I eat chocolate when I get stressed!!! :(
My fitness pal will for sure help,, u really makes u think about what your eating all day cuz when u log it you see how bad it is to you. Good luck.
Wow congrats on all ur hard work. Impressive.
Tats look good on woman!!!! Well not to total extreme tho, like covering up their face or something, u know.
9.. Nice smile,, plus you have a happy face...
I love my iPhone 4.... But I've Been hearing ppl say they have been having interal annteni problems,, plus I know two ppl that had to get their iPhones replaced because of that problem. Ya any phone can have problems but with apple products when something goes wrong you have to call apple and it's a huge pain,, then u have…
I get night time cravings a lot. What helps me not eat a bunch of sweets is I'll just simply go brush my teeth,, after I get the mint flavor in my mouth I don't want to eat sweet/ junk food anymore.
Plumber!!!!!! Prostitute, jk!!!!!!