clcole522 Member


  • I would be interested... I need the motivation and support! Please add me! Thank you
  • Happy Wednesday my friends.. I'm so ready for Friday! Its been so cold here on the Eastern Shores of MD... Can't get out and run, Can't walk the dog..(even though he's a Huskey, and LOVES the cold weather... I haven't even gotten up and out the door at 5am to hit the gym, b/c its just so cold and I don't want to tackle…
  • Happy Tuesday....Its a Cold Tuesday.. Our high here on the Eastern Shores of MD, 25, thats our high...That is chilly for The wind is whipping, its just darn right cold..And I used it as an excuse to not go to the gym this morning... 5am, and it was like 20 degrees....It was awful, I just didn't want to go out into…
  • Happy Monday....Hope everyone had a great weekend...... And I hope everyone has a good week :) My week is going to be much better then last week ;) YAY! Some get stressed and eat...I'm the opposite, I get stressed, and I don't eat.. And my week last week, was really crazy busy, and very stressful (worked related) ... This…
  • Happy Tuesday everyone.... I hope everyone is having a great start to their week! This week is going to be a struggle week for me...Work is pretty intense.. Just trying to get through it! Monday down, Tuesday is almost over, and 3 to How is everyone else doing?
  • Hello, my name is Cat ( short for Catherine) , I would love to be apart of this group ...I was a 9 year stay at home mom, who has now gone all Career mom (1 year) .. And I jumped back into it with both feet! I am in TV, local programming...1 hour, daily talk show, I help book and produce.. Some days its working sun up to…
  • I have been using this website off and on for a couple of years now...Having support from others who are on the journey is a great thing!! I sent you a request Jessie and I look forward to getting to know y ou and meeting others who share similar goals. Please feel free to add me :)
  • Good Morning..CK5 runners :) .. I started this program in 2009 after my dad passed, it became my "safe haven" ... But I have done a handful of 5K, and I was feeling my best! I was even teaching spin classes....I was so in shape. I was a stay at home mom, who had all the time in the world to do all this..... Well, come…
  • This is a great place to be while your on this weight loss journey...Its nice to know there are others out there going through the same thing you are...And can understand it as well..!! Feel free to add me, I have lost close to 90lbs, been on MFP since 2009..I don't do alot of message boards, but I do keep in contact with…
  • welcome to MFP...Can't say enough about this site!! Best place to be while your on this weight loss journey.... I wish you the very best!! Feel free to add me as a friend.....
  • Feel free to add me too! I also completed the C25K program year and a half ago, and have ran a few 5k's and even 10k and loved it... Its a great program! Good Luck!!
  • Friends always welcome as well. Feel free to add me. I am at 90 pounds lost so far and find it hardest to behave on the weekends due to my crzy busy lifestyle with my kids and their sports activities...Actually, I can't say its just the weekends..Its during the weeek too.....For example last night, 40 min drive to a 530 to…
  • I have ran a few 5k's and and 1 10k's...I have not yet got my nerve up for a half yet...but that would be my goal some day....I was never a runner, until a 2009, started out on the couch to 5k program and haven't ever looked back...I love it!! So sorry to year you arent getting the support you need during the rough times,…
  • Can't help with the walking buddy either, I'm from the Eastern Shores of Maryland, but I am happy to support you and help you keep on track as well!!! This is a great site!! Feel free to add me too!! Good luck
  • Week #1 Weekly Goal: 4000 Mon: 1484 (Running, tennis (singles)) Tues: 975(Running, tennis (singles)) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur:calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were burned) Sat:calories burned (how they were burned) Sun:calories burned (how they were burned)…
  • Week #1 Weekly Goal: 4000 Mon: 1484 (Running, tennis (singles)) Tues: calories burned (how they were burned) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur:calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were burned) Sat:calories burned (how they were burned) Sun:calories burned (how they were…
  • My name is Cat, I'm a newbie to the group....I would love to give this a shot... Summer has gotten me way off track, with lots company (which I never ever mind having, love company), rd trips..and .the latest, Hurricane Irene.... Back at it today... Week #1 Weekly Goal: 4000 Mon: calories burned (how they were burned)…
  • Oh, my goodness mom's..........Talk about a crzy 3 week stretch of company.... Feels like I'm starting all over here on our SAHM board....I've tried to log in my food, and keep my schedule at the gym....But trying to keep up on my boards, well, it was just to much...I'm sorry............... But as of today, I am company…
  • I"m going to bump this for later as well, need to catch up had a week where I went MIA, actually it was a last minute road trip to New York to see family for 5 Anyway, I am putting music and a routine together now for my spin class tonight, and its going to be the same one for tomorrow morning…
  • Hey moms.....Been a crzy Tuesday for Thx for all the love and support mom! I sure can use it all :) shoppie.....I'm loving the excitement in your posts!! You rock girl-friend!! Keep up the good work! kc120.........thanks for your kind thoughts.. The head trainer ...slash....friend, talked with me a bit about the…
  • Good evening moms..........Well, Glee spin class went well :) It wasn't a 900 calorie burn, it came in under 600, but still a great burn!! I had a guy friend come in and co teach with me tonight, I"m going to co teach with him on Wednesday nights, it was low key and lots of hills tonight....Glee music was lots of fun!! So,…
  • Its MONDAY...where does the weekend go?? lol IT was back to normal today, thanks for all the well wishes, my daughter is feeling better and was back to school today :) So, for me I went in and got a little run in before my Body Pump class..And making sure everything is in order for my Spin Class tonight..I'm doing a "Glee"…
  • staceyw37....congrats on staying under cals yesterday!! And you got it this, stay strong, don't throw in that towel, stay close to your cals, keep moving and you'll lose that weight! You can do it! You can get that 1lb by April 1st!! Sounds like you have a full weekend ahead....Enjoy :) I have a very hard time over the…
  • TGIF moms...... staceyw37 ......Awesome Job!! You can do it, keep up the good work! KC1206...... You know we all here for you, its one thing I love about this group, the support here is awesome!!! 8 weeks at 530 am...!! Good Luck, sounds like you might learn alot in that 8 weeks!! You'll have to…
  • KC.... Good luck this weekend..Stay Strong!! I know when I go home, my bff since we've been 5yrs old, she owns a ice cream shop and she kills Late summer nights, shutting down the shop, we'll be in there taste testing, making up our own creations...OH, KILLS ME!! lol She even has Wine ice cream....yeah, can't say…
  • Thx moms.....I"m hanging in there today :) Dr's appointment went well, have to get some lab work done and I hope after all that, everything will be good to go :) Katie.........sorry to hear things didn't go as planned today....Some of my lab work is to ckeck my iron, with my weight loss and surgery last month, my dr wants…
  • Good Wednesday morning moms...... Well, its kind of sad day for me today.... 2 years ago today, I lost my grandmother, which was just 13 weeks after I lost my dad suddenly...Such a rough time in my life, so I'm trying to thinking of great memories today, and of course when I get in this mood instead of drowning my sorrows…
  • Thanks mom's.........I am feeling better, just a little bit of a linger of this cold has got me, but I did get to Spin tonight and I did another class....Had 3 people stop me on their way out and share that they thought the class was great and thanked me for stepping up and taking on the class instead of it…
  • Good Monday morning mom's............. I was down and out over the weekend...Damn Cold!! I am feeling better this morning though, thank ...Can't be sick, have my 2nd spin class to teach I agree with katapple.........Here's to a new week :)
  • staceyw37......Great Suggestions....I have a notepad, I"m writing everything Also sorry to hear about the creep message...IDK what I would do.....Maybe ignore it, and maybe they'd take the hit, but if not and if it happens again, then take action...Tough call...... katapple ..Awesome Job on the run....I love…