Office Jobs



  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    For people like me who are chained to a desk most of the day, how do you stay active during the day? I try to get up and walk during my lunch hour and get away from my desk and walk around (even if it's just my office) anytime I can.

    Any hints, tips, or tricks to staying active all day?

    I make sure I get in a good workout 4 - 6 days a week after work hours....that's what I consider the 'real' workout. That being said I like to keep active during work hours to with frequent walks, take the stairs, stretching in the bathroom ect ect.
  • insane5150
    insane5150 Posts: 93 Member
    Each and everytime I use the restroom.... I do 30 jumping jacks, squats, or squat punches. I drink sooo much water, that I frequent the restroom a lot. + I have my normal afterwork workout.

    Give it a try.... every little bit counts.
  • Loftearmen
    Loftearmen Posts: 380
    I just envision myself kicking *kitten* during my workout later that night and then when it finally comes time to lift I am that much more motivated.
  • I'm in the same boat. I just brought in a stability ball and use that for part of the day. My core is like jello, so it is taking me some getting used to. Our suite is on the 3rd floor, so I take the stairs as much as possible. We DO get an hour lunch but usually things come up, it's super busy and we have had to take a "working lunch" which means stuffing your face while in a meeting. When we actually get to use our lunch hour,we try to get SOMETHING in. When the weather is nice, a few few other ladies and I take a walk or when it's nasty out, we use an empty suite as a mini workout room. We bring a laptop, put in a workout DVD and get going. I got moved from an office with a door to a cubicle (sucky, huh?) and when I had my office, I jumped rope. I would open up my door after a mini workout and people would be looking at me funny because I'd be all sweaty and my hair a mess. You may also want to buy some small dumbells (I have three pound ones under my desk) and try to get in some curls or whatever. Hope that helps.
  • Tercob
    Tercob Posts: 151 Member
    I am on the senod story, I dont use the rest room upstairs. So I have to go downstaris everytime i have to use it. I visit down stairs coworkers during the day or in the shop to move. But it is hard when you need to be at your desk to actually get work done
  • StephGettinFit
    StephGettinFit Posts: 43 Member
    Two coworkers and I do lunch everyday together and we do it potluck style.. Every week someone brings a big thing of greens, someone brings the veggies, then the third person brings the protein for the salad. We throw some canned or homemade soups in the mix too.. Or leftovers from the night before like stirfry etc. it has been helpful for us, especially with all the fast food options nearby
  • I feel your pain! What's worked for me in the past is spend my lunch hour walking up and down the stairs (our building has 6 floors). It helps too if you can coerce a lunch buddy to do it with you so it doesn't feel like work!
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    I run six miles or go to the gym most days at lunch.
  • I started riding to work 3 days a week. Drive takes me 40mins, cycling took me an hour when I first started and now takes about 45-50mins so almost the same time as driving. Fortunately I have a shower that I can use at work (another 15mins). If you didn't have a shower in your office could think about a gym membership that lets you access a chain of gyms so you could go both close to work and close to home.
    If I'm buying lunch (most of the time I don't) I can walk to the shops.
    Go for a swim before work couple of mornings, which helps me not be quite as fidgety at work.
    Other than that at work I get up and walk around every few hours. Drink lots of water so I have to make frequent walks to the bathroom. Sometimes stand up and do stretches etc at my desk if I'm feeling stiff.
  • red0801
    red0801 Posts: 283 Member
    Pack a lunch, hide a yoga mat behind the door & a set of dumbbells under the desk.

    Close door for an afternoon workout.
  • k12573n
    k12573n Posts: 1
    As I'm sitting here at my desk, I'm fidgeting my legs (bouncing on the front of my feet with my calves flexed) and I get up and walk around a lot throughout the day. I usually have to drive most of my lunch hour to take my roommate to work but I'm hoping to start using my mom's treadmill on the days I get a free lunch hour. I also take some days at work to do squats throughout and the next day I'm always sore! Also, I keep 3-4 water bottles in the break room fridge and refill them at the end of the day.