

  • I would def wear a heart rate monitor so you have a true estimate of the calories that you are burning.
  • Yes, I did the test and that is where I got the number from. I was just trying to figure out if 1340 is my BMR and I burn about 650 calories a day in exercise, if only eating a total 1200 or 1300 calories would be okay
  • It could actually be a good thing to not eat before morning cardio. If you do cardio on an empty stomach , first thing in the morning, your body will be burning more fat, since you have metabolized your food through sleeping. Fitness competitors always do morning cardio on an empty stomach to lean out.
  • If you are truly burning that much that means your body only has 200 calories left to work with. The calories left after you work out should not be below 1200. Chances are after losing weight for a little bit you will plateau because your body is in starvation mode
  • Your net calories are how many calories you take in after you include exercise. So, let's say you eat 1600 calories in a day, but you then exercise and burn 400 calories. Your net calories would only be 1200.
    in Net? Comment by amys07115 May 2012
  • One thing you might want to take that you can get at your local vitamin shop is a digestive enzyme. This helps to process all that protein!~
  • Okay, 5-6 small meals a day is best. You should be eating every 2-3 hours. I would need to know how many calories you need to consume in order to tell you what to eat throughout the day. The basics consist of this......every meal should have a complex card, lean protein, healthy fat, and fiborous vegetable. Without being…
  • Most people on clean-eating diets eat anywhere from 6-10 eggs. However, I would not sugges that those all be whole eggs. I would use egg whites like the egg white egg beaters you can purchase at the store. So, if you are going to have six eggs, use 1 or 2 whole eggs and then 4 egg whites. This will save you on the calories…
  • Yes, you should force yourself to eat more. You do not want your body to go into starvation mode. The best thing to do is choose higher calorie foods that still follow a healthy diet. Add in a grilled chicken breast, a protein shake, or an apple. Also, whole natural almonds are a great snack that are high in calories and…
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