SAHM 3/28-4/3

katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
Previous thread:

Welcome!! We are a fabulous group of Stay at Home Moms that support each other through our weightloss and the most important job....being a mom! We welcome all newcomers, join in any time, we would love to get to know you! :flowerforyou:


  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    will catch-up later! On the run!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    So excited!!! My first NSV (see Holly, I'm learning! :wink: ) - I am back in a pair of size 14 trousers! (US size 10 I believe) I know they are generously sized, and I also really ought to be a size 8 I think, but hey I'm so pleased to finally not be in maternity gear! :bigsmile:

    Has been a busy weekend so although I've done my logging I haven't made it in here - hope you all had fun and managed to stay (mainly) on the wagon! :flowerforyou:
  • Im back!!! Ah this past week has been so crazy. My mom left yesterday so we are back to normal. I am very upset to say that while she was here I did not get in the exercise that I needed to. But I am back on the wagon now. I hope everyone is doing well and I am sorry I missed out on a week!!!

    Shoppie~ good job!!!!!!
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Good morning Ladies!

    Shoppie-Again I say Congrats on not wearing maternity gear! It is a great feeling I remember very well! Yes you are learning :)

    swtchrypie-Did you have a good visit with your Mom? It's hard to stay on track when you have company around. Welcome back to the 'wagon'!

    Had an impromptu dinner at Red Lobster last night. While I didn't go overboard (I ate maybe half my meal) I paid for it dearly last night. I did Zumba before bed to work off the extra calories. My body rejected dinner, I was up several times in the restroom last night TMI I know. I will not be doing that again anytime soon! My stomach still doesn't feel quite right but I'm heading to the gym anyway.

    I'll check back in later.

  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!
    I hope everyone had a good weekend!
    Thanks to the ladies who gave me the encouragement, and especially Stacey for her pre-packing idea for my trip. I pre-packed snacks and planned my breakfasts for my trip and was able to stay on track, but not feel restricted while I was visiting my mom and up in PA at the baby shower. It was great!

    Back to the usual this week...T is sick, which is no fun...I wish that the weather would make up its mind spring v. winter--it is really taking a toll on my little man to have it be in the 80s one day and in the 40s the next.

    Check back with you all later! Happy, Healthy Monday!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Great job shoppie! I always think the same thing when I get in a smaller size....I shouldn't have been that big to begin with!, but no matter what it's a victory :)

    I'm exhausted today. I don't work enough for it to be routine so every once in awhile it REALLY throws R off. Last night she just couldn't get back to sleep after her MOTN feeding and wanted to play so we were basically up 3-5 (after not getting to bed until 1, I work the late shift). Needless to say there may be more napping than running today. Or maybe we'll dance :)
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    tagging for later. must get dd to school and meet plumber at new house.

    no exercise this weekend after all. but did a lot more moving/unpacking. and was relatively careful with my food, espec at the bat mitzvah--i did very well. :)

  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Shoppie ~ I'm in awe!! That's amazing so soon after childbirth, rock on girl!

    Welcome back Swtchry!! Glad you had a good visit with your mom, you'll get back in the swing of things in no time :)

    Holly ~ sorry about the food not agreeing with you :(

    KC ~ Welcome back and awesome on prepacking food, I'm going to have to do that for my upcoming trip!

    Wildcat ~ sorry about the late night

    Stacy ~ Packing and moving counts as a workout to me! I've done it so many times, and I'm always sore after :)

    Not much going on here, started the 100 push-up challenge this morning and did more strength and TurboKick after. Off to do some deep cleaning on the's a mess!
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    Its MONDAY...where does the weekend go?? lol IT was back to normal today, thanks for all the well wishes, my daughter is feeling better and was back to school today :) So, for me I went in and got a little run in before my Body Pump class..And making sure everything is in order for my Spin Class tonight..I'm doing a "Glee" theme tonight..Any Glee show fans here?? I love Glee, its so not like me to get hooked on a show, if its not sports, between my husband and I, we don't watch But I'm hooked on Glee!! So I thought it would be fun to make tonights Spin class routine to all Glee music!! We'll see how it goes?? lol

    Shoppie....I am with the other mom's.....WOW, amazing!! You keep rockin!!

    Swtchry....I too seem to put things aside when I have company, i'm getting a bit better, b/c most the time my company wants to hit the gym with me, so that makes it so much easier...

    Holly.....sorry to hear about your dinner :( Hope your feeling better!

    Wildcat.....I hope you get a good nap in today, sounds like you need a good one!! Sorry to hear about the rough night :(

    Stacy.....I would count the packing and moving as a workout, hey you were moving thats all that And you were thinking about your food....Sounds like you made out ok this weekend :) Good Job!!

    Katie...OK, tell me about the 100 push up challenge?? Is it on MFP?
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    Shoppie-Way to go!! I was still wearing maternity for a year and a half after DS was born! :blushing:

    Swtchrypie-Welcome back!!!

    Holly-It's amazing how our body learns to reject some foods! Sorry you were up a lot! Feel better soon!

    KC-Glad you had a good weekend! I hope your LO feels better soon! I agree that the weather needs to make a decision and stop waffling. We need spring!!!

    Wildcat-Enjoy your naps today!

    Stacey-Moving and unpacking is a major workout!! Good job with the food. :smile:

    Katie-WTG with the exercise! Good luck with the cleaning!! That's one thing that I'm terrible at!!

    Cat-Glad your LO is feeling better. A Glee theme sounds fun!! I've never watched the show (I would have except we have Modern Family and DH's GhostHunters on the same night), but the music is great! Have fun!!

    I had a rough day yesterday because it felt like I was going to have a flare of pancreatitis. I'm feeling better this afternoon though. Hopefully not eating anything since yesterday afternoon helped to quell it and I'll be back to normal because I don't want to miss volleyball tomorrow night!! :laugh: I think I'm going to skip Jillian today and start back with her on Wednesday.
  • Hi,
    I'm Melissa, I haven't been on here in awhile and see that there are lots of new faces so I will reintroduce myself.
    I am a stay at home and homeschooling mom. I have a 9 year old daugther, 7 year old son and almost 6 year old son. I also homeschool 3 of their friends. We recently found out that we are expecting #4 in November!!!! It was a bit of a surprise and certainly has changed my weight loss goals for the time being lol.

    I've been on MFP for a little over a year and I lost 35 lbs. I have been on a plateau for about 6 months going up or down 5lbs. Now I'll be going up a little more lol. I'm excited to have a healthy pregnancy and not gain like I did for the others (75lbs for my 3rd!!!) In all honesty, I can't wait to be nursing again b/c nothing has ever boosted weight loss like that does lol.

    Stacey- I didn't know you were moving! Hope you settle in comfortably. Are you closer to dd's school?

    Nicole- if you are still on here, what are you doing to lose so much weight!! I see you dropping pounds daily on my friend feed!

    Katie- that picture of your abs is killer. Hope I can post something like that someday!. You've been rocking the workouts!!

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone :)
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Cat ~ here is the info: I joined a group on here and also started one up on FB with my friends (20 people are doing it with me!!!) It basically works you up to doing 100 push-ups all at once in 6 weeks :) I am a HUGE glee fan and so would love to go to your class. I think you should video tape it and put it on youtube, then I can bring it to the gym on my phone and do it ;-P

    Nicole ~ Ha, I suck at it too, that's why I am already back on the computer ;-P I did clean the kitchen fridge and get all the toys out of the living room, so at least it's something, right?? Good idea on laying low, hope you're feeling better for volley ball tomorrow!

    Melissa~ Hey girl! Congrats on #4!! So exciting! Here's to a happy and healthy pregnancy! Thanks for the compliment!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Okay, I wasn't tired by the time R went down for a nap (her schedule is all off, it was 3 hours later than usual!) so I attempted #3 of 4 25 min runs. It didn't go well. The previous 2 I've done straight through, but this time I stopped for about 30 seconds to catch my breath before the last 6 mins. I know it's not bad, but it got me really down :P On the plus size my max HR is a little lower every time so I know I'm slowly getting more fit!

    Melissa - I said it already, but congrats!! 4 is my magic number, but my husband isn't on board with that just yet lol.
  • Holly~ I did have a great time with my mom! It is always nice to have her visit, she helps me a lot when she comes. This time was even harder then normal we had to make my sons birthday cake and we went over board so I have a whole cake in the freezer. AH. Sorry about dinner not sitting well with your tummy. Amazing how your body changes in what it accepts.

    Katie~ I swear you are a big motivation!

    Cat~ HUGE Glee fan!! I wish I could take your spin class that would be so fun!

    Melissa~ Welcome back and congrats on number 4!!!!

    thanks for all the welcome backs! I missed y'all! I feel like a blob with this week off. we ate out a lot and no working out pretty much. But its ok. Today has been a real MOnday. Ran out of gas this morning on top of the snow that was on the car this morning. I am behind on my laundry. I need to get on a actual schedule because I have been really slacking on that since I had my girl. The tv has been on for far too long during the days. ah. So this week is a getting my bum in gear week. wish me luck. I hope everyone else's day is going well!!
  • Helen_Ch
    Helen_Ch Posts: 37 Member
    Hi everyone! Room for one more mom? :) I'm a stay at home mom to 3 wonderful kids, ages 8, 6 and 2. I'm trying to lose the last 10lbs and tone up. I started working out again about 5 weeks ago and I love how I feel. I'm doing the Couch to 5K program and am currently on week 6 - it's tough now! I'm also doing Chalean Extreme on the opposite days for strength training.

    One of my biggest weaknesses is snacking during the day. We eat relatively healthy, but there still crackers and other kid's snacks in our house calling my name!!
  • italiabella
    italiabella Posts: 19 Member
    HI Ladies...
    Do you mind if I join??? I am a SAHM to 3 boys... 5 1/2, 3 1/2 and 2. Right now we are discussing going for #4... hoping for a girl but happy with either. I am also currently in school for my RN degree.

    Looking forward to getting to know you ladies.
  • CTK3989
    CTK3989 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi! I am a SAHM of a 4 year old (5 in Nov) and a 2 year old (3 in July). I am also a student and I babysit a 16 month old 12 hours a day so he is practically mine as well. I have 9lbs to go before I reach my goal.
  • sgk0411
    sgk0411 Posts: 105 Member
    sooooo sore from 30 day shred yesterday. feeling pretty good though.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Aww, thanks Swtchry! Good luck on getting back on track. I feel ya on the TV, happends too much here too...but now that I think of it, they didn't watch any all day! WOW!

    Welcome Willow, Sherri, CTK!! We are very laid back, just join in when you can :)

    CTK, I have an almost 5 year old (July) and 3 year old (June) as well! :)

    Sherrie ~ 3 boys!! And very close in age, I bow down! haha :)

    SGK ~ Good job on the shred, I remember my first time it hurt to sit down and pee for 4 days!

    Way over in sodium today! Trying to flush it out with water, at least I was under in calories! :) Have a great night!
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    Good evening moms..........Well, Glee spin class went well :) It wasn't a 900 calorie burn, it came in under 600, but still a great burn!! I had a guy friend come in and co teach with me tonight, I"m going to co teach with him on Wednesday nights, it was low key and lots of hills tonight....Glee music was lots of fun!!
    So, as I put on my status a bit ago, on my way out of the gym, the head trainer stopped me and wanted to know for the month of April, if I would take on teaching Monday night, co teach on Wednesay night, and ADD 2 morning classes, on Tuesday and Thursdaymornings......OMG ......So, I have gone from the past almost 2 years, fighting NOT teaching any spin classes to NOW teaching, what 4 classes.....OMG Starting next week, we shall see how it all goes......All I know is that I will be burning some cals, starting next week.....LOL

    OK, I haven't had a chance to catch up on everyone this evening....Be the first thing I do in the morning.......Hope everyone had a great Monday!!
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