

  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    I read the last two pages of posts - will have catch up more later. The activity level probably won't simmer down around here until after my nephew's wedding on Sunday. Lots of family coming in so things will be hoppin'. Kim mentioned that we in Northern California are starting a 3-day heatwave. Oh no. It's an outdoor wedding at Wente Winery in Livermore. Just checked the weather forecast: high of 95. Urgh. Oh well. My friend went to a wedding at Wente last year in June. The temp was 105 at 6 pm. I'll take that 95.

    I'm struggling a little with the "no added" sugar goal. Sometimes, I just plain forget. Had a gluten-free pancake this morning (to keep my DGD with Celiac company). Make it with Stevia. Good there. Then put syrup on it (not too much and at least weighed it :laugh: ) then ate it. It wasn't until I was entering food on MFP that I realized I'd just eaten added sugar. :noway:

    Beth, my nephew had bad migraines – aura, losing vision, the whole thing. On his own, he learned that if he avoided ALL additives, he did much better. After he changed his diet, he had almost no migraines. He still avoids nitrites, nitrates, all other preservatives, food coloring etc. Your son might try that. It was amazing, really. Worked better than any pain or migraine meds he’d tried.

    Margaret, dancing in the park sounds wonderful.

    Heather, so many good things on your plate (so to speak). Your vacation sound intriguing. I’m looking forward to hearing more about it.

    Cynthia, I’m hoping you will find the right treatment for your dog. OOO Update: I’m so glad to hear it was just a bladder infection. Yay!

    Welcome, Gina, and all others who are new to MFP. Little by little, I’m moving toward my goal weight. I’m actually down about 100 lbs from my high (and low) point 13 yrs ago. I have another 60 or so to go to get to where I’d like to be. So I relate! When I eat right (lots of veggies and no (or almost no) added sugar) the scales move in the right direction. Exercise is next.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Mimi, it is so good for me to hear of a person after they have had a successful ablation. I took care of them before and directly after but then we lose track of them. I imagine you are so elated, delighted, dancing inn the streets, etc.

    Watching this weeks Extreme Weight loss. I can't imagine anyone losing 94 pounds in 90 days!

    I have enquired before as to whether they would let me store extra cold gel packs in a freezer section at the amusement park. And it'sa no. They don't allow personal coolers but with a doctors order I could have a small one. I did that once and I had to make room on the foot board of my scooter for it. By the time I needed to put them in my cooling vest they were no longer ice cold and then the vest was just a burden because it was no longer beneficial to me. They have these awesome misters around the park and I take advantage of those. I also have a fan that is a mister. Problem is my youngest grand daughter loves to use it. The water can be refilled but the battery does run out. I know I can carry an extra set of batteries in my bag which is getting packed now! I have my sunscreen, small container of shampoo, fan, batteries and iPad! Glad it goes across my shoulders.

    Joyce, INdiana
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Just exhausted today.All the stress.:ohwell:
    No word form the landlord on the townhouse,he is oot,so hope that`s it.
    I have to get let it go,getting too stressed about this.
    Water is working.Boy,don`t realize how much you miss things,that you take for granted.:drinker: :drinker:
    I do appreciate all of you.Thanks for all the wishes and prayers for the housing situation.It means a lot to me.
    Trying to get caught up after being at Violet`s 4 days.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Beautiful cool day.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Whoops, just ate 200 over TDEE, but it could have been worse. We were eating outside, in the middle of the fields, as the sun went down in an orange blaze behind the trees.. Magic..:bigsmile:

    We have decided to avoid the coast tomorrow as the traffic will be terrible with this heatwave. We will go to Great Dixter, a house and garden I have seen featured on the TV. The garden designer is very famous and very eccentric! The house has mediaeval origins and was adapted by Lutyens, one of my favourite architects. Should be a great day with our meal out in Battle in the evening. (Battle of Hastings 1066) :laugh: I wonder if we can eat breakfast outside. I bought local organic eggs and remembered to bring eggcups.

    Happy days. We must cherish every moment. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Heather in deepest Sussex UK
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    Cynthia – Levi and I talked and are sending a (((hug))) and big lovey lick to you and furbaby
    Oh good treatable !!! :smile:

    0409Gina – welcome !!! we are all chatty and supportive.. Where are you from?

    Mimi – no heart meds ---awesome!

    Patty – any bit down is (or should be) a celebration….

    Dr. Katie & Tina – thanks! Glad I am not the only check book crazy!

    MNMargaret – coleus are very pretty plants…

    Katla or Sylvia – do you have a spare DH to do my banking issues? I would love love love that!:drinker:

    Heather – what a great outing! Sounds like so fun and what a great sunset!

    Carol – so glad you had fun with your friend, maybe you can figure out how to see each other more often?

    Vicki – great job walking the dogs and home from work…

    Joyce – hoping for lower temps or a cool breeze for you…

    Today was the final day of camp -- and Joyce we made fudge!!!! and I had a piece that was about 1 inch by 1 inch--- discussed texture, consistency and sent the rest home with the kids!!! Well I checked in and no lose but NO GAIN and I am really happy about that, So now back to being more able to control my world and get the weight headed back down.

    Kim from N. California where it is 95 F (35C)in the shade on my back patio at 2pm...
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244

    I'm struggling a little with the "no added" sugar goal. Sometimes, I just plain forget. Had a gluten-free pancake this morning (to keep my DGD with Celiac company). Make it with Stevia. Good there. Then put syrup on it (not too much and at least weighed it :laugh: ) then ate it. It wasn't until I was entering food on MFP that I realized I'd just eaten added sugar. :noway:


    When I have my "healthy pancakes", I use a little pure maple syrup.lower glycemic.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: Kim, I am like you…..I will take all the time necessary to balance my checkbook---even a small error is not OK for me

    :bigsmile: Mimi, congrats on your good results at your post op appointment…..having a modest portion at a restaurant is a good solution when you have no choice about going.

    :flowerforyou: Cynthia, what a relief that it was a treatable condition for your precious fur child

    :flowerforyou: Laura, cleaning out drawers and closets is such a satisfying enterprise.

    :flowerforyou: Gina, welcome…….you have come to the right place…take it one day at a time…..gratitude is a great tool for weight loss and health

    :bigsmile: Heather, your trip sounds great

    :heart: Jane, thinking continued good thoughts for the home you need.

    :flowerforyou: The rain is gone and the weather is mild and sunny…..had a great walk with the dogs this morning followed by a fun line dance class with two brand new students. We always laugh a lot. After lunch I took a walk with a friend and then took a nap with Jake and all the pets.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 25,000 steps today

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of the deep water class after taking my aluminum to the Humane Society and then going to Bi-Lo. Tomorrow's plan is to do Jari Love's Extremely Ripped DVD.

    katla - I'm sure things will work out for Lexi. We had to have the radioactive isotope treatment done to PJ and Sadie, and both times it was successful. And since she wasn't real bad (certainly not as bad as Sadie, with him he would wake Vince up at 3 in the morning to fill the food dish, we never noticed Lexi having an increased appetite) Thanks for your good thoughts

    Joyce - you went a year between cataract surgeries??? Vince is going for cataract surgery on the 31st. He was wondering what they did with his glasses. Right now, if he were to put those glasses on after the surgery, it would be a fuzzy mess. One eye is OK, the other eye needs the correction. What did you do in the interim? I didn't think the cataract could come back, at least that's what we were told. Happy birthday to Charlie

    Kim - Vince slept in the back bedroom last night. I know in a sense that he really wanted to sleep in our bed, but Lexi many times will curl up against him. Now if she sleeps at the end of the bed with me, that's probably OK since there's space between us. Actually, when I woke up this a.m. she was sitting in my chair by the computer. I know that she's feeling better now that she's home. I'll probably have a salad tonight and put egg whites in it and give her the yolks (they are hard boiled). When you dust the cake with powdered sugar, do you have to sift it first? I would think you would. Hey, maybe that's something that I'll do right now.

    mimi - so glad your EKG was so good.

    CynthiaT60- good thoughts for your furbaby. So glad it's something treatable

    Gina - welcome!

    Patty - how I do hope that guy doesn't get out.

    Katie and Kim - Vince has some OCD in him and he's an accountant. If the checkbook is off a few pennies, he HAS to find them. Same here, our kids don't understand why we don't just go along with what the bank says.

    Margaret - key lime coleus -- sounds interesting. Is it a high maintenance plant? How hardy is it?

    Bryan sent me an email yesterday saying that he'd call today and asked if I found his credit card info. I guess I should get "unbusy". Well, he somehow found the time to give us a call today, only when he called I was in the pool and Vince was in the bathroom so no one answered the phone. He left a message saying that he'll call tomorrow. I suspect he will since he wants his credit card stuff. If we're outside working when he calls -- oh well.

    Joyce - I was going to suggest making the ribs in the crockpot, too. I made them one time for Vince and they, literally, fell off the bone. The good thing was that I didn't have a big bone to put in the freezer...lol Have fun at the water park.

    Sylvia - it's been years since I've balanced a checkbook. I always did it before we got married, but with Vince being a retired CPA, he takes care of most of the financial things.

    I just realized that this whole summer I didn't buy ANY ice cream (for me). When I want something cool, I've been having grapes that I have frozen.

    Vince put up the speakers out by the pergola while I was laying in the pool. Then I vacuumed the spa and we added more air to my float. Tonight we're supposed to go see a magician. My thought is if he's good, I'm going to try to get him for a social for the Newcomers. Every year they had a gala, and to be honest it's pretty well worn itself out. Fewer and fewer people were attending. There is this one lady who thinks it's just fantastic, but the numbers don't lie

    Vicki - so sorry you have that blister. That can be a real pain. Can you wear flipflops? The lasagna cupcakes were not all that bad to make. I found that a mini muffin pan worked best. You put a wonton wrapper in the muffin holder, a dab of ricotta cheese, then some ground beef that you've already browned, then a dab of spaghetti sauce, on top of that a dab of mozzarella cheese. The original recipe calls for adding mushrooms and parmesan cheese -- that I didn't put in. You bake them at 375 for 18-20 minutes. Each "cupcake" has 165 calories, 6g fat, 15g protein, 1g fiber. Actually, I think the ones I made have lower nutritionals because these are for "cupcakes" using a full size cupcake tin. I just wanted to make something bite sized. The original recipe also calls for two layers, and I only did one. These are something that are "finger food". I was depressed when Paul McCartney got married!!!

    mimi - I know this sounds weird, but it seems that the scales move for me if I have some silken tofu with Hershey's cocoa at night or some no-sugar-added applesauce. I seem to want to munch at night, and this seems to help. Strange, I know. Hope it continues. The Wii says it because it's easily digestible foods

    Heather - thank you so much for letting me live vicariously thru your posts. They are a real joy

    Kim - I've made fudge before and always seem to have a problem with the consistency. What's the secret? Horray no gain!

    Went to see the magician tonight. Really, he's more of a comedian with some magic thrown in. Now I'm going to email him to see how much it would be to organize a Newcomer function.

    Michele in NC
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,780 Member
    Mimi ... thanks for the migraine information. It confirms what we suspect with my son. We have eliminated all the things you mentioned and have seen dramatic improvement!

    I'm a checkbook balancer as well! Worked on that all morning and still off by .18 cents! Haven't given up on it yet!

    Went to the gym but ended up overeating today. Plan to do better tomorrow. We're participating in a fundraiser walk for The Independence Foundation ... an organization that helps those with physical disabilities live self-directed, independent lives. My older son is a beneficiary of their generosity.

    Heading off to bed!
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Saturday here and just walked the dog for 70 minutes this morning. Cleaning house this afternoon.
    I have only been walking, cleaning house, sorting files, wardrobe and drawers this week. Back to training next week.
    In Tasmania we are lucky and have heirloom tomatoes: black, tiger striped, red, orang, yellow and all colour in between. We grow and buy them all, just as tasty
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Kim, the doctor did my worst eye first. Well, it was the cataract that had matured the most. My vision in the other eye was good enough that I just wore reading glasses.

    Well my bag is all packed for tomorrow. I have my misting fan with extra batteries, printed off the tickets, sun screen, shampoo. So ready to go. Hoping temps stay down. Heat index is supposed to be 100. I am melting already. Now if I can go to sleep tonight. I usually got o bed at 1 or 2 and get up 3 times during the night.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    Michele – yes I just put some powdered sugar in a sifter or mess strainer and shake it over the cake or brownies, the trick for fudge is getting all the sugar to dissolve, this is the recipe I use:

    Fantasy Fudge
    3 cups white sugar
    ¾ cup butter or margarine
    5 1/3 oz evaporated milk
    12 oz semi-sweet chocolate pieces
    7 oz marshmallow crème
    1 cup chopped nuts (any variety) optional
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract

    Variations: Peanut Butter Fudge: replace the chocolate with 1 cup peanut butter. Mint Fudge: replace the vanilla extract with mint extract, add 1 teaspoon minced mint leaves.

    Combine sugar, butter, and milk in heavy 2 ½ quart saucepan bring to a full rolling boil. Stirring constantly – boil for 5 minutes, over medium heat. Remove from heat and stir in chocolate, marshmallow crème, nuts if desired, mint or vanilla extract, beat until well blended. Pour into 13x9 greased pan. Cool, cut into squares. Makes about 3 pounds.

    Hints: Have the chocolate chips , and the marshmallow crème open and ready to add, as the sooner they are added the easier it is to mix into the hot sugar mixture.

    Well it is 10pm and still over 80 degrees...:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: well I am staying up a bit and going to continue to sew...

    Kim in N. California
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Yanniejannie: so sorry you’re not feeling well. :flowerforyou:

    Katla: Apple all the way! Hope they keep being as fantastic as they have been until now.

    Alison: feeling any better? :flowerforyou:

    Jane: Definitely thinking of you! :flowerforyou:

    Carol: sounds like a fun lunch, and glad you’re feeling less stress about the house. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks so much to everybody for all the good wishes for my dog and me. Luckily we had a quiet night, so he must be feeling better. I’ve never had a bladder infection, but from what I understand they’re very painful. Poor guy. So I’m very happy he’s already feeling better. The morning “business” looked normal and he looked happier. Maybe the antibiotics are working fast. Also, the vet suggested getting as much fluid in him as possible, to “flush” the bladder out. So since yesterday he's getting canned food “soup” and I’m soaking his dry food in water as well. It’s been an eventful week, what with this and the surprise tooth extraction on Tuesday!

    Luckily it's not so hot anymore, though still humid.

    I went to find some shorts for vacation; none to be found (too late in the season, I guess), but when we get to Mom's we'll check at Kohl's. :bigsmile: I did get a pair of capri pants, two tops, and a summer dress, all two sizes smaller. We're going to hear my brother at one of his jazz gigs, and I imagine myself dancing in the summer dress. :glasses:

    Hope everyone has a good day!

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    hey ladies~ sorry I didn't check in yesterday, I am having trouble connecting to the internet on my lap top,I am running a different program so I am just popping in,
    went to the gym yesterday a.m. and was there for an hour, did get my 10,000 +steps in, and went to the picnic last night..I did go over my calories and wont even try and figure out what to put on there.. had a small salad no dressing a chicken cabob which was delish a very small piece of corn on the cob,but what sent me over was a sliver of fresh fruit of the forest pie,and a small dallop of giffords coconut ice cream.. I was doing so well, but have forgiven myself and am back on the right road...
    having my warm lemon water and figuring out what I will have for breakfast...
    We had an absolute blast last night though.. what a great group of friends....man they can put down the wine though,
    me I drank my water....;
    came home around 9 and fell asleep around 10 got up at 4:30, I should go for a walk right now, but think will walk this evening.. have to go to work for 7:30 working until noon.
    we are having some tree's taken down today so it will be a busy day
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Had the nicest Friday. Weather was Sooo nice. DD & SIL were here & she wanted to go to Plain City for cheese & fruit to take along on their vacation today.
    So off we went. Had great food at Der Dutchman.Their meat is just great.Ate too much,journaled & made it under the wire by 50 cals.:bigsmile:
    DH bought a small coconut pie to bring home.Family was on the road before daylight.Laundry & house is done,yard too,so this will be a lazy day to enjoy .Sun is shining & hummingbird is at the feeder.Gonna be a scorcher,time to read,post & do nothing.:smooched:

    Younger DD in Fl will have knee scoped Tuesday.Surgeon said to plan on 10 days off work.The head of nurses asked if she could "just come in,prop the leg up,work & take it easy?":noway:
    Her Dad flipped,told her to follow Drs orders & Mom ( me ) said they need a new DON there.Jobs these days are NOT what they used to be.Sorry for the rant.

    :smile: Alison,no advice to add,but happened to my hip once. Nothing seemed to make it better. Finally went away & hasn't returned.I would think twice about stretching that involves that hip.Maybe ease up on exercises for a while?

    :smile: Jane,here's hoping you soon find a place you like.

    :smile: Joyce,have a good ole time with family & ride to your hearts content.

    :smile: Carol,glad you are feeling better about your house.Good luck in moving on.

    :smile: Sylvia: Great NSV in the airline seats. Bet you smiled all the way.......you worked hard to earn it.

    :smile: Beth,sounds like your son is dealing with the migraines,good for him. Migraines are just miserable & hard for ppl to understand the effects.

    :smile: Welcome newbies.Grab a cuppa,settle in & read.There is a ton of info here that involves lots of gleaning.

    Going to get dressed,walk a bit. Have a nice wk end.
    Pat in Oh
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I have had a whirlwind of a week, it has been loud and very eventful. They put in my new driveway on Tuesday, (everything except the pavers, they go in next week) that was an all day long job, I finally got to drive on it yesterday:bigsmile: . The painters are moving right along, finally all the scaffolding is out of the house, now they're just using ladders. They moved my great room furniture back in the great room yesterday....looks wonderful now!!! My deck builder was here yesterday putting two coats of stain on the deck, can't put the furniture on it until Tues.:grumble: , I have been spending every early morning and late evening sitting out there. My garage is looking good, got shelves installed and some things organized:bigsmile: , a bit more to do in there yet. Monday they start painting in the dining room, and the laundry room, the kitchen and the bedroom will be next, then they move outside:bigsmile: !!! It will be so nice to have my house back!!!! The new patio and driveway pavers will start on Monday and should take about a week to a week and half to do, hopefully the painters will be finished in a week and half too!

    I have been doing good with my diet:bigsmile: , not logging my food but eating mindfully, drinking lots and lots of water:drinker: , my weight is moving down ever so slowly, but at least it's moving in the right direction:happy: !!!! I had my yearly dermatologist appt. on Thursday, all clear, no new skin cancers....YAY!!! My Dr. has called me the sunscreen queen, never leave home without it on!!! According to the nurse there I have grown an inch in height since the last time they measured me:huh: , I would call that a miracle, however I think she just measured me wrong, I've always wanted to be taller though:laugh: .

    Woke up this morning with a horrible headache, first one like this in a long time:sick: , pretty sure my allergies are responsible for it:grumble: . Will try to get back on here later today and reply to everyone, right now I need to get ready, I have a date for coffee this morning (wish I felt better:grumble: ).

    There are a few pics on my profile page of my kitchen, it's still not completely done, but you're all welcome to look if you want to.

    Have a wonderful Saturday ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: !!!

    DeeDee in gorgeous sunny NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Welcome newcomers:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Deedee kitchen looks wonderful . Enjoying my water and cup of coffee. Sorry you have to stay off your deck so long, the results will be worth it.:drinker:

    To all those sweltering in the heat may there be a break soon.:glasses:

    Michele coleus is an annual plant here is Minnesota and unfortunately is one of the first to go in a frost. I learned on the garden tour there are two kinds those that like sun and those that like shade. I think this key lime is one that like sun. They had it planted in a sunny spot. This variety is still in the experimental stage. If you prune them by cutting back to second leaf joint when they flower they can bush out. They also can get quite tall I have one in my yard that is 30 inches and still growing. I like that they add interest and color to our mostly shady yard. One of the gardeners showed me how to propagate them for next season. I am going to take cuttings in the fall and put in glass soda bottles until March then move them into pots until all chance of frost is gone. The ones she had in her garden were glorious. She also had wonderful geraniums. The picture I previously posted was a close up of one of her geraniums. Thinking of those tours gives me joy. That saying he who gardens plants happiness is so true. I have a plaque that says A gardens is filled with the music of life.

    Today I will prune in the garden so tomorrow I will have healthier plants.

    2014 word: contentment
    :heart: MNMargaret
  • beckyb527
    beckyb527 Posts: 5
    Hi - my name is Becky and I'm fairly new to FP. Thought I would check out the message boards to see if I could find a group over 50 and I did! I'm 53 and I need to lose 100-140lbs. I have battled weight issues my entire life, even when I technically wasn't fat but was bigger than girls my age. I'm 5"8 and between the ages of 16-21, I weighed anywhere from 130-144lbs. Not fat at all by today's standards but back in the 70's it was. I was bigger than all my girlfriends and had a horrible time trying to find cute clothes to fit me. At the age of 21 I joined the USN and barely made the weight cut off of 148 (I was 144)! By the time I finished boot camp I was down to 123lbs and for the first and only time in my life, my Mom said I was "too thin" - HA! It went down hill from there. My first year in the service I gained 40llbs and continued my way up each year. Here I am today at 280, feeling miserable, tired, with high cholesterol and high blood pressure with diabetes creeping around the corner. I started FP last week and going to the gym two weeks ago. It's a start! Looking for motivation and kindred spirits :happy:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Yanniejannie: I’ve not always agreed with Urban Spoon reviews, either. I chalk it up to the fact that everyone doesn’t like the same things. I know the reviewers are ordinary people like you and me, as they are for Trip Advisor. I even wrote a review of Portland’s Chinese Garden for Trip Advisor. I have a bone to pick with their “booking service” and spoke out about it.:flowerforyou:

    Tina in MD: Is “Good and Plenty” out in the country in a farm setting? I ate at a place like that in PA when I went there with a school group of 8th graders. The food was great, and I wasn’t working on getting healthy then. :wink: The woman in charge of the servers reminded me of my grandma and her sisters, all good German women.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Enjoy your Light House adventure.:flowerforyou:

    Carol: I’m glad your housework is substantially done and that you had a great time with your old friend.:flowerforyou:

    Vicki: I was/am an Elvis fan, too. He was a terrific singer, but didn’t do a decent job with his own health. Like many musicians, there was too much money and too many drugs. It still seems like a tragic waste to me. Michael Jackson is another tragic loss with similar circumstances. :cry:

    Joyce: I don’t personally think that Extreme Weight Loss is a good or healthy process for losing weight. 94 pounds in 90 days is too much, too fast. I don't see how it is healthy, sustainable, or teaches a person how to stay slimmer. :noway:

    Heather: You are so right to cherish every moment. I am trying and having gradually more success. :flowerforyou:

    Sorry Kim, I don’t have a husband to spare.:noway:

    DeeDee: Three cheers! The end of your project is in sight and I hope you enjoy your newly redone home thoroughly. Congratulations on the weight loss and mindful eating.:flowerforyou:

    Becky: Welcome to a great group.

    Newbies: This message board will close when it reaches 500 posts, but a new one will be opened. There will be a link at the bottom of this thread to take you to the new one. It looks to me like this could happen in the next day or two, maybe even today if we’re really chatty.

    DH has announced that he won’t/can’t fix the potty in the sailboat and I’ll need to hire someone to do it. I am NOT happy. :noway: :noway: I could have been trying to find someone for more than a week and it is lost time. We need to use the boat as a guest house in a very short time. It isn’t even 8 am yet, and I’ll call the local marina to see if I can get a recommendation for someone who can do the work about 9. I’ve been asking that this be done for weeks. :grumble: :explode: Right now his back is in spasms and I understand that he really isn’t feeling well enough to do the work. He does want to launch the fishing boat today.

    Grumpy Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    July Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Deciding this is a cold
    day three, hoping it clears and I don't end up with sinus infection and an antibiotic as I usually do. Sucked it up last night and rode my bike with DD on her short run; only about 5 miles but there was no humidity and the temp was perfect. Birds fed, bird baths cleaned, and watering finished for the morning. Enjoying a hot cup of decaf tea............skipped tai chi and yoga and the usual breakfast out, one plus of feeling "off"............not much appetite!!!

    Tina...........We'll be doing (hopefully) a kind of loop in the middle of the eastern part of Pa.
    up 81 after the drive (about 6hrs.) to the college (DD STILL hasn't gotten an email back for appt. BTW!!!) , visiting friends and family near Pottsville (not Pottstown.......people get them mixed up)..........FYI: Pottsville is home to the Yuengling Brewery
    oldest in the US. Camping at Knoebels Park
    absolutely lovely old, old family-owned park, going there was the highlight of every summer, growing up.........free parking, free admission, very reasonable prices, clean, never saw any behavior problems there, great rides, great food (no alcohol) , beautiful setting, huge pool, entertainment.........can y'all tell I love this place?????? On to World's End state park, then Bethlehem as DD wants to visit the Moravian Bookstore
    oldest bookstore in the US, then on to visit friends in Reading, down to Bel Air, Md. where a cousin is in a nursing home, then home ourselves..............ALL subject to change..........
    Glad Lancaster was a fun trip for you; I've eaten "family style" at places around there too.............and it was always fabulous!!!

    Heather......... Your barn and travels sound heavenly..........yes, I remember 1066 and learning about it in history class. Nice to know that someone who travels as much as you do is writing reviews for TA; I'm sure yours are spot-on and not like some of the ones Katla has encountered. Hope the music was at a low level for you last night.

    Katla.............Good for you for speaking out about online your booking issue!!! Hopefully, it's been corrected.

    Lesley...........Wow.............what colorful tomatoes!!! Mine have turned out to be orange, not yellow.........I was picking too soon and now they really do have a good taste.

    Cynthia..............Having been through many bladder infections, I can attest to the discomfort..............glad your dog is doing so much better; poor baby has had a rough time of it lately.........keep us posted on your trip plans......

    Dee Dee.............Kitchen looks marvelous from what I can see!!!! Enjoy!!!

    Michele............I'm positive you can grow coleus in NC...........if you google it you'll see all the amazing colors and shapes and sizes.......it can be gorgeous in a landscape...........

    Off for another mug of tea..........
    Stay Strong!
    yanniejannie....................sunny here...........