wildehare Member


  • Oops, I forgot to mention. If you are getting tired of plain veggies, Get a nice assortment,--carrots, onion chunks, eggplant slices, mushrooms cauliflower, whatever, spray them with olive oil or Pam olive oil spray, sprinkle with salt and roast in a hot oven 450 to 500 degrees and keep tossing occasionally til they get…
  • I have the same problem sometimes. What I do is go to my food, log in EVERYTHING I ate while binging (that I can remember lol) . Put in your menu for the next day, forgive yourself for the bad day and move on to tomorrow . Make sure you are getting the right amount of calories for the exercise you are doing. Don't short…
  • Hi, How is everyone doing that posted here? I am new to MFP and also started gaining (24 lbs) after gastric sleeve surgery over two years ago. I still can only eat less that 1 cup of food at a time but I eat constantly. I started logging my food, tracking calories and exercising a week ago tomorrow thanks to this website.…
  • Same problem here-but with added physical abuse and sexual abuse by her live in boyfriend. I moved out at 17. Don't feel guilty cause you pay her bills. Move out and change your phone number. Hang up if she calls, walk away if she shows up or call the police if you have to. The fact that she is your mother doesn't stop her…
  • I think it's best to ignore rude people's posts. They are just looking for attention. Or, do what my old boss use to do. Everyone in the connversation just reply to the rude post with "Have a nice day". They will get tired of that being the only response and move on to try and rile someone else.....
  • I'm in too! Off to get a big bottle of Motrin.......:smile:
  • The Sous Vide I got for christmas! It makes even normally tough but really lean meat like eye of round roast REALLLY tender-like a good expensive steak without the fat. Chicken breasts come out great too-really moist and tender. If I wasn't trying to lose weight I would have this thing loaded and cooking all the…
  • I have been nearly at my goal over and over many times. All of a sudden I begin to overeat uncontrollably again. I finally got professional help and determined that I was undermining myself. Something in my past caused the problem that I have never been able to deal with openly. If you find yourself on this path, get help.…
  • I gave up all artificially sweetened products and my RLS (restless leg syndrome) went away. Seven Months later and still no problem. I have had RLS for many years.......No claim of a miracle cure-it just seemed to work for me.
  • 20 years together and still going strong!