What's the best ice cream topping??



  • iluvbread
    iluvbread Posts: 104
    Rainbow sprinkles . I treat myself once a day to a vanilla ice cream cone from McDonalds or 98% fat free ice cream from the day I started my new lifestyle. It is 150 calories of bliss. I feel treated, get some calcium, and yes some sugar. I use it as either a snack or part of a light lunch of salad with lite dressing, veggies and wasa crackers. It is my something to look forward to everyday. I am now 95 pounds down from 125 and haven't missed a day of my treat. I have beeen with MFP since December and know this lifestly change can be done without guilt, without deprivation, without thinking you failed to live a healthy life.
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Generally speaking, I don't do sweets anymore. But then again, just last week, I finished off a bag of fun size 3 musketeers bars. They'd been in my dresser since Halloween though. When I'd get a chocolate craving that didn't go away after a couple of days, I'd have one. Sometimes two. But when I figure it, that bag lasted me 10 months. Used to be, it wouldn't have lasted me 10 days.

    Ice cream, however, I do absolutely love. I try not to have it in the house, because a bowl for me can be half of the container. That being said, I do have a half gallon in the fridge of the no sugar added slow churned Edy's vanilla. When I first picked it up, I made brownies for my sons and their friends, and had a brownie with ice cream and chocolate sauce. Then it sat in my freezer for another two weeks before I remembered it was there. That day, I had one of my really big bowls of ice cream, with fresh cut peaches over the top. YUMMMMMM... I waited another week and had another bowl, but this time I knew I had the calories for it, and I measured out a cup of ice cream and again cut the peaches over it.

    I think we can learn moderation in all things. I don't need to have a dessert every day. But when I want one, I want one. I will wait for a bit to see if it goes away, but then I'll enjoy it to it's fullest.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    can't stand the stuff so it's not an issue. I go once a year with my daughters and one daughter is like me - she refuses to eat it, the other wants one in each flavor.
    Now... dark chocolate - that is a different story. When I really crave something sweet I will reach for my dark chocolate (85%cacao) and that is rich enough to really only eat 1 square.
  • apalesko
    apalesko Posts: 21
    That ice cream sounds amazing! *_* Maybe you can compromise and not add any toppings, just enjoy the ice cream for what it is?

    I know there are many opinions about indulging or not, but me? I say indulge. I am a big proponent of allowing a treat once in a while. And it doesn't have to be the end of the world--I have gone through periods where I indulged in something traditionally dessert-y every single day, and periods where I only did so once a week, and I never became overweight in either of those cases.

    (I WILL add I was definitely healthier when I was only indulging once a week, or a couple times a month, though. =ppp Besides, when you have treats rarely, or in moderation, it makes them taste even better!)
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    With all due respect-- poppycock and twaddle--

    The "not feeling deprived" mentality is what put us all here in the first place. The original poster has just joined MFP and has set as her goal a 120 pound loss-- a total commitment to a change in lifestyle-- excercise/eating is necessary or she's wasting her time and kidding herself.

    She's not being helped by being encouraged to satisfy cravings for food that isn't good for any of us-- especially so early in the program--

    Last word, though--

    I tried. :ohwell:

    Keep it going Marla! :flowerforyou:

    There seems to be many people who need a verbal kick in the butt more than once.
    Your words are not being ignored.

    What bugs me about some people on here, is their mentality for this lifestyle change.
    Their kidding themselves and some people go halfway, which of course is better than where they were in the first place, but they still think some "bad foods" are ok, even in moderation.

    Do NOT buy the sweets, pop, ice cream, and you won't be as tempted.

    "well I've had ice cream and I still lost weight".
    "I can drink diet soda and lose weight"

    For some it might work temporarily, but as you mentioned for someone starting this lifestyle, it might not be the best choices for them.
  • apalesko
    apalesko Posts: 21
    One thing to think about is that 'lifestyle' change can mean different things for different people. For me, going from eating sweets everyday to eating only once in a while WAS a lifestyle change. :) A big one, hehe! If I want to cut out sweets completely, that, too, would be a lifestyle change from where I am now.

    Some people believe in all-or-nothing, and some people believe in moderation... and some people believe in other methods, too! Everyone is on the search for what fits them the best. One thing I like about MFP is the breadth of unique individuals you will find here, it's fantastic!
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    One thing to think about is that 'lifestyle' change can mean different things for different people. For me, going from eating sweets everyday to eating only once in a while WAS a lifestyle change. :) A big one, hehe! If I want to cut out sweets completely, that, too, would be a lifestyle change from where I am now.

    Some people believe in all-or-nothing, and some people believe in moderation... and some people believe in other methods, too! Everyone is on the search for what fits them the best. One thing I like about MFP is the breadth of unique individuals you will find here, it's fantastic!

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