LMJS Member


  • What a totally inspirational story! Thanks so much for posting! You have totally taken control over your life and your future and it was so lovely to see a picture of yourself with Jackie - how very special to have such support from across the miles! Very best wishes to you for a happy & healthy future :-)
  • ^^ This - I totally agree that it has changed my life! It has given me the tools, the support network and the confidence to know that this time I really can achieve what I set out to do many times in the past. Thanks to the MFP professionals as well as all my MFP friends - I couldn't do it without you :flowerforyou:
  • I have recently been doing 30DS and one of the cardio sections is punches. Jillian Michaels says during it that its a great way to get some cardio into your day if you have lower back problems. You can look up the video on you tube to watch what they do if you don't have access to it - it's in level 1 during the second…
  • Congratulations! What an amazing feeling to have such success and a big thumbs up from your doctor. So great that your now only taking daily vitamins, you've made some amazing changes to your health and well being and your story was very inspiring to read. Thanks so much for sharing and I wish you all the best for your…
  • Wow! Congratulations! You look fantastic! Very inspiring :-)
  • Hi there, You have a really positive attitude and that really helps in this process - also doing it for the right reasons i.e. Yourself :happy: As a previous poster has said, what has helped me most here is having friends for support. It helps keep you motivated, keeps you accountable, steal food ideas from their diaries…
  • I did wk5/d3 this morning and I'm so pleased that I managed to complete it on my first attempt. I haven't run that long since I was in school and that was a loooong time ago lol! The last 3 mins was really tough but I was determined to make it through this milestone. Roll on week 6 :-)
  • Lol that's so true! I was caught yesterday looking longingly into my jar or Ovaltine only to find its just the remnants left over from last autumn/winter :sad:
  • Sounds great! Yesterday I completed week 4 of C25K so by Nov I should be ready to go. This group has been a great for my learning to run journey and this will be great motivation to keep me going through the next few weeks :happy:
  • As well as taking pictures, take measurements - waist, hips, thigh. Sometimes you may find you're losing inches rather than just weight. Don't rely solely on the scales :smile:
  • Hi there, Well done on making the first step and logging onto the MFP. It's a great place to get support and motivation. I've been here for 3 months now and plan on losing about 42lbs to finally get to a healthy BMI. I'm also from the UK - not too far away too as I'm in Berks :-) A couple of bits of advice - Log…
  • Hi there, I'm a 41yo mum from the UK, have one 12yo boy & work 4 days a week. Have been here for 3 months now and planning to lose about 42lbs to finally get into a healthy BMI range! Currently doing Zumba and C25K for exercise - just did wk3/d2 this morning and loving it so far lol! If you want to share some support then…
  • A fantastic post. Very thought provoking and so very true. Thanks :flowerforyou:
  • Hi everyone, I have just completed wk3/d2 and noticed that I burned less calories today than on the same run I did 2 days ago. Also, my average heart rate was lower and I was longer in the fat burning zone that previous runs (nearly 10mins as opposed to usually under 6), Does that mean that I'm starting to see an…
  • Hi there, Well done on taking the first step & signing up to MFP :smile: I'm from the UK too although down south & mum to a 12yo. I used to be in the NHS myself many moons ago, but work in a school now. I've been on MFP for 3 months now & love the support & all the amazing advice on the forums. I like your goal of running…
    in Hi Guys! Comment by LMJS September 2013
  • Wow! I so loved reading that, so inspiring, thanks for posting :flowerforyou: I am currently on wk3/d1 so still a couple of weeks away from that dreaded day, but I'm determined to do it this time (third time lucky - never got past week 1 before!) Good luck on your continued journey :happy:
  • Im a Berkshire lass now, though originally from Surrey :flowerforyou:
  • Hi, Well done with your loss so far. Adding in some cardio will be a big help, even if you just start with 10 minutes every other day, that's better than none at all. I'm not good at getting up early to do exercise before work, but if you are then that's an option - get up just 15 mins earlier, its done for the day and…
  • For me its always been an emotional connection, particularly when I'm feeling low. I am a terrible comfort eater and chocolate is my nemesis. Thankfully, the love & support on MFP is helping me cope with that :flowerforyou: I also seem to have a real weakness when I've got a bad headache - my mind seems to tell me that a…
  • Great recipe! I can do a little tray of these for myself next time the family want wedges. Thx :happy:
  • Did W2/D3 this morning and I'm so pleased to have completed my second week. I'm actually enjoying it too and am looking forward to the start of week 3 on Sunday. :happy:
  • Well done on getting started & thx for showing that t-shirt, it is fab & I'm so going to treat myself when I get to the end! I will be on W2/D3 tomorrow, so still a way to go, but I AM going to do it this time! Good luck to you and everyone else who has started :-)
  • Thanks for the advice :happy: That's just what I had read on another forum post so I am going to go steady this time and pace myself so that I can make it through!
  • Hi, I just restarted that this week too (third time lucky lol!) Have done week 1 day 2 this morning. Probably do most training on the treadmill, but once I do a proper 5k will need to get some training outside too :-) Will be great to have some support & encouragement to get through it this time, though I have to say, I…
  • Hi there, I'm 41, 5'4 & trying to lose around 40lbs as well, so quite similar. I started out on 1460 cals which is what MFP set my goal to & that worked great for me. I have stopped a lot of the snacking I used to do too much of and am making healthier choices, but still having some treats along the way. I haven't changed…
  • I have watched that as well and although I don't agree with the way that something's were said, I don't think the intention was to diss exercising. What they are getting at is that people are being sold the idea of loosing weight by exercising ALONE. When in reality it should be done in conjunction with a healthy eating…
  • Hi there, Congratulations on your weight loss so far, you have done an amazing job if you have managed that without much support! :happy: I am from the UK and am trying to lose about 40(ish) lbs in total, been on the journey for 2 months now. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like to share some support along the…
    in Hellos. =) Comment by LMJS August 2013
  • You look amazing and you have such a lovely smile! Keep up that dedication and you will make it to your goal :flowerforyou:
  • That is a great quote! Why do we so often put ourselves last? We deserve our own attention as much as anyone else in the family. What a very inspirational story, that you so much for sharing! You look absolutely amazing! I have tried the C25K app a couple of times in the past but have never got very far with it, but since…
  • I was at a restaurant once with family that we had been to on many occasions as it was a convenient place for everyone to meet up and had nice food. At the end of meal my sister ordered an Irish Coffee which was served with a blob or squirmy cream on the top! Needless to say, by the time it got the the table it had already…