

  • Hey, I don't have suggestions for you, just wanted to let you know I'm in a similar boat. I lost about 6 pounds (a bit more than that, actually, but I gained a couple of them back, so they don't really count), but that took over two months.... and every tenth of a pound is a fight at this point! If you're already at a…
  • Well said, mrd! I seem to see the same heated debate over and over again here, when, in the end, people are just going to keep having their own opinions and own preferences (as everyone is entitled to!). So perhaps it should just be left at that! After all, there is no one correct way. :) I love to read the helpful and…
  • I'm about the same height as you, and working on going from 138 to 125. I set my goal to 1 pound per week, and I either stick right to what it says, or go a little above. I guess I use it as a baseline, and try not to go below. I also eat everything I earn from exercise. Even though I follow the calories and balance of…
  • When I was in college, it was definitely tough with the cafeteria food, and trying to fit workouts around my class schedule, but I did at least okay on those fronts, if not fantastic. It definitely takes discipline, though, which is super hard when roommates are cooking brownies or something. My recommendation is to make…
  • I always eat them. I don't have a lot to lose, though, and my intake is 1200 per day, so at this level, I think it's important to eat them all.
  • I agree with others who said, you don't need to do anything differently. There is absolutely nothing wrong with turning down food when it's offered. If people want to get offended, that is their choice, and you shouldn't feel guilty. I think you're doing a great job--making healthy choices for yourself, and in a way,…
  • In Japan, it's listed in either g OR mg. Things like miso are high in sodium, so it will say 1.2 g, since that's easier than 1200 mg. Things less than 1 g are listed in mg. Just thought I'd share info about another country. :)
  • Thank you, I will check that out! :)
  • How do you get a ballpark figure for your calories burned, then, if I may ask? I am always looking for tips! :) Also, hmmm... what is the difference between using a machine to monitor my heart rate, versus monitoring it myself? I don't see that it would be so very different, since the result (knowing my heart rate in bpm)…
  • Thanks for the info Zebras... It's good to have at least one formula. That does seem a bit generous to me as well. Using that puts me over 300 calories burned for that single half hour! Hopefully some other people will chime in with formulas they know (I have a feeling every HRM manufacturer might have a proprietary…
  • One thing to think about is that 'lifestyle' change can mean different things for different people. For me, going from eating sweets everyday to eating only once in a while WAS a lifestyle change. :) A big one, hehe! If I want to cut out sweets completely, that, too, would be a lifestyle change from where I am now. Some…
  • That ice cream sounds amazing! *_* Maybe you can compromise and not add any toppings, just enjoy the ice cream for what it is? I know there are many opinions about indulging or not, but me? I say indulge. I am a big proponent of allowing a treat once in a while. And it doesn't have to be the end of the world--I have gone…
  • For as many health problems as exist in America, there are plenty of great health initiatives in America as well... As a country, sure, we have problems, and there's plenty that can be done to increase health; it's a work in progress, certainly. But as an American who lives abroad, I can tell you that other countries have…
  • Thanks for the link! Good info. ^-^
  • Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I mean, the way I see it, something like having unprotected sex is a lifestyle choice, and that can certainly have a big impact on your life/death. Speeding on the highways might be called a 'dangerous lifestyle' and could lead to deaths... Etc. Still, an interesting statistic.
  • Hmmm. Okay, thanks for elaborating! I would not have expected just nutritional choices to include such a high number as a statistic, I had other 'dangerous' lifestyles in mind... Hmmm. Very interesting to know!
  • Interesting statistic, thank you for sharing. :) How do they define "lifestyle" choice, though? That are many things that encompass a lifestyle, beyond what people choose to eat and drink. So I would take that to have a pretty broad meaning.
  • I have a limited membership, where I can go between 6 and 11pm five nights out of seven. It's 90 dollars... The joining fee was 100 dollars. A membership where I could use the gym any hours of the day, any day per week, would be anywhere from 150 to 250 dollars. If you think gyms in the US are expensive, move to Japan--it…
  • So true! I live in Japan, and let me tell you, grocery shopping, especially for vegetables and fruit, is a whole different story here. When grapes are in season, for example, I can get about thirty of them for four dollars. That's the cheapest they ever are! Broccoli is usually a couple dollars, apples are a dollar a piece…
  • Great post, thanks for taking the time to share this! Aww, hey now, don't be too hard on WW! *Laugh* It all depends on the person. My mom started WW years ago, and became so incredibly healthy, happy, and confident because of it. If someone is calculating how much junk they can eat on WW and still be within their points,…
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