Fat Friends



  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Just stay with it and do what you are doing. I was in a similar situation when I first started losing weight. I was already the "small" one when I got to a place when I was over being fat and I wanted to lose it all. After awhile, my friends started asking little tips from me and my two largest ones started losing weight too. Between the three of us, I'm pretty sure we have lost a person's worth of weight. :laugh:

    Co-workers are more difficult. Hopefully, they will get used to it and stop commenting. Mine still do even though it has been 2 years. However, recently I made a more to eat more cleanly and that is what caused it to start back up again.
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    In terms of office (and other acquaintances), since they are not good friends, when someone makes a comment and you don't want to engage in (for example, a negative comment about themselves), just smile (as your answer). What they are doing is more about themselves than about you. But misery loves company, and you don't want to join that group.

    In terms of your good friends, that's harder, and it really depends on how close you are to them. In terms of them commenting on how good you look, or how good you are, there are several things you can do.

    1) thank them for the compliment and move on to another topic quickly
    2) say "it's not that I'm being good, but I find that I crave salads more often now. I still have a hamberger now and then, but I don't like the way I feel afterwards...." It doesn't matter if this is true or not, you're changing the essence of the conversation from how good/bad comparison between the two of you to what you and she loves to eat and why. It will make the conversation more positive, or she'll change the topic.
    3) say "you know, I felt that way when I first started this process (doesn't matter if it's true or not) but if you really want to make changes because I think I'm sensing that in what you just said, I can tell you what has worked for me and a lot of people I know (i.e. MFP community). She's either really interested or not. In either case, you either help her with some suggestions, or she'll change the topic.
    4) (this is under special quiet one-on-one time in the most gentle and diplomatic way you can muster) just let your friend know that you're trying really hard, and want her support in the choices that you have made. You can say something like, I feel a little uncomfortable when I feel like my size is the topic of conversation more than I would like... yes, thank them for the compliment, etc. You know the drill, only use the word me or I, and never the word "you."

    Here's one more: and it can go on an extension of #3. If your friends really wants to be negative about her eating habits (go on and on about it) then you can say in the most positive way, "look, I know you, I know that if you put your mind to it, you can do it!!! YOu can do it!!! You can do it!!!" But, if you really want that hamberger, then hell, you better enjoy it girl. What's the point if you're not going to lover every bit of that juicy, yummy .... Come on, let's have a good time.

    Generally, they are probably looking for some kind of validation from you.

    This is good advice.
    I find that # 2 works really well for me. Because I really do love salads - big salads - lots of salads & raw veggies. I love the way I feel after I eat it. I love the crunchy flavors & if my mouth is coated with greasy hamburger, veggies don't taste so good. :wink:
    I love the way I feel after working out. I love feeling stronger.
    Here's my new mantra-
    :bigsmile: "I will never again be left watching everyone's stuff on the beach." :bigsmile:
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
  • dwnjjugalette
    Hey, i don't really have anything profound to say here, I just want to let you know you're not alone in this. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said "lifestyle change" I have found that fitness has really become a big part of my life, and people who do not have a similar lifestyle (either b/c they are fat and are not motivated enough to slim down... or they are naturally slim and don't understand that most of us have to work pretty hard just to maintain a "healthy" figure) just do not understand. they thin you spend too much time at the gym or are too worried about what you eat.. I think of it as sortof this excess baggage that you come with, that if you don't have it you just don't get it. Like having kids or something. you just don't understand the lifestyle/priority change until you experience it for yourself.

    Honestly, I have no good advice. I don't want to tell you to give up your friends, but this might be a good opportunity to make some new friends too.. talk to people at the gym who are working as hard as you are... it will give you some positive reinforcement, and possibly help you have some non-eating, more healthy social activities, to counter-balance the food-and-booze fests you have to sit through w/ your "fat" friends.. good luck, and keep up the good work! it's a big testament to you that you can break the unhealthy cycle with all that tempation around you!

    Okay, i totally agree with this post. And I have to say something. I am one of those girls who is in the middle. I have a bunch of super skinny friends that never do anything because they don't need to, and i also have a BUNCH of friends that are significantly overweight and "can't" seem to shed that weight. I would never give any of them up for all the money in the world, but that will never stop me from making new friends that are in my shoes (MFP users). I would really suggest that you talk to your 'fat' friends in a loving manner and let them know that you are sensitive to certain topics and you feel that you are always the topic of conversation.

    THE OFFICE- I know this situation all to well, my office is the same. What i do is i try to keep my headphones on so i don't even hear them offering the food to everyone. When they tap me on the shoulder to offer their goodies i just say 'oh, no thanks, i'm really not hungry right now' and go back to your music. or if you actually are hungry around that time, just keep a small 'snack stash' ON TOP of your desk at all times. That way you can A)make the right food choice and B) you can always say, 'oh no thanks! I am working on my (enter snack name here) but thanks for the offer. I would recommend finding a snack that you would normally have on your diet anyway, but not celery or anything super-abviously-healthy if you are worried about them being supicious or hurt or anything. As for the sodas, try Hansen's diet sodas, same nutritional value as WATER but tasty, you could even share these with your co-workers and with the yummy flavors, maybe even turn them onto it. Or you could just keep a bottle of water at your desk and it works just the same.

    Hope this helps! I saw a few other really helpful tips in here too! Thanks everyone!
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    I've just started back to work after making my "lifestlye change". Nothing has changed with how people are eating even after 2 yrs-and oh how they've gained weight! I just sit idle, if anyone asks or says something about my meals I bring, I just tell them I don't eat *kitten* anymore. When there is crap on the table in the break room, liking baking and old opened treats, I ask if anyone wants any, then I throw it out. Cause THEY WILL EAT IT! I don't care what they think of the "new me". I'm doing them all a favour. I found out that people had gossipped about me, including how I looked, my working out, etc (don't know how they found out) while I was away on dysability, and now, they can suffer the rath a Kath! I even have had one girl ask me to help her with getting a change to her life with diet and fitness. I told her I'd love to, and told her about this site!:drinker: Hang in there- and hold your head high. You know what's right and the best for you, if your friends can't understand and be happy for you-to heck with them!:heart: Kath PS. if I were you, I'd tell them that "ya, you should be ordering the salad", they obviously NEED you in their lives to lead the way girl!
  • apalesko
    apalesko Posts: 21
    I agree with others who said, you don't need to do anything differently. There is absolutely nothing wrong with turning down food when it's offered. If people want to get offended, that is their choice, and you shouldn't feel guilty. I think you're doing a great job--making healthy choices for yourself, and in a way, perhaps being a quiet example for others, but you aren't trying to force your lifestyle change on others. I say--good for you. =)

    As for things like drinking... Well, I don't have any good advice there. I have never been a drinker in my life, and to me, it's very simple to just keep saying "no thanks" whenever people push alcohol on me. I have never felt any remorse in repeatedly refusing, and I think you shouldn't worry if you want to refuse, too!
  • zoink66
    zoink66 Posts: 116 Member
    Wow, excellent advice guys. I knew I wasn't the only one experiencing this! It just never occurred to me what my friendships might go through as I continue to lose weight.

    I should clarify: my co-workers ARE my friends. I live in a non-English speaking country, and we're a very small office of English speakers who work together, socialize together, and also live in the same apartment building. So we see A LOT of each other, which I like as I adore them all and it is the nature of my job. So there's really no separation for me between my professional and private life at this point. Plus, we live in a country where the local women are overwhelmingly slender and small-boned--not like America at all! So the body issues have always been a hot topic of conversation.

    I've lost about 20 pounds over the past six months, and only in the past couple of months has it really begun to show, which is why I think these issues have started raising their heads. But you guys have good advice and ideas. I guess we all have to deal with this. I just think it's hard for my friends to understand that I'm not going back to my old eating habits. Not only do I not want that cake today, I'm not going to want it tomorrow or the next day or six months from now.

    The hardest part is turning down the snacks. Not because of my willpower but because of the poor looks on their faces. Even today it happened again! Twice! And both times I just said, "No, thank you." I no longer say, "I just ate; I just brushed my teeth; I'm not hungry; Oh, I don't eat that; etc." Just, "No, thank you." I used to take the snack, put it on my desk, then throw it away when everyone left the office! So I'm getting better.

    I guess they'll adjust. So will I. I'll try to take everyone's advice into account; keep up my positive attitude, and eventually I think they'll get it. If not, I'll just keep smiling silently. Seems to work the best.
  • soupandsandwich
    soupandsandwich Posts: 59 Member
    I have loved reading this thread. So many comments hit home with me--- I felt like some could have been written by me.

    My advice would be like so many others-- just keep doing what you're doing, and don't even talk about it unless they bring it up. And it sounds like they do. If they want help / advice / support.... they'll ask for it. Right now it just sounds like they are struggling themselves, and your success is making them feel guilty. Their issue-- not yours. Continue to be a good example.

    I have a friend who is quite a bit heavier than I am. She was trying to lose weight too, but she would always 'poo poo' my struggles because she didn't think I was fat enough for it to matter. Sometimes I would feel bad, if I would say anything about my weight around her, because I almost felt like I was insulting her.
    But then I would find myself doing the same type of thing to another co-worker. She commented that she needed to lose some weight. She had always been very slim. And she still way, but she had put on a bit of weight. I had the same reaction as my other friend. And just because she wasn't fat, or probably even considered overweight, doesn't mean that she didn't have the right to want to drop a few pounds.

    I have a sister in law who suffered from bulimia / anorexia. She eats nothing but vegetables, and maybe a little turkey. Sometimes it bugs me, because she is so fussy. But then I think about the long way she has come. She was knocking on death's door, and did a lot of damage to herself. I don't think she will ever be completely cured, but she is coping and managing to stay healthy.

    I guess it's kind of taught me a lesson. To be careful about what I think and say to others, and to mind my own business about what other people eat or don't eat. This can be difficult when people do goofy diet crazes, that I think are so unhealthy, but I also know that people will only listen when they are ready to listen. Helpful advice and lectures only fall on deaf ears, when someone isn't ready to hear it.

    Maybe someday your friends will want to change their habits for themselves. They can't do it until they make that decision. And comments like 'Oh, I really shouldn't -- I'm so bad--- I can't be good like you--" are not statements people make who are serious and focused about being healthier.

    Sorry I've rambled so....