insane5150 Member


  • You rock and are fabulous!!!! Great job, and thanks for the morning inspiration. You got this!!!!!
  • i take 12.5mg of Hydrochlorothiazide every morning, and I have to pee a lot, and usually only have to pee when I drink water. On that note, I drink about a gallon of water every day, so my bathroom stops are quite frequent. Like the OP said, try taking it on your day off and see how it affects you, everyone is different.
  • MTX hasn't made me gain any weight, but it has made it difficult to lose weight. Before taking MTX, I was extremely successful with weight loss. I continue to tell myself that I just need to work harder, push through the pain, the locked joints... whatever I need to do. I'm sure just like everyone else, it gets frustrating…
  • i do this too.... i either do squats, jumping jacks, squat boxing... every little bit helps.
  • It sounds like your trouble is due to what you see. What I mean by that is, if you use the TDEE method, and read what MFP food diary calculations are telling you, then you get confused. You set your MFP goal to 1700 calories, and you reach that, then you added in your exercise, lets say 400 calorie burn. MFP will…
  • yep C-4 all the way! Like the above mentioned, Costco.... 2 pack for $38 here in CA
  • You are eating 1200 calories, do you workout as well? Maybe you aren't eating enough?
  • Also, even if you don't wear the armband for an hour, a day, etc. BMF will still show calories burned during that time based on a average daily calorie burn. For instance, when you charge the unit, shower, etc. it will still continue to calculate an average burned calories.
  • Yes it will take about a week to start reading more accurately. Right now it is getting to know you. If you would like to see calories from a workout and you are linked to your phone, you can click the tab "Workouts" and use one of the selections. "Quick Start" or "Timed" this will give you the information for that…
  • I love it... just like you, I love to dance. This keeps my attention 100% and actually look forward to it. In the beginning I did have to rewind until my coordination to the moves caught up. It keeps the heart rate up and makes you sweat. Shaun T is a little cheesy but he is a great trainer and nice on the eyes. I highly…
  • yeah me too ;-) request sent
  • Ketel One Vodka w/ soda water & lime - usually around 69 calories for 1 oz shot of ketel and as much soda you want with it Make sure it's soda water (carbonated water - 0 calories) and not tonic
  • BMF doesn't have you eat back exercise calories. The amount of calories you're allotted through BMF is based on the information you put in. Sedentary, Lightly Active, Moderately Active, etc. MFP has you eat back calories, therefore 1600 calories + workout calories. I personally use MFP to log and count calories, but eat at…
  • Greetings! I am a BMLink user and LOVE IT!!! Just as you mentioned it's awesome to see how much your body does actually burn in a day. That it can recognize all the activity and accounts for not only your workouts but you day to day activity. Walking around the office, doing laundry, etc. Friend request sent :-) Keep it…
  • The start of my journey, to save calories, I did switch over to coke zero. I would drink 1-2 cans a day, but slowly cut it out. I found that I retain a lot of water and become swollen. If I am going to drink my calories, I will drink them in vodka shots (55 calories) chased with soda water.
  • i'm 5'4" considering my current weight is around 215 (haven't stepped on a scale in almost a month), my 1st goal is 165, but long run would love to dangle around 140. I started at 273, got down to 183 pretty quick... hit some medical problems, back up to 225 and working it back down.
  • 34 (i think) after 25 I starting losing track of my age. *counts years * Yeah I am 34, hehehe
  • Here in Northern California.... for an excellent artist, going rate is between $150-$200hr. Some also work on a 2hr minimum to make it worth their time.
    in tattoos Comment by insane5150 April 2013
  • I used to be defficient in Vitamin D... my Dr precribed me an extra strength supplement, something like 5,000 IU that I had to take for 2 weeks. Once I was done, I then take over the counter 1,000 IU supplements daily. I am sorry that I don't have more info on how it affects weight loss, but I do know the defficiency can…
  • Home of the Sharks aka Silicon Valley aka San Jose ~408~
  • I completed my 30 days earlier in the week. This weekend I will take measurements to check results. I did enjoy it, though at times dreaded doing it due to the "same ol same ol routine". I will certainly take what I learned from 30DS and incorporate into my workouts. Not sure what's next for me.
  • I completed Day 5 Level 3 yesterday... my thighs are pretty sore, just that overall tight feeling. Great job ladies! *clap clap clap* we are near the finish line.... just need to stretch a little bit further. I learned a lot doing 30DS, things that I can incorporate into my daily workout routines. What's your plans after…
    in Level 3 Comment by insane5150 March 2013
  • I did Day 1 Level 3 yesterday. I must say that I really enjoy it. But it is really hard on the joints. I would have to say I like level 3, then 2, then 1. Since I completed 11 days of Level 2... I think once I hit my 10 days of Level 3, I will do another 3 days (1 day Level 1, 2, and 3) then pat myself on the back for not…
    in Level 3 Comment by insane5150 March 2013
  • Thanks for the info!!!! My BodyMedia reads almost the same as the formula. The formula calculates about 20 calories more than my BodyMedia.... probably due to the strength training. All in all sounds good to me! :-) Every other day, I will put in another 30-40min of cardio on top of 30DS..... I think something is working,…
  • Each and everytime I use the restroom.... I do 30 jumping jacks, squats, or squat punches. I drink sooo much water, that I frequent the restroom a lot. + I have my normal afterwork workout. Give it a try.... every little bit counts.
  • Great job for staying motivated! Injury free is a great choice. Keep at it, I am cheering you on.
  • I have been doing level 2 barefoot. I too encounter a little bit of pain when doing the planks wearing shoes. Hope you find something that works for you. Otherwise, it just makes the workout feel like that much of a chore.
  • Excellent cpanus!!!! Great job! I completed Level 2 Day 10 yesterday.... was hoping to do the 10 days straight, but took 2 days off for my bridal shower. I think I am going to do 1 more day of level 2 thenk over to level 3 for *fingers crossed* 10 days straight. I must say, I actually like level 2 :-)
  • pheewwww.... i am thrilled to see that you guys are still going strong. CKerr8152 - your results are fantastic!!!! That is super motivating. tbcass - hope you are right that everyone is too busy being amazing to post. This group helps me be accountable, but I get a little funny feeling if I post too much :-/