. Charlie knew to leave me alone. The cat walked on my head once but I just pushed her away and went back to sleep. Today I am catching up on some things that needed to happen in the bathroom that had not happened for 3 days. YIKES, that felt good. Thinking back over our weekend with the family I am mighty proud over how I chose to eat. I really didn't need to eat the ice cream but I chose to take my 'bites' with a spoon instead of just taking bites out an ice cream cone and did not eat the waffle cone at all. And I did need the carbs and protein at that time of day. I was sitting on that music show saying to myself that what I wanted was to just go back home. But I knew the family wasn't done, just my husband and I. The carbs and protein helped me. well the time in the shade did to and the fact that I was getting Charlie into an activity that at least we would enjoy a teeny bit. And I knew that after I perked up a bit then the activities I enjoyed the most in the water park, the water roller coasters were still to come. And then yesterday I had just tiny amounts of cake and ice cream, gave the rest away and left a small piece for Charlie.

    Charlies dentist office called this afternoon and said that his partial plates would not be done until Thursday. He will be a little disappointed as he was looking forward to getting them tomorrow. But such is life. Wednesday is my appointment with the cardiologist about my fainting spells. Am looking forward to it. I am also going to have to talk to her about when she sees Charlie that he really wants her to look at him instead of me. I worked with her professionally, she is the one who put Mom's pacemaker in. So she has been used to looking at me. But he resents it and I need to bring it up. Of course the best way to handle it would be for him to confront her but he won't do that. He will just bottle it up. MEN!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Thank you all for the pushes. And the congrats. Doing well today went for a ride to see for blueberries not all ready yet but there will be some. Not like some years but some.

    Eating so far it's almost 4:30 and I'm at just over 400 calories for the day. I'm making Chilli with left over spaghetti sauce for Supper so should be ok.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Well it’s a Monday for sure. Bad day for eating and for activity. I got talked into pizza last night and haven’t felt well all day! I think I ate one too many pieces! I feel blah and unmotivated. I have got to get off this bad motivation track! It was beautiful here today; high in the low 80s with low humidity. Very unusual for July here. I went into work and my biggest accomplishment was reading and deleting 636 emails. GAAAA

    Sue: have a wonderful trip. Glad the biopsies weren’t necessary

    Joyce: that’s too bad about you and Charlie having such different tastes in activities. I am with you; I don’t feel warmth at the mega-churches.

    Yanniejannie: good to hear you are feeling better. I am so glad DH is willing to do the driver’s lessons. I would never be able to do it, especially with DD#1 who still can’t drive! As an old ED nurse, I used to say that everyone who came to our ED had Ebola until proven otherwise. It got a laugh but was a good reminder to use the proper precautions when caring for patients

    Gail: your dinner sounds de-lish!

    Renny: feel better soon!

    Cynthia: nothing is better than a good dog or house sitter (and cat sitter!)

    Heather: wow you are creative! I would never have thought of that!

    Patty good for you to take a personal day

    Lin; congrats on being in ONEderland!!!

    Sylvia: sending more birthday wishes!

    Katla: is that a new picture? I love it

    Faith; you joined just be posting!

    Ejcg: you joined too!

    Well I am off to spray some bug spray on my day lilies….i have creepy crawly aphids on them and they are doing quite the number on them. Tomorrow I will have to spray my roses for black spot. The aphid spray has to dry for 24 hours and most of my day lilies are right next to the roses, so I don’t want to spray them (using a hose sprayer) and wash off the bug spray. Also time to spread “rabbit be gone” around my black eyed susans and asters. Take care, Meg from sunny Omaha
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Who do I join the women ages 50+ group forum? I'm 66 yrs old.

    You join simply by posting. Keep coming back often to get to know people. You can find us again under Community, My topics. and women 50+. Welcome.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Welcome to the new ladies.:drinker: :flowerforyou:
    No word on the townhouse,think landlord is still lot.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Read this far
    you will get back with it Life sometimes gets In the way.
    hope you find a place soon

    All is well here sold my first basket of blueberries for this year.
    Had a great diet day.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,780 Member
    Patty ... I decided not to go to work today either!

    It was a rainy, gloomy day here. My son's boss told him not to come in (son does nursery work outside), husband called off too and older son was still home from the weekend. So we just all stayed home. Unfortunately, did not get much done!! But I think we all needed a day off.

    Hip has been bothering me all weekend. Can sit and lay down but not stand on it?? Had to go grocery shopping this afternoon ... too many people home with nothing left in the refrigerator ... and the constant walking seemed to alleviate the pain somewhat. Hope it heals itself. Can't think what I did but maybe stretch it too much at the gym on Friday?? I can't afford to be off my feet.

    Diet went kerplooie again over the weekend... but today was better. I really need to get back to my lowest weight ... remember, I've given away all my old clothes! And there's no way I'm going to buy bigger sizes again!!

    Hello to the new gals ... Faith and ejcg!

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good eve. we both got some things done around the house today. DH painted the step into garage & put down a wide strip of ,whatever it's called,like sand paper? Keeps it from being slippery. he also did some sorting in garage & we both enjoyed the weather,cool & no humidity. TV keeps saying Fall weather. Going to be the same all wk.

    I bleached counters,used sweeper,cleaned the fridge & stove. Left laundry for morn.
    Had BLT sandwiches,so good with DDs fresh veggies from her small garden. Tomor it will be bean soup.Have been hungry for that.....will simmer in slo cooker.

    Younger DD is having knee scoped in the morn. Her hub will be with her & keep us informed. Hope all goes well.

    :smile: Michelle,we have family on Merritt Is & in So Fl...... Coral Springs. Grdaughter & BF head for Key West when he has a wk end off.
    DH called service for our fridge,less than a yr old. seems to be working fine,but isn't making ice.Repair guy will be here tomor.

    I'm off to read till bed time. Pat in Ohio
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did about 20 minutes of yoga, held my plank for 2 min 30 sec and then took the extremepump class. Tomorrow the plan is to do a spinning downloadable workout

    yanniejannie - it's so hard when your kids make something that has a lot of fats etc in it. You really need to try their food, but you don't want to. I remember once (a few years ago) Bryan made something, and I remember he used heavy cream in it. I had only a little but I still felt bad, it was good and I know that he wanted me to have more, but I just didn't want something that heavy. Glad you're feeling somewhat better now

    Pat - This may sound mean, but I love it around this time of the year. So many people will give you things from their garden. The bad part (sort of) is that there aren't pesticides so they go bad faster. But that also means that you need to eat them faster!

    Joyce - how thoughtful of you to eat cake and ice cream for Sylvia...lol

    Heather - how I wish Vince would eat the spinach and feta pie! How many servings does it make? Maybe I can make one for myself if it doesn't make too many servings. How do you determine how many calories you've burned? I never go by what those machines say, they are always off. And I know that I'm burning more calories when I sprint than when I recover, yet the machines calculate the calorie burn as if I was going at a steady pace all the time.

    Linda - yea for being under 200!

    Sylvia - I agree with you, I had Windows XP and really liked it. Actually, there are a lot of companies that still run XP

    katla - I just wonder what has changed so much with Bryan? I'm sure that I'll get over this, it just hurt so much when he told us that he wanted nothing more to do with us and that I wasn't allowed to talk to Diana. Maybe she has no desire to get to know us? I have his card in the car to take to the post office tomorrow. I'll go to the Y, then take things to the soup kitchen, then go to the post office, then to Lynette's office.

    The weather was just gorgeous today. After the extremepump class I came home and you'll never guess what we did. But the end IS in sight. We got most of the places where the rock settled over the winter filled in. To use up the rock we have, we're going to put some behind the one retaining wall. This will probably help Vince since he won't have to mow there. Tonight mahjongg.

    FaithLoveHeal and ejcg7mine - welcome! You joined by posting. You'll meet a lot of really wonderful ladies here

    Meg - It never ceases to amaze me how when you get used to eating healthy foods, something not-so-healthy really impacts you, just like the pizza did. You probably could have just a little now and then you wouldn't feel "blah". I know that's how it is with me.

    jane - keeping good thoughts for you.

    At mahjongg this one gal made some sorbet. I wound up giving most of mine to another gal, but I did have, oh maybe 1/2 cup. It was interesting, had black pepper in it and balsamic vinegar. It was raspberry flavored

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: This has been a beautiful day and I’ve enjoyed time working in my yard---I’m working on a project that involves digging up a lot of rocks to get an area ready for planting something either in the fall or spring. Today we finished the last of the projects involved in updating our will by adding the new executor to the list of people who can access our safe deposit box…..it was challenging because one of the signers has been out of town for months.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 17,000 steps today
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Pat out icemaker has been out of whack for quite a while but I like it that way. The ice is not totally hollow but pretty much so and I prefer it that way. Some one said there is probably air in the line. But it's easy to chew that way and the water doesn't seem to be as freezing when I drink it as it is with solid ice. But it's also bipolor. Right now it is in the main phase, doesn't usually last long. But it sure makes the ice fast. It usually stays in the depressive stage and makes about a mug full a day and we supplement with ice trays. Sorry to offend anyone who suffers bipolar diseas or has a family member who has it. We have several family memebers who have it and with all of our other ailments we have in the family we have found one way to deal with lifes challenges is to make light of them,

    I was just talking to Charlie tonight as we were out and I saw a KFC. their recent commercial has them selling a box meal of a piece of chicken, large mashed potatoes, cookie and drink. I told him that since n this diet for almost 2 years I have no desire for that sausage and onion pizza that we had at least once a week. But those mashed potatoes and cookie! It's those nasty carbs that I absolutely crave. And it's the breads, crackers, cookies, stuff like that. Or shall I say junk like that.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    We just got back to the room after a busy, busy day.

    We took the ferry from Bremerton to Seattle. I set the navigator on the phone to "pedestrian" and told it to take us to the Monorail.(I've wanted to ride the monorail since I was six and saw it on tv when they had the worlds fair.). So, it got just so far and told us to turn right and go four blocks. Trouble is, there was a building in the way. Turns out Seattle has an elevator to take pedestrians from a really low street to a higher street (up the hill) where there is a big market. Poor lady in the phone couldn't figure that out. Neither could we till somebody explained it. We rode the Monorail over to the Space Needle and rode the elevator to the top. It was awesome! (Again, something I'd always wanted to do.). Then we went back to the waterfront and hubby got fish and chips from a shop on the street, and I got a Subway sandwich, and we took our lunch onto the ferry for the return trip.

    When we got back to Bremerton, we hit a little snag. Neither of us could remember where we parked the car. We had a ticket stub from the machine in the parking garage, but it didn't tell us where! We wandered aimlessly, scratching our heads and amusing the locals, till we finally went into a waterfront hotel and asked if anybody could tell from the stub. The desk clerk took pity on us and told us what the code meant and where to go to find the car.

    Then, we set out for Mt Ranier. It was totally, spectacularly, awe-inspiringly, fantastic! We drove up to the Visitors Center about halfway up the mountain, stopping every few feet to take more pictures. I was more than happy to climb no higher than the gift shop on the second floor, unlike my fiasco on Mt. Olympic. The sun was setting as we were leaving, and I turned around and the mountain had turned pink in the sunset. More pictures.

    We didn't get dinner till almost 9:00, when we stopped at a supermarket for two deli sandwiches and some peaches. Yummy. Now we are snuggled safely back in our room (same room as last night). I only did 13,100 steps today. Slacking off!

    Good night everyone!
