SAHM 3/21-3/27



  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    (I started writing this post three hours ago, but was interrupted so if I've missed anyone, sorry.)

    Cat-Sorry you're going through a difficult time right now. when my aunt died in a car accident about 6 years ago, I ate my way through the grief and ended up gaining back 30 pounds out of 50 tha ti had lost. It's a tough habit to break. ((hugs))

    Katie-That stinks that the machine was broken, but glad to hear you found out about the iron deficiency.

    Amy-I'm there with you, but I always wonder what exactly they did to lose so much so quickly. :wink:

    Stacey-You can do it!!

    I did 35 minutes with Jillian Michaels today, but got the feeling of motion sickness after turning my head too fast a couple of time. I'm going to do my routine on the Wii fit tonight to make up for what I didn't finish this morning. Food has been pretty good too. I've had some meat the past few days, which cuts away from my vegetarian diet, but I enjoyed it. I never gave up meat because I wanted to, but because I felt I had to due to the pancreatic issues. I'm not going to go back to eating meat all the time, but every once in a while is nice. :smile:
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Shoppie-NSV=non scale victory! So sweet your little one smiled for the first time, I remember those days!

    Time to relax ladies, I'll check in again tomorrow morning.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Amy ~ You know my story and how long it has taken me. You WILL get there. Hopefully faster than me, just keep at it, never give up! Plus the slower you lose it the tighter your skin will be, right?? :)

    Cat ~ I take a drop of Vit D and a flintstone every day and it has 100% iron in it, still didn't help my iron levels LOL. I had to take them while pregnant too, now it's trying to find a 3 hour block where I haven't eaten anything and can take with a little bit of OJ to help absorption. I hope the rest of your labs turn out well!

    Shoppie ~ Thanks! Congrats on your baby girl smiling!! One of my most favorite milestones, I love those little gummy grins!

    Nicole ~ I totally get motion sick if I move my head to fast! I didn't know that you were a vegetarian. Good for you for being able to do that even though you still love meat, that's gotta be hard

    Gonna go get a HIIT workout in, then we are taking the boys to the museum :) Trying to decide what to do this gym so I gotta make it fun. Sad I have to miss my TK class! You ladies have and awesome day!
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Katie—I am so sorry that your biopsy didn’t work out yesterday. I hope that you get the answers that you need soon!

    Shoppie—Yay for first smiles! They are the best!

    It has been another busy week for me….starting to flip flop my schedule at the office so that T doesn’t have to come with me anymore…he is just getting too big and very bored while I am in there. Hitting the road again tomorrow morning to go to a friend’s baby shower in PA. I am going to have to pay much closer attention to my food intake this weekend, last weekend was a little out of control.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    KC ~ Thanks :) Good luck this weekend! I'm looking forward to my trip home in May...but I know the eating will be's so hard to resist temptation when I go!

    I have food all planned out for today...and I still need to find more too eat! Already burned over 200 cals with a HIIT workout, planning on another 100 with a core workout maybe I'll just drink chocolate milk with dinner :) Here's to making my 1500 net goal for the day!
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    KC.... Good luck this weekend..Stay Strong!! I know when I go home, my bff since we've been 5yrs old, she owns a ice cream shop and she kills Late summer nights, shutting down the shop, we'll be in there taste testing, making up our own creations...OH, KILLS ME!! lol She even has Wine ice cream....yeah, can't say anymore then,she kills me when I come home for the

    Katie.... Good Luck with the 1500 :)

    I"m having a relaxing morning....Laundry of course, never Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are killer gym days, took this morning off...But will go back tonight for a workout...But man, I am enjoying my lazy morning.... How easy it is to get into this lazy mode, day after day.....Can't let that happen..

    Ok, I think I just heard my laundry yell at me.....Happy Thursday moms :)
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    morning. you girls were on my mind all day yesterday--with each food choice i knew i would have to report here. that accountability helped a lot!
    i was at net 1500, 300 cals over goal. Not bad considering just a couple weeks ago i was at net 1700ish. I'm disappointed that 300 cals over would slow my wt loss so much. But I made good choices thruout the day. No cookies, no ice cream, no chocolate. (well, except for the 90cal low fat gran bar) I even ate a banana before dinner, rather than chips.
    So, I'm pleased overall. I showed myself that I can really do it, with focused effort.

    katie, your tummy looks AWESOME! you have accomplished so much! you're my role model!

    kc, good luck with your road trip. maybe pack some things that you can have as your safety food? for ex, counting on pb sandwiches for lunch and oatmeal for bf would control my cals for 2 meals and i would have more freedom for dinner or snack with friends. just a thought!

    alright, really need to focus on getting ready. school drop off in 30min.

  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Katie, Cat, Stacey—thanks for the encouragement!

    Cat—wine ice cream! Wow! That sounds delicious!

    Stacey—that is such a great suggestion! I am going to plan and pre-pack for the trip this evening! Thanks!!!
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    I think I need my head examined! I willingly signed up for an exercise class called EVO that is set up as personal training with a small group (5-10 people) that will work on stabilization exercises (think I legged squats, planks, etc) power exercises, cardio, stretching and nutrition all rolled into one. Sounds great right? It meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday for 8 weeks at 6:00 in the MORNING! I have to get up by 5:30 at the latest those days. The class takes an hour. I already told the instructor, Louie ,yep my trainer ,that I will be cursing his name every time my alarm goes off. I figure it's 8 weeks of learning new tools that I can use for the rest of my life. In 8 weeks time I should be at my goal, if not before then. I am currently stuck but I have been guilty of too much exercise and not enough food, trying extra hard to eat more today. That sounds so backwards I know. This torture starts April 4th so I get to sleep a little more.

    Stacey-Good job on making better choices for yourself. It is hard sometimes just try to do a little better each time you have to make a choice.

    Cat-A relaxing morning sounds nice. I will do some of that tomorrow. I think my girls are getting tired of going to the play room at the gym so I told them tomorrow I'll exercise at home then take them to the Children's Museum and lunch with Daddy. I probably need a day off too.

    Katie-Good for you planning all your food out for the day. I do that sometimes but inevitably something changes.

    KC-Have fun at the baby shower this weekend.
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    holly - ouch, 530 is officially early. My baby usually has her seond feed around 5 so in your shoes I'd have to get up straight away and go do that class which also sounds seriously hard work!! It does sound great though, so hopefully it will be well worth it!

    kat - your front on tummy shots are so impressive, I was looking at your success story again and the difference is just amazig, makes it totally worth keeping going I am going to come and look at your tum every time I think 'ah stuff it!' :bigsmile:

    Stacey - huge WELL DONE for making good food choices, it sounds to me like you did brilliantly :drinker:

    KC - hope you have a fun trip home :bigsmile:

    I had a bit of a rubbish day, we got a huge bill for rewiring our electrics - the house is over 100 years old and the wiring was probably done when Queen Victoria was on the throne. It blew just before DD was brn so we had to just get it fixed asap and man are we paying for it!! It has wiped out all my salary and some (I am still on full pay for my Maternity Leave) :sad: I' so proud though as I allowed myself one slice of bread and jam as comfort that I CHOSE to have and included in my cals, and this evening I distracted myself by making up a new soup, I am about to go enter it in the recipe thingy but I tasted it and it is YUM! Its basically parsnip, carrot, one potato, onion all in frylight and then couple of stock cubes boiled for about 30 mins.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Amy ~ LOL!! My husband is worse than me when it comes to athletic shoes, he has the clip in ones for his bike, running, cross training, basketball, walking around, I'm sure there are some I'm forgetting. So I blame it all on him! ;-P Congrats on losing a pound!

    Barb ~ He's only 9 months, right? I wouldn't push it too much yet. Just introduce the soft spout kind and let him play with it. You can really start enforcing in a couple months, I don't think it will hurt for him to still be on a bottle right now. I BF, so they didn't take a bottle much anyway...sorry I'm not more help!

    Holly ~ You're a rock star!! Doing all that with your trainer while having a headache! Fabulous!

    So if you aren't friends with me, I posted yesterday that I went to the ER with my youngest. He bashed his chin on the edge of the kitchen table, it wasn't bad but I wanted to make sure he didn't need stitches. They glued it back together, and he's just fine! :) But when I get home 2 hours later, the hubbs tells me a friend is coming for dinner...and the house is a complete mess! I spent the next 2 hours power cleaning (I seriously broke out in sweat!). It was good to see him though. He's here for training for a few days, Jason and I met him and his wife 8 years ago. And he called me skinny :) I was near 180 when we first met.

    Down .5 this morning, which is AWESOME because it's that TOM. My tummy was looking more defined as well so I retook measurements: down 3/4" in my waist, 1/2" each around belly button, upper hips and lower hips! All in 2 weeks! Yeah!

    Katie, he's going to be 11 months in 6 days and he's getting to the point where, with his 4 teeth that he has, he tugs and pulls on the bottle nipples (Thank GOD I'm not breast feeding!) until the formula comes spilling out all over the place, so its time to switch, lol.

    Thanks Ladies for all the great ideas! I'll have to try and see what works.

    Sorry I haven't been on much, I got a really depressing email from a friend, or someone I thought was a friend, and she basically told me I was being a B****.

    So far this week, I lost 0.8 lbs, so its a start and considering I figured I gained weight from all the food I had been eating, I was lucky to see a drop :smile:

    Will try to get back either later tonight or tomorrow. Later ladies!
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    TGIF moms......

    staceyw37 ......Awesome Job!! You can do it, keep up the good work!

    KC1206...... You know we all here for you, its one thing I love about this group, the support here is awesome!!! 8 weeks at 530 am...!! Good Luck, sounds like you might learn alot in that 8 weeks!! You'll have to keep us posted on how your doing... I think that great!!

    shoppie .......I saw your post yesterday about your electric bill..... So sorry :(.......I don't know about you, but it seems like there is always something that pops up like that on me..... And when I get stressed, don't eat or drink...I try now to make an effort to b/c I know the consequences, just sucks what stress does to us......Hang in there :) You made some good choices, and your soup sounds yummy!!

    bluerose9483.... I"m so sorry to hear about your email from your friend, how awful! Stay strong though, sometimes with friends they need to lash out (b/c of what their going through) and us friends are there to take the hit, .....(what ever it is your friend is going through, I'm sorry) I"ve been there, it hurts no matter what the reasoning is behind their lash out.......On a good note, you loss :) YAY Thats good news!! Hang in there girl-friend!!

    OK..I am home with a sick kid today....So my morning work out is going to be post-pone til this evening...Which is ok with me, I love going to the gym on a Friday night.....Nobody is there, have the fitness room to

    Have a good Friday moms..............Stay strong and keep moving :)
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Good morning lovely Ladies,

    I woke up to several inches of snow coating everything today, it's pretty but I am seriously done with it! Last weekend I was wearing shorts (in public, no less) and a t-shirt while hiking. Today it's back to jeans, boots and sweaters. We are due for more snow over the weekend..ugh

    I am taking the morning off from exercise, I ran a little yesterday and ended up with some shin splints so I need to let those heal up. Instead we will head to the Children's Museum then meet up with daddy for lunch and a friend later in the day. I am hoping the shin splints go away so I can do some Zumba or something later on today.

    Cat-I hope your little one feels better soon!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    holly--sorry to hear abt the shin splints. they do hurt! sounds like a fun alternative day. :)

    barb--congrats on the loss

    thanks, ladies, for the cheers. it's helping A TON!! yesterday i stayed under cals (which made up for the day before being over). and i'm off to a good start today.
    i know when i'm really hungry late in the day, i just want to throw in the towel--but i don't. i know if i really stick to this, stay close to my cals, i WILL lose this weight. i just have to be consistent for a long time--not my strongest trait, but one that could use some developing.

    i did Core this am. not very impressive output, but i pressed play and did my best.
    feeling good about getting things over to the new house. the move is april 5. :)

    and i weighed myself this week--down to 150.4!! still 2# over my true starting wt, but 2# less than the start of the month. here's to losing ONE MORE pound before April 1!!

    plans for this weekend?
    sat--legs and back p90x
    family friend's bat mitzvah for the daytime
    sun--sh & arms p90x
    moving/unpacking for the daytime

    what are your plans this weekend? how will you keep to your goals? let's end this week STRONG.

    kc, we'll be thinking of you. stay strong! you'll feel so much better about yourself on monday....
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    staceyw37....congrats on staying under cals yesterday!! And you got it this, stay strong, don't throw in that towel, stay close to your cals, keep moving and you'll lose that weight! You can do it! You can get that 1lb by April 1st!! Sounds like you have a full weekend ahead....Enjoy :)

    I have a very hard time over the weekends to stay in check with my calories and gym time... I am hoping to get to the gym both Saturday and Sunday, just for the fact I didn't get there today, due to a sick Baseball season is here, so my husband and son will be busy with practices and games, so that does give me some extra time to pick up and get to the gym without worrying about those
    So while my husband and son are at ball practice tomorrow, I am hoping to be at the gym for a run....Need some good cardio this weekend...

    Here's to a great weekend moms.....:drinker:
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Had to jump on for a minute to tell ya'll that I'm doing my victory dance, just finished week 5, day 3 and ran for 25 minutes straight, yahoo!! Plan was to run for 20 minutes but I wanted to finish my lap so I ran over 2 miles without stopping. I'm so pumped!! Ok, just had to share. Have a wonderful evening. :)
  • Sden1231
    Sden1231 Posts: 61
    Hi! My name is Summer. I'm a sahm mom to two baby girls. I have been looking for a group of ladies to relate to. Can I join??
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Sden--welcome!! We're just a big ole happy group here. Jump in where you like.

    4loveofkids--ROCK ON, CHICA! CONGRATS! :flowerforyou: I'm impressed.

    I am so behind in comments, but I'm reading and catching up on everyone's successes and challenges.

    4love, Holly & Shoppie, thanks for the advice and the kick in the pants about walking. I did put my big girl coat on and brave the face-burning cold for an hour the other day with my pup, and I didn't die! A miracle! :tongue: Today looks better, and I will do it again. I do love it...what's holding me back, I dunno.

    This weekend, I'm going to work on my business. I'm a life and leadership coach, and I focus on helping people identify and activate their spiritual gifts. I haven't been coaching because I've had such a rough time recovering from my weight loss surgery, but I'm on the mend and motivated to get things started.

    I had a great "date day" with my hubby yesterday--couple's massage, delicious lunch at Red Lobster (not as much protein there as I thought! :ohwell: ), flowers and a beautiful card. We were going to grab a movie but my hubby has a terrible cold and is feeling miserable, so I brought him home and took care of him.

    Have a great weekend, everyone!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Barb - sorry to hear abbout the email from your 'friend' With friends like that who needs enemies, eh?! Do you think its a friendship that you want ot invest any more into, or just walk away?

    amy - FABULOUS work on the running - well done!! :bigsmile:

    Nicole - yay you or getting out there walking despite the cold! Hope you felt suitably pleased with yourself :drinker:

    Sden - welcome! I've only been in the group a couple of weeks myself and everyone is very welcoming, though the thread moves very fast so if you want to keep up I find it best to log in at least once a day! Good luck with your journey!

    Cat and others - thanks for the sympathies on the electricity bill, I feel slightly less horrified now, and I do feel really pleased with ho I handled it, def better than normal! :smile:

    Cat - weekends are usually my hardest time too, I guess its the increased chances of eating out etc and other members of the family eating treats we know we can't really have!!

    Holly - ouch re: ths shin splints and boo hiss at yet more snow!

    Stacey - well done for staying on track! :drinker:

    We have spent the morning sorting the garden as spring has definitely sprung here so we mowed the garden and got rid of some of the weeds - some way to go on that front still though! This afternoon we are doing grocery shopping and tomorrow we are taking the kids to a soft play centre, and picking up some artwork we had commissioned - its a cast of each of their feet in size order, the smallest being DD's when she was just 6 days old! :bigsmile: I'm so excited to see it, really hope I love it as much as I think I shall.

    I'm not going to do any cardio today as I did a 5 mile fast walk yesterday and don't want to overdo it, but I am going to have a go at my frist strength training since the baby - wish me luck!!
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Hey girls! Haven't had a chance to catch up, but thought I'd let you know my procedure went well and the gallstone is gone! :drinker: It only took 22 minutes, but the meds they gave me knocked me for quite a loop all evening. I'm just sore now where they put the tube in. Luckily, DH took today off so he's helping with the kids which is nice. :smile: I hope you all have a great weekend!
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