SAHM 3/21-3/27



  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Good Morning ladies!

    Sorry I was MIA for most of last friend arrived from Iowa on Wednesday and I was busy spending time with her and other family that arrived later in the week until yesterday. We celebrated T's 2nd birthday on Saturday and it was a great time. Yesterday was his real birthday, so we did a mini-celebration and went out to lunch...needless to say after a weekend of "partying" I am retaining some I am going to try and flush with water today and see what the scale says later this week.

    I'll try to catch up with the rest of the posts later today or tomorrow.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Shoppie ~ LOL I thought I got a bum deal too ;-P Hope you get some good pictures! How many calories are you calculating for BF? Do you weigh/measure your food? I wouldn't worry too much, you just had a baby and you're breastfeeding, the weight comes off fast in the first few months (did for me anyway)

    Welcome Slim and Kristin!

    Barb ~ Welcome back!

    Cat ~ You amaze me and your calorie burns!! You are a machine!

    Wildcat ~ Sorry about the binging. I am the same way when I go to my parents, they always have goodies and wine readily available. Thankfully they drink mostly box wine, and I can't stand that stuff LOL And it's pretty typical to not want to eat much after a weekend of binging, I think you'll be fine, just get back on track today!

    Stacey ~ What awesome things to celebrate!! We always wanted to do a cruise for our 10 year...unfortunately we will be in a middle of a move during it :( And yahooooo! On being under cals today!!

    KC ~ Glad you had a good time with your friend!

    I should really go get ready, going to try a new TurboKick class at a different Y today. Hope it's as fun as the one I already attend!
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Katie - Ahhhh, someone that understands shoes. Hubby doesn't get it that I need a running pair, aerobic pair and a pair to wear when running errands. LOL, he thinks I'm crazy but my last running shoes lasted 2 years, granted they didn't see a ton of action at certain periods but they held up great. Hope you enjoy your new class today!

    Shoppie - Hope you get the ok to workout again. :smile: I also agree with Katie, BFing caused a huge loss for me right after having both boys. I actually lost just under 55 pounds in two weeks after having Booshka. My doctor was floored, LOL. If you had swelling (I had major swelling at the end) then you are also going to lose that water weight. A good chunk of mine was water.

    WildcatMom - How are you like C25K? I just started week 5 last night and it seems to be getting kicked up a notch now that I'm past the 4 week point. Lots more run time and less walk time. I'm glad b/c it's easier for me to hit my stride but I'm also nervous about keeping up. I'm loving the program so far.

    Stacey - Awesome that you get to celebrate 40th and anniversary, sounds like a perfect vacation. It's great that your sis can watch the kids for you, you and hubby can relax and enjoy yourselves.

    KC - Sounds like a busy but fun time, glad you're back.

    Cat - Were is the bow down smiley when ya need one. You rock!!!! :bigsmile:

    Lost a pound, YAHOO. Think I could of hit two but last night around 10 I was feeling off and realized I was below cals and that's not counting my workout cals. I had to hit the kitchen and I ate too much even if it was healthy. Think I'll weigh again tomorrow to see what I get.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Good afternoon, ladies!

    Welcome to the group, Kirstin!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Stacey/Shoppie/Katie: Thank you! It’s good to be back.

    Shoppie: I’m glad LO is doing better too! So that he stays that way, I’m gonna try to sneak in fruit and other things into his diet a few times a week.

    Hopefully, the LO will let me get some cleaning done today and a workout later tonight. Last couple of weeks hasn’t been the best and I’ve been MIA on workouts. So far today, haven’t accomplished much, so we’ll see. Doesn’t help that its been raining all day today.

    Question for everyone: I had help with my oldest daughter getting her from the bottle to a sippy cup and getting her not to have a bottle at night, I need help with the Lil guy, I’m having such a hard time and my friend who helped with my daughter, we’re no longer friends and she’s long gone, so I’m asking for help and tips, please!!! Thank you.
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Barb-I don't remember having issues with this very much. I put formula in the sippy cup and water in the bottle. Either drink the formula (or milk) in the sippy or you only get water. I didn't take much time to be rid of the bottle. My kids wanted to do what the older ones were doing so that meant no bottles either. As for the workouts, I know it's hard to get motivated to do it but you will feel so much better once you do and it will increase your energy to tackle your other projects.

    Amy-Congrats on your 1 (maybe 2) pound loss! I'm moving slowly, slowly but at least it's moving.

    KC-welcome back I hope you had a nice visit with your friend.

    Shoppie-You are doing great! You will have the weight off in no time. You are steadily losing and because you are breastfeeding and so newly postpartum you will drop a lot of pounds very quickly. At some point it will probably slow down but if you feel like you are eating enough and your baby is gaining steadily I'm sure you are doing alright. If you're worried check in with your doctor to make sure you're getting what you need.

    As for me, my headache from hell has left. I still have some allergies but that will stick around for a while it always does in the spring. I had my first session with my trainer Louie today. I had fun he had me doing push ups on barbells with one armed rows worked between each push up, planks with reach overs to move barbell weights from one side to the other, one legged squats, squats with weights, weighted ball throws, sled dog pulls and several other devices of torture. It was fun though. Already feeling a little sore, though in my defense I just lifted legs yesterday.

    It's a cloudy 70 degrees today, our last warm one for a while we have a chance of snow this weekend Yuck! I hope you all have a great day.

  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Thanks for the reassurance girsl, I'm less worried definitely now, thinking about it I reckon a fair bit of what's coming off is the swelling from pregnancy and you're right that so long as DD is gaining its all good! :smile:

    Barb - must admit I oly used to put milk in DS1's bottle too, and only water in cups. Then I switched his morning milk to a beaker, and he kept his night-time milk in a bottle until he was 2, when I told him the bottle fairy needed it to give to other babies :blushing: It worked though as he was very into babies at that age (my DS2 was born when he was 2y4m so I was already heavily pregnant). With DS2 he just wanted to be like DS1 and has actually drunk out of cups since about 18m - which has problems of its own as he had a lot of spills for a long time!!

    Holly - your trainer sounds vicious!! hopefully he will work wonders though and you will be uber-toned before you know it! Really glad your headache has gone, when you say you have allergens is that to stuff like pollen? Not sure if that sounds dim but we just use different phrasing over here!

    Amy - well done on the pound loss :bigsmile: sounds like you are doing great with c25k too :drinker:

    We went to view our photos and have come away with one of me and my bump, one of DD on her own, a montage of all 3 kids (one of each of the boys either side of DD in the middle) and one of us when we were still a family of 4. Unfortunately the family of 5 ones weren't great as DD was yelling in all of them! The family of 4 one is lovely though, and we stil have 2 great pics of DD so we have agreed at the next session (probably in about 5 months' time) the focus will be on getting a good one of all 5 of us. I'm so pleased with what we've got, have spent an absolute fortune especialy on the montage of all 3 kids but the pics are just divine :love:

    I'm now off to Amazon to buy my reward for hittig my first goal! :bigsmile: 5 pounds to go on goal 2!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    4loveofkids - I know what you mean about C25K revving it up quickly! I remember a few weeks grumbling about sudden long running stretches. I think it's the end of week 5 there's a run 20 mins straight or something and I was sure I wouldn't be able to do it, but I did so it must work somehow! I'm supposed to be on week 7, now, and from here on out they're all straight running workouts. Makes me tired just thinking about it! I think being on the treadmill doesn't help, either, it'll be better when I can jog outside.

    KC1206 - I "gained" 8 lbs of bloat from my party weekend and between yesterday and today lost 5. Drink lots of water and hopefully that will help :)
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    On the bottle and tippy question- Bottles I'm probably no help. I only did bottles with meals, only formula, by the time they were 1 and ready form milk they had only 3 bottles, and I cut them out one per day and they were fine with that, the lunch one went first, breakfast the next day and dinner one gone on the end. No tears. Done the 3 days before both there 1st b-days. Tippys lingered with both until about 2 1/2, my first cause I had a newborn and didn't want to clean up messes and my 2nd, cause honestly I forgot to take the next step.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Amy ~ LOL!! My husband is worse than me when it comes to athletic shoes, he has the clip in ones for his bike, running, cross training, basketball, walking around, I'm sure there are some I'm forgetting. So I blame it all on him! ;-P Congrats on losing a pound!

    Barb ~ He's only 9 months, right? I wouldn't push it too much yet. Just introduce the soft spout kind and let him play with it. You can really start enforcing in a couple months, I don't think it will hurt for him to still be on a bottle right now. I BF, so they didn't take a bottle much anyway...sorry I'm not more help!

    Holly ~ You're a rock star!! Doing all that with your trainer while having a headache! Fabulous!

    So if you aren't friends with me, I posted yesterday that I went to the ER with my youngest. He bashed his chin on the edge of the kitchen table, it wasn't bad but I wanted to make sure he didn't need stitches. They glued it back together, and he's just fine! :) But when I get home 2 hours later, the hubbs tells me a friend is coming for dinner...and the house is a complete mess! I spent the next 2 hours power cleaning (I seriously broke out in sweat!). It was good to see him though. He's here for training for a few days, Jason and I met him and his wife 8 years ago. And he called me skinny :) I was near 180 when we first met.

    Down .5 this morning, which is AWESOME because it's that TOM. My tummy was looking more defined as well so I retook measurements: down 3/4" in my waist, 1/2" each around belly button, upper hips and lower hips! All in 2 weeks! Yeah!
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Hey there, everyone. It's hump day! I used to care when I worked full time--now the days all run together. :bigsmile:

    I'm reading everyone's posts--not enough time to catch up!

    Kirstin, I sent you a friend request.

    Katie, I'm hoping for great biopsy results for you today.

    For all of our runners...y'all inspire me! I'm still struggling with my walking. I swear I need therapy! I love to walk, it's not a physical problem for me, my music is fixed on my phone and my dog is always what's my excuse? Oy...

    My scale is busted AGAIN, so I have no idea how I'm doing on weight. I did find a way to cut 2/3 of the carbs out of my protein shake, so that is the most fabulous news ever! Hopefully that will help with the scale. I'm still on IV nutrition, so I'm not expecting scale miracles.
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! Hope everyone had a good day yesterday. Thank you for the warm welcome-back. I missed chatting with you guys! Jumped on the scale this morning and that extra pound is still there---ugh! Two steps forward, one step back I guess, right?

    Barb—When we got rid of bottles we started getting rid of a bottle, replacing it with a sippy cup one by one. The bedtime bottle was the last to go, we never changed it into a sippy, and we weaned by decreasing the amount in it until it was clear that he no longer needed, or was looking for it at night. I hope you find something that works for you!
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    Good Wednesday morning moms...... Well, its kind of sad day for me today.... 2 years ago today, I lost my grandmother, which was just 13 weeks after I lost my dad suddenly...Such a rough time in my life, so I'm trying to thinking of great memories today, and of course when I get in this mood instead of drowning my sorrows in food........I do the total opposite, I don't eat!!! Which isn't great I know, I have such a bad habbit to shut right down......... is your youngest doing??

    KC1206 ..........Glad to se you back :)

    OK, actually have a dr's appt this morning...Hoping its all positive...... Have a great Wedneday moms...
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Cat - Wow, I bet this hasn't been an easy few weeks. I too try to focus on good memories with loved ones and it seems to make it easier. I also like to meditate and picture what their heaven is like. My good friend Jason was always laughing and having fun so I always picture him pulling pranks up in heaven and then I see his huge smile and hear his big laugh. Always brings me peace when I'm missing him. Maybe you can plan a meal around something they loved or have a special dessert to celebrate their life. Just make sure you eat, you burn so many cals working out and we don't need you passing out or anything.

    Katie - LOL, my hubs is the opposite, one pair of shoes for everything and when they get worn out he goes and buys the exact same pair again. Hahahaha, they are "in my opinion" the ugliest shoes, LOL. I have tried many times to get him new ones but they always get rejected. Hope your youngest is doing good today, it's so scary when they hit their head or face. BTW, lovin your friend, what a great compliment!!

    Barb - We didn't use a bottle much but when I had to it always caused gas issues. I think my little guy was happy to see them go. The idea of putting smaller amts in it sounds like a great idea.

    KC - You can get it back off, maybe do an extra 15 min. of cardio today and I bet it will fly off.

    Victorious - Not sure if you have a Target close by but I just saw some digital scales on clearance at ours. They were 50% off regular price.

    As far as C25K goes I love the extra run time but the 20 min run is intimidating. Just hope I can hang!! I'm excited about doing a 5K in May, just trying to figure out when to do it. I'll be out of town for two weeks in May and the 5K I'm looking at is a couple days after I get back from Boston. It would help me to stay active while on vacation but what if I can't get all my runs in. I'd rather not put it off to June b/c it gets humid here and I don't want to run when it's so hot/humid out. Maybe I should just sign up for the May one and see what I can do.

    Didn't lose the extra pound that I was hoping too but I also ate some pretzels pretty late last night. Going to the store today, I need some almonds b/c lately I've been having a snack really late at night. I try to avoid it but I feel too hungry to skip it. Thinking I need to have some after dinner nuts to help me curb this.

    Have a great Day!
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Cat - Hope your dr. appt goes well!
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Good morning Ladies! I am a little sore today, my legs and butt, and shoulders some too. Nothing major but enough that I'm questioning going in today. I also have a little NSV, I was putting on normal clothes last night (not gym clothes) and noticed my bra wasn't sitting right after adjusting everything it was still bulging..It's getting too big! I did a little happy dance, so glad they are decreasing in size. I am currently a 34F so there is more than enough that could go!

    Amy-I bet that extra pound is from the salt on the pretzels, drink lots of water and watch your sodium today it will most likely disappear.

    Cat-I hope your appt. goes well today. Losing people you are close to is very hard. Maybe try to do something that reminds you of them and share the memories with your children so they can learn about them as well.

    KC-You'll get that extra pound off soon as well! It's a process and sometimes a slow one.

    Nicole-lace up your shoes and get walking! If not for you then do it for your little fluffy pup that needs the exercise too. A broken scale may not be such a bad thing. You can really focus on eating well and getting some exercise in with out the temptation to check the scale everyday for changes. When you can weigh in, and start eating again you will probably have a big drop.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    hey ladies! A bit disappointed today...their machine is broken so no biopsy :( I did get bloodwork results back and all was fine except being iron deficient so I will take supplements on top of my multivitamin. I also have the antibodies for Hoshimoto's Disease, which means sometime in the future I will develop hypothyroidism and will have to take medication for it. I don't know what to say about the bloodwork, I'll take iron pills for a couple of weeks and see if there is any change in the fatigue or hairloss, doesn't exactly explain the other stuff though....

    Cat ~ Hope your appointment goes well. Sorry about your losses :(
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Katie - Ugh, how frustrating, did they at least reschedule you?? Glad you know you need to up the iron, hope you see and feel better after taking it.

    Holly - I'm with ya on the shrinking bra, that's awesome, congrats!!

    I think I need to quit reading the success stories, I get frustrated when I see people that also joined in Jan and have lost 25 or even 30 pounds. Makes me want to :sad: that I'm not there. I know it's silly and I am always happy to read peoples success stories but I want to get there soooooooo bad. *End of 2 year old tantrum* :blushing:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    4loveof--((hugs)). you WILL get there! your determination will be rewarded. :)

    congrats on losses, girls! keep it up!!

    and need to go get kids ready. today will be a rest day b/c of schedule. back at it tomorrow. must be very careful with my food as there won't be wiggle room. I CAN DO IT!
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    Thx moms.....I"m hanging in there today :) Dr's appointment went well, have to get some lab work done and I hope after all that, everything will be good to go :)

    Katie.........sorry to hear things didn't go as planned today....Some of my lab work is to ckeck my iron, with my weight loss and surgery last month, my dr wants to see my iron numbers....I don' take a multivitamin, I should probably look into taking one...

    4loveofkids ..........I so feel your:sad: ....But hang in there, like staceyw37 says, you'll get there an your determination will be rewarded for sure!!

    staceyw37 .........stay strong, you can do this!!!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Amy - slow and steady wins the race! This is a life change we are trying to achieve here, I actually genuinely think slow and steady is more likely to keep it off, which is why I was stressing a bit with high losses in weeks 1 and 2.

    Katie - sorry your appointment didn't pan out the way you had expected, that must have been really hard when you had got yourself all wound up over it. I really hope you get a definitive resolution soon ((((hugs))). Sorry to hear about your son's injury too - ouch!! Cracking results on your measurement decreases though! :drinker:

    Nicole - get ou walking with that dog! Do you take body measures as well as use the scales? You can always use those for now, though I know the movement can often feel slow.

    Cat - hope you are contiuing to feel ok, some days are tough and anniversaries often are (((((((hugs)))))))

    Holly - good news on the shrinkage! What does NSV stand for by the way?!

    I have had an ok day, only very fractionally over on cals. I know I need to just persist, but I keep thinking I still need to lose at least another 9/10 lbs before I can remotely fit in any of my normal clothes - it is getting so depressing still wearinng maternity gear but I refuse to buy things in a bigger size as that would be such a slippery slope I'm sure!

    In more upbeat news, for anyone not my friend yet - my baby girl smiled for the first time today! That had me :bigsmile:
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