SAHM 3/21-3/27

katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
old topic:

Welcome!! We are a fabulous group of Stay at Home Moms that support each other through our weightloss and the most important job....being a mom! We welcome all newcomers, join in any time, we would love to get to know you! :flowerforyou:


  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Hey ladies! Sorry I didn't check in this weekend, it was a busy one! The 5k Sat was awesome! So much fun :) The girl I ran with will be 20 weeks pregnant next week...I'm in awe! We ran it in 37 minutes, she didn't stop to walk ONCE! Truly amazing, especially since I slept both of my pregnancies away ;-P

    Shell ~ I love TurboFire!!

    Amy ~ Why do you have to drop sugar for a week?

    Katie ~ Miss seeing you around! Congrats on the 2lb loss!

    Welcome back DJ! Glad you had a good vacation!

    Welcome Stabenowrj!

    Today is a new week! Hope to get some mega burns in! Wednesday will be a busy day (biopsy and also a doc appt for my oldest) Hoping and praying for good news this week. I need to stop comforting myself with food, and it sure doesn't help that Aunt Flo arrived yesterday....did someone say chocolate?? no?? ok, must have been my imagination....'s to a new week, new burns, and healthy eating! Have a great Monday ladies!!
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    Good Monday morning mom's............. I was down and out over the weekend...Damn Cold!! I am feeling better this morning though, thank ...Can't be sick, have my 2nd spin class to teach

    I agree with katapple.........Here's to a new week :)
  • randi50
    randi50 Posts: 112
    Oh Katie! I sooo know what you mean about chocolate. I am just finishing up with AF and let me tell you, I would have ate CRAP for the last week if I could. I did have some not so great stuff, BUT I was always under cals anyway...still not good choices! Good luck with your biopsy! 20 wks pg and running a 5K, awesome!

    Justin took of the day to spend with Kaleb (my step-son). He is here for spring break. They just left with the boat to go fishing. Karson will be very mad if he gets home from school and finds out! lol I told them it is a top-secret fishing trip!

    Must go work out now so I can be done! Suppose to be 80s today! Back in the 50s by the end of the week!
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Hola! Bonjour! Happy Monday!

    Katie - Thanks for getting the new thread going! I know I can't "totally" cut out sugar but I've had a hard time keeping it minimal ever since my birthday. I guess having a weekend of sugar overload made me start craving it again and I was constantly trying to work some in. This weekend I seemed to get over it so that's good. I think it helped that AF is outta here, for some odd reason I had a week of spotting and I think all that made my hormones extra chocolate crazy. Great job on the 5K time and I'm in awe of your friend. I couldn't do that good and I'm NOT pregnant, wow, she totally rocks. So glad you guys had fun.

    Randi - Hope your guys enjoy their fishing trip! Enjoy being in the warm weather today!!

    Cat - Glad you are feeling better. Hope your spin class goes great today.

    Yesterday I was at my parents and I asked my dad to go on a 30 min. bike ride. Sooo, he somehow heard 75 minute bike ride and lets hit as many hills as humanly possible. O M G, the pain, LOL. It didn't help that he and Noah were on a tandum bike in front of me so he was basically pulling both of them up the hills. I was huffin and puffin like bull. Made it but I don't feel like I drank enough water yesterday. Need to up it today. I'm going to try to get my boys out for a walk before soccer and preschool. Have a great morning!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    morning girls! congrats on hard work--and resisting chocolate counts as hard work!

    clc--sure you'll ROCK that spin tonight again! have fun and blast that cold away!

    well, last night we finalized our plans to go on a cruise to alaska this august. AND I WILL NOT NOT NOT BE FAT FOR THIS CRUISE!!
    clearly i need a vanity goal to work towards to really be more careful with my food choices and to kick the exercise up. so here's to a GREAT week!

    thanks katie for continuing the thread! :)
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    Well, happy Monday everyone! Lets hope at least! I got a chance to go walking yesterday. Windy, but NO SNOW on the ground! So excited. I could've stayed out there for a couple more lapse but just a bit too windy for the kids to stay longer. Would go out today, but LOTS of rain in the forecast. Walking is probably my favorite thing to do. Simple pleasures I guess. Hope tomorrow clears up.
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Happy Monday ladies!

    Katie-Good luck with the biopsy!

    Cat-Sorry the cold got you! Did you go to the benefits?

    Randi-I would LOVE to have 50 degrees!! We're at 33 right now and it's snowing. 2-6 inches expected. :grumble:

    Amy-Sounds like an interesting bike ride, but at least you did it!!

    As expected, I gained a pound this week, but it still keeps me on my goal of 1.3 pounds a week since I lost 4.6 last week. I'm going to have to eat really well and do most of my exercise at the beginning of this week because Friday I'm going in to the hospital for an outpatient procedure, to have the gallstone removed from my common bile duct. The doctor said everything should resume as normal after the anesthesia wears off, but I'm skeptical.
  • randi50
    randi50 Posts: 112
    Amy~what is it about AF and chocolate!? I spotted a little for 2 days before starting this time. IDK if it has to do with my diet/exercise change or what, but I was just ready to be done with it!

    Stacey~A cruise to Alaska would be awesome! All of us want to go to Alaska some day, it is just SO pretty!

    Well, I suppose I should get the housework done and get Kaden outside, he has been asking since he wokeup! lol Mommy had to get her workout in and I need to straighten things up! Have a great day!

    Nicole~good luck with the procedure. I know you will feel much better with it gone! NO snow, thank you! Spring is here, so I feel that snow should not return until next winter, but we have been known to have a March snow before. I would prefer to stay in the 70s :)
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    One blessing of full-time breastfeeding is no AF, my sugar cravings are even worse than noral then too, so sympathies to those suffering!

    PNC - sorry about the gain, but given you had such a huge loss and were so poorly last week I'm sure most of it is just liquids going back on!

    4 love of kids - that bike ride sounds rather full-on!! I'd have died!

    kat - I kept running through both of my first 2 pregnancies, the only reason I didn't this time is I have had some referred pain problems with my back so I have given up running. When I was running and pregnant I didn't slow down much till after the 6 months mark.

    I'm feeling really drained today, I am low on cals and feeling it today but I can't think of somthing healthy but filling to have before dinner? That is cottage pie so I'm sure I'll feel much better after. Weigh-in for me tommorrow and feeling more positive than I was, fingers crossed!
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Good afternoon Ladies-

    Last week I just felt crappy all week due to seasonal allergies. My head hurt and all I wanted to do was sleep. No I didn't sleep the entire week I got up went to the gym and did the things that needed to get done but not at 100%. I slept a fair amount on Sat. and took a nap in the afternoon. I felt better yesterday and today is better as well. Still some dull pain in my head but not the guy with the jackhammer. I am meeting with a new trainer tomorrow to discuss goals. I will be working with him once a week for 3 weeks and he will have a plan set up for me to do another day during the week. It would be nice to be able to train more but I simply can't afford to. I do well on my own, getting in my cardio and alternating lifting on different between upper and lower body, plus abs and stretching. It's always nice to add in some new moves. I am hoping to get below 135 by the end of this week. My body seems to like to stay here for the moment so it's time to shake things up!

    Shoppie-What is cottage pie? For a pre-dinner snack I often grab a cheese stick or some baby carrots.

    Nicole-I hope your procedure goes smoothly and everything gets back to normal quickly.

    DJJW-I like walking too, we went hiking as a family yesterday almost 2 miles through the forest. I had to alternate carrying the little ones but not too much though it adds an extra 30 lbs. on my shoulders!

    Stacey-A trip to Alaska sounds like fun! Maybe having a goal like that will help you stay on track.

    Cat-I hope you are feeling better and have a good class tonight.
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Katie - Just realized I missed you saying you're having your biopsy this week. Prayers for a safe biopsy and good results. I'm sure you're ready to have some answers. How long will it take for your results?

    Shoppie - LOL, it was a crazy ride but I felt good when it was done. A few hills, I wanted to just stop pedaling and roll back down the hill. :bigsmile:

    Randi - I was thinking the exercise caused my spotting too. I had one day of light spotting mid cycle and then five days of spotting before AF. Sooooo annoying!! Hoping it doesn't happen again. I was def on a chocolate attack for a good two weeks. So gross!

    Nicole - Good luck on Friday. I hate anesthesia but it's one of the necessary things in life. Hope you feel better and that it wears off quickly. Also, I did the same thing after the flu but the pound I gained back came off in two days. I think I just flushed it out with water.

    DJ - Is it suppose to rain all day or will you have a few breaks to sneak a walk in?

    Stacey - Ohhhhhh, can I come!?!??! LOL, I'd love to visit Alaska. My brother lived there a few years and I always kick myself for not going to visit while he was there. He and my Uncle still go every year to fish and I love getting my giant box of salmon and halibut, yum yum. He's got some amazing pictures, the beauty is beyond words.

    Holly - Glad you are feeling better! Enjoy your training sessions, one of these days I want to join a gym and have a trainer that I can meet with twice a month. Maybe when the kids are in school. Hoping you hit your goal, 135 would be awesome!

    My parents bought me some new running shoes this weekend. I tried Brooks but they didn't feel right so I went with my same shoe, newer model. Asics, gotta love em. The pair I got are the last season so they were on sale and literally the last pair. So happy! I decided to also get a pair of "cute" shoes to wear on casual days so I won't get these ones worn out so quickly. There is a new pair of New Balance shoes out that I want to try, they are turquois and orange. LOL, they are really cool.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Thanks for the well wishes ladies! I'm sure everything is fine. I will get the results of the blood work on Wednesday, hopefully it will only take a day or two on the biopsy. If it comes back inconclusive (again) I'm just going to have it removed and tested that way...I hate worrying about it every couple of years!

    Amy ~ I was just wondering if there was a medical reason for the sugar cut back. I know it's a good thing to do. Good luck! My sugar intake is horrid I'm sure. It's one that I don't track ;-P Yay on the new shoes! I need some new cross trainers, they are getting so bad that I took them off half way through turbokick this morning! LOL And I only wear my running shoes for running, I keep track of my miles on them through so I know when I am getting close to replacing them...

    Stacey ~ How exciting!!! I wanna do a cruise one day :)

    Nicole ~ Good luck with your gallstone removal on Friday, hope it's as easy a recovery as the doc says!

    Shoppie ~ I full time BF no solids or even bottles until 6 months with both kids...and I had my period by the time they were 3 months old. I totally got jipped! Almonds and cheese are always my favorite go to snack when I am low on calories!

    Holly ~ Wohoo! You are so close! Hope you make it this week :)
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    kat - how rude that your AF returned before your kids were getting any food from anything else! I'll be well annoyed if that happens! (*pout*) I know we'll all be rooting for you with your biopsy results, if it is inconclusive yet again I think you are totally ing the right thing to take it out anyway, you don't need this stress rearing its head for ever!

    I had a small piece of cheese to snack on but am liking the nuts idea :flowerforyou:

    holly - good luck hitting 135, you can do it!! :drinker: Cottage pie is minced beef, onions, carrots (and any other veg you fancy adding) cooked in juices maybe add a bit of stock or beef gravy with a thin layer of mashed potato on top. It is yum and actually a very balanced meal, albeit a lot of cals. There is something called shepherds pie which is basically the same thing but with lamb mince and lamb stock/ gravy. Yum.

    Amy - yay for the new Asics! Even better that you got them on sale!

    Day just me and the baby tomorrow, cant believe she will be 6 weeks! The time is flying! Meeting up with DH tomorrow pm to view our 2 family portait sittings (one when I was heavily pregnant, one when DD was 3 weeks old), really hope there are some photos that I want to buy, but also not too many as they are really expensive!

    I see my GP on Friday to test that I have recovered physically from the birth so hopefully I will be able to exercise again after that, really hope so as that always helps me.
  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    Hi everyone. Marking in this for later when I have more time.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Wow! What a week it has been! Last Wednesday/Thursday I got a head cold and was dealing with mother nature all at the same time, so I was pretty out of it. So, hopefully, I’ll get everyone caught up here and will be back up to date.

    From the week of 3/14-3/20:

    Shoppie/Holly: Finally got the lil one’s tummy back in order. Took him to the dr, bc I also thought he had an ear infection, found out he didn’t and also talked about his tummy troubles , and the dr told me I could go ahead and give him some fruit and even prunes….believe it or not the prunes didn’t make him go, like I thought they would, but he is going better.

    Welcome all newcomers that came during this week!!

    For the week of 3/21-3/27

    With me having 2 bad weeks, I have not weighed in at all, will weigh in this week on Friday, so here’s to hoping to good news!

    On top of everything, we lost internet Friday last week and we just got it back. Was still able to log into fitnesspal, thanks to my phone. Saturday after hubby got home from work, we all went out to the park and walked and Kelsey got to play at the playground and our lil guy got his first time on a swing, and loved it!

    Well, off to get hubby off to work, here's to hoping to a good week!

    Toodles ladies!
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks mom's.........I am feeling better, just a little bit of a linger of this cold has got me, but I did get to Spin tonight and I did another class....Had 3 people stop me on their way out and share that they thought the class was great and thanked me for stepping up and taking on the class instead of it disappearing.... I cked my HRM after class and it said 886 calories burnt.. :) I'll take that...,man if I do get into this teaching stuff, and do some morning classes too...I could really burn some

    PNCTink ......I did set up @ the Hyatt in one of their ball rooms, on Friday from 6 to 1130 and went back Saturday and finished by 2pm...Event was 6pm and my good friend and her husband and myself and my husband decided that we were feeling it and we didn't end up going....we kind of knew a few days before, we just weren't feeling it... We ended up here at our house, my husband and his friend set up a tv in the garage, we pulled out our fire pit, sat outside and watched basketball........Actually, it was a great, realxing night..I didn't mind at all...No stress

    OK, I am dragging...........Will have to catch up on the rest tomorrow..........Good Night from the Eastern Shore moms........Check in on ya all tomorrow..........

  • I am a SAHM new to this site, and could really use some support from others in my position! Hello everyone!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    shoppie - I'm jealous! AF returned at 5 months postpartum for me and has been right on time every month since then :sad: We didn't start solids until she was 7 months! It totally kills my supply every month, too, just one more thing to worry about.

    Sooooo I logged my food Saturday through dinner, then went out and drank too much and ate a LOT of pizza. The next day I didn't log at all. Growing up my parents bought what they could afford, not what was healthy, and I grew up binge eating. I was over 200 lbs most of my life. Even after losing weight and getting down to 145 I still tend to binge when we visit them! I think mostly because they still have all the foods around I no longer buy (because I know I'll binge). On the plus side I had way more milk for R the last two days, lol. I had no desire to eat today. I chose to not eat back all my workout cals and stopped at 1200 net. It's not something I plan on doing long term because of nursing and all, but I'm trying to beat the bloat!

    Oh also we left the baby monitor at my parents' which means I really shouldn't run until we get it back. I'm afraid I won't hear R if she wakes early from her nap and I'm in the basement with the TV going and all. Mom is shipping it tomorrow so hopefully I'll have it Wednesday and can somehow fit week 7 of C25K in.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    welcome kristin!

    clc--great job! how encouraging to get such + feedback!

    katie, i forgot to say--good luck with the biopsy. sounds like you already have in place a good course of action.

    barb--nice to have you check in!

    re: cruise. It will be our 15th anniversary in August and both of us turn 40 in September. so this is our big treat. my sil is coming here to take care of the two lo's while big one is at overnight camp. feel sooo lucky we're going to get to take this trip. we have not been away w/o kids--for even a weekend--in 7+ years. definitely long overdue. :)

    and i did it! i stayed within my cals today!!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    welcome kristin! I've only been on this thread 2 weeks but everyone is very wlecoming and motivating so I hope you find it helpful! :flowerforyou:

    wildcat - don't you talk about early AF return too! I found the same when my AF returned with the other 2 with the massive dip in supply, but also they didn't seem to like the taste??? Sorry you left your monitor behind, I wouldn't feel happy exercising if I didn't think I could hear DD crying either so I hope you get it back soon. I binge when I go near my parents, some of it is emotional eating as we don;t get on at all, but some is the same as you i.e. we were very poor and often not enough food so I would binge when there was food about.

    Cat - well done on another successful class and more compliments! :bigsmile:

    Barb - I'm so glad that your LO is better :smile: Sounds like you have had a really rough run the last few weeks, so hope the scales are kind to you!

    stacey - how romantic with your cruise! :heart: We'll have been married 10 years in Sept but sadly I think DD will still be too small to leave with anyone, plus finding anyone who can take 3 is a nightmare :brokenheart: I'm, cheating really as we went away last Sept to Budapest as I already knew I was pregnant so we wouldn't be able to do it this year,

    I lost 4 lbs again this week. I really should be over the moon but a. despite all my efforts I still feel so daunted by how far I still have to go and b. I'm a bit concerned the calories estimates for my consumption are off? I am eating at or only slightly below target every day, including BFing calories. The most I have been under is about 180. I have had at least one day over target each week too. Could it be that far off. do you think I need to worry? I don't want my body going into starvation mode!
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