SAHM 3/28-4/3



  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Saving for later, been a long day so I'm calling it a night. See ya tomorrow!
  • khharms
    khharms Posts: 12
    Can I join you ladies??
    I'm a SAHM to a beautiful 9 month baby girl. I am struggling to lose the last 10 lbs of my pre-pregnancy weight, then the last 15 to my ultimate goal.
    I am looking forward to getting to know you, and join you on this weight loss journey!

    Karla :)
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Been having on going problems with the internet. So wish that I had a laptop of my own. ;) Finally was able to steal the hubbys from him for a bit.

    Things are going okay here. The same old same old. Something pretty nice is that the MIL is getting to the point that she is going to make the temp separation a permnant separation. She is so very tired of him harping on her and trying to manipulate her (he told her that he was going on a hunger strike until she came home lol I think that he is 3 again).

    I finally lost some more lbs but after all this binging the last few days (TOM and I have just been pure lazy about self control) I am sure I have gained it all back but hey I deserve it.

    Stacey~Sorry if you have answered this in previous post but how is the house buying going?

    Welcome to all newcomers.
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Welcome to Karla and all the new moms here! :flowerforyou:

    I love reading about everyone's babies. My baby is in middle school now. Sometimes I miss her baby days...but not when I hear about them being up in the middle of the night! :happy:

    I finally walked for real yesterday-- a whole hour with the dog and music. It was face-numbing cold again--my fingers felt like they were going to fall off! What's going on? It feels colder in spring than it did in winter. Anyway, by the time I was finished of course I was ready to take my coat off cuz I was so hot. :tongue: It's sunny today, so I'm committing to walk again today.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    sorry to post and run yesterday, my DS1 has a tummy bug so that is consuming lots of my time and then DD woke at 9 pm for her final feed so I went to bed before doing my last evening post in here as per usual.

    Thanks for all the congrats on the normal trousers! :bigsmile: I'm still 7 lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight but hopefully before too long I will fit back in all my normal trousers, haven't tried any but these yet as I know these are the largest I have in that size :blushing: Stupid really as there are probably trousers that have a label the next size up that are actually the same size or even smaller, its all psychological really!

    swtch - welcome back, hope you had a lovely time with your mum :flowerforyou:

    holly - so sorry to hear you were poorly, that's horrid. Is red lobster seafood? It could be the actual food made you ill?

    KC - sorry your T is sick, there seems to be lots of it about atm, maybe the random changes in weather are bringing all the bugs out??

    Wildcat - bleurgh at being awake 3 - 5 :frown: Hope you had a better night last night :flowerforyou:

    Cat - I knew the Glee spin class would go down a storm!! Such exciting news about all the new teaching opportunities too! :smooched:

    stacey - I'd def count the packing and moving as workout too, we last moved 5 years ago and I'm sure I'm still scarred by the experience! :laugh:

    Nicole - sorry to ehar you weren't feeling great yesterday either, hope you feel better today :flowerforyou:

    Welcome (back) Melissa and congratulations on your pregnancy! :flowerforyou: Hope you are feeling well with it?

    Welcome also to IamWillow, CTK, khharms and ItaliaBella :flowerforyou:

    Katie - don't beat yourself up about the binge, relationship problems are a huge emotional strain. You can and will lose it again :flowerforyou:

    I hit 10 lbs lost today as those who are my friends know, I'm so excited!!! 7 more to go to my pre-pregnancy weight which is feeling more achievable now - hopefully I can shift that by the end of April (fingers crossed!) which would be awesome for DD to still be under 3 months and have lost all the baby weight. Though obviously I have a fair bit to go after that too!! :laugh: DS1 still off school sick but otherwise all ok, managed to fit in my first swim since the GP signed me off as fit to exercise again, did 70 lengths in 45 mins which is much slower than I was, but hey it will come back. I think I need to do some sprints to get the speed back. I was totally knackered after and am about 500 cals below target today but I think I'll leave it as I had 1000 cals extra with BFing plus the swim
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Good Morning!

    Welcome to all the new ladies—khharms, Sherri, ctk and willow—Look forward to getting to know you!

    Wildcat—I hope that you got some decent sleep last night!

    Cat—That is great that they think so highly of your teaching in the spin classes….They seem to be adding a lot to your plate very quickly though…I hope you are ok with that! You are right though, you sure will be burning a TON of calories!

    Have had a good start to the morning so far—re-lost the pound that I gained during T’s birthday weekend. T seems to be feeling better this morning, so hopefully there will be less whining here at my house today. I’ll check in later with you all! Have a good one!
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    WOW, lots to read, I love it!!

    Shoppie - Congrats on non preggo pants AND getting to 10 pounds, that is awesome!!

    Swtchrypie - Sounds like you had a great visit w/your Mom. Hope your week is going well and you are getting lots done. I need to make a new cleaning schedule and stick to it or my house gets bonkers.

    Holly - Red Lobster and tummy issues, ugh, hope you feel better today.

    KC - Glad T is feeling better and CONGRATS on getting those pounds back off.

    Wildcat - Great job on your runs, so excited for you. Did you get better sleep tonight?

    Stacey - YAHOO on moving and unpacking, that IS a workout for sure.

    Cat - Giiiiiirl you are awesome, more spin classes and you still attend other classes, WOW. Wish I lived by you so I'd stay motivated to keep up with ya. :happy:

    Nicole - How are you feeling?

    Katie - I hate how I feel after too much sodium. Went to a movie this weekend and had popcorn, my tummy was all puffy the next day, not cute!!

    Melissa - Welcome and congrats on the new baby! Are you going to find out if it's a boy or girl?

    Willow - We are on the same week of C25K, I'm doing W6D2 tonight. I'm loving the program.

    Sherri & CTK3989 & Karla - Welcome!!

    SGK - Great job on 30DS, love the workouts and that it's only 30 minutes.

    Katie M - So great to hear from you. Glad to hear MIL is doing so well now that's she's away from him. You'll get those pounds back off, just stay focused this week, you can do it!!

    Victorious One - Great job walking, I'm sure your pup is loving it.

    Excited to run tonight! Also need to get another workout in today, not sure what yet. Maybe a P90X video. My brother is in town so I'm not sure if I'll be running around with him later. Guess I better get busy just in case. Hope all are having a great day!
  • Welcome Iamwillow, italiabella, Karla, and CTK3989!!!!!

    sgk~ I just started the 30 shred OMG MY LEGS!! I have to do it twice today as the first time my kids took up most of my time. Seems to be the theme for the day! haha

    shoppe~ woowhoo 10 lbs!!!!! thats awesome! Don't worry the baby weight will come off you are doing such a good job so far!!!

    Amy~ I should sit down and make a schedule too. That would help a lot!!!!! Have a good time with your brother!

    So I tried to do me c25k today (which I am still on week 3….poopers) but right in the middle andi woke up so I decided to try and do the 30ds and she got really fussy. So putting them off for a little bit and going to hit them again in a few, once I can get her settled down. I hope everyone is having a great day!
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    swtchrypie - At our old house I had 5 different colored index cards with chores on them (I did set chores M-F and weekends were more of a pick up only). I even laminated them so I could mark stuff off as I got it done. It helped a ton, no idea why I haven't made any since we moved, LOL. Guess I need to get on that. Hope you get your run in today. :)
  • clcole522
    clcole522 Posts: 68 Member
    Hey moms.....Been a crzy Tuesday for Thx for all the love and support mom! I sure can use it all :)

    shoppie.....I'm loving the excitement in your posts!! You rock girl-friend!! Keep up the good work!

    kc120.........thanks for your kind thoughts.. The head trainer ...slash....friend, talked with me a bit about the classes before she went and put them on the schedule for April...She knows I'm a gym rat :) At one point and time there were 7 spin classes in 5 days, Monday through Friday, morning and night and I was taking them I have lost so much of my weight due to spinning, I am just so hooked on it... It is alot, I've gone to not teaching for the past few years, to now teaching 4/5 classes, I am kind of liking the idea, esp the morning classes....So many stay at home mom's there, that I hope I can reach out to make some fun classes, and still burn a ton of calories....Kind of that" pay it forward" feeling....Some of those instructors helped me get on track, hoping I can re pay that to another mom out cheese, isn't

    4loveofkids ...Living closer to me, that would be awesome!! So much easier when you have workout buddies to do things with!! lol That would be so cool!! lol
    I finally got a good run in today, been a while since I just ran....Been so busy with "body pump" weight training, I've lacked in the running...It was good to get back in there... and I ran like I didn't miss a beat, which made me happy....

    swtchrypie...hang in there girl friend!!

    Welcome Iamwillow, italiabella, Karla, and CTK3989!!!!!
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Cat - I think you'd be perfect to teach classes that have lots of SAHMs etc, its far more motivational to have someone who knows what you are going through and can empathise, you can def do it! :drinker:

    Amy - wow, your old housework system sounds lovely and organised, I may steal it!!

    swtch - its so annoying when you are exercising and they wake up isn't it?! I was doing some of my strength stuff today and DD started grumbling and i was all 'noooo I'm only half way through!!' :laugh:

    Girls - what do you do for your abs and how often? My core strengthening (which I obv only started last Fri, but hey) I am doing alternate days and I'm happy the arms and legs is enough as they ache a bit after but not too much but the abs I am doing a total of 60 toe touches (in 3 sets of 20) and 60 crunches (same) and not really feeling that at all so think I need to up that/ do something more challenging?

    I'm getting so used to posting with a bunch of yanks (that's not an offensive term is it? I hope not!) I'm in serious danger of attempting to say something like 'go girlfriend' which just is not 'the done thing' in Britain - they'll laugh me out of the room! :laugh:
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    I'm not much help with ab stuff, the only ab workout I get is at Stoller Strides once a week and I feel it for about 3 days :P I did used to have a cheapy pilates video which was pretty decent for the price and was broken up into three 10 min workouts. I'd feel that for days, too. Next time I'm in the basement I'll see what it's called. Mine is a VHS copy, but I know I've seen it on DVD.

    Unfortunately sleep wasn't much better last night and she was up at 6 this morning, which is way earlier than normal for her. When my husband went in she was standing in the crib, though! She spent all morning pulling up in the crib, on the coffee table, the rabbit cage....I'm hoping that was the cause for the disruption and we'll have a better time in the next few days. She always sleeps so terribly before hitting new milestones!

    I had a choice between Just Dance 2 or a nap before work today....I chose the nap :bigsmile:
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    So much to catch up on!!

    Cat-Glad you're enjoying teaching spin and it's not being pushed on you!

    Welcome to all the new ladies and welcome back Melissa! Congrats on number 4! (I had wanted four until I had my son!! :laugh: )

    Amy-Great idea! I used to do certain chores on set days when I had a schedule with DD's crafts too, but somehow I fell out of it. I should start it back up again.

    Swchtrypie-Way to be persistent! Being interrupted is a pain.

    Shoppie-My DH is teased all the time by his Mum because he uses most American phrases now like trash instead of rubbish and bathroom instead of toilet. We're looking forward to bringing our (very American) kids over in September to meet his Nan for the first time. :laugh: They do say things with a slight English accent, like water and bath, but most things are said with my distinct NY accent. Like cawfee (coffee) or dawggie (doggie). :blushing:

    As for the abs, I have no idea. When I was 13 I had a stretch where I did 100 regular and 100 reverse crunches twice a day and *amlost* had abs, but haven't been concerned about them again.

    I'm feeling much better now, thanks! I called the doctor on Monday and the stomach pain went away. I should have called them Sunday. :laugh: I did go to volleyball last night and felt great! It was a high level of play so I'm sure I burned a good amount of calories. I really should get a HRM to see. Maybe I'll ask for one for Christmas. :smile: I'm planning to do Banish Fat today for the first time since Thursday, but we're taking the kids to get their passports this morning. And of course DS has been running into the chairs and falling off of things so he has scrapes and red marks on his face. Typical. :tongue: I hope everyone has a great day today.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Hey ladies. I posted a week or two ago and then never came back so I am going to start again. My name is Danielle and I am a SAHM to a wonderful little boy born 9/2010. I have about 25 lbs to my goal. I am currently training for a 5K (C25K) and am running my first official 5K on May 1st. I am looking forward to your support and getting to know you.

    So I joined up with you ladies a week or two ago and then kinda went on a downward spiral. I was eating out a lot and then my son and I flew to Texas to visit with friends. The food in TX was soooo good and needless to say in about a week and a half I gained 4 lbs back (I had been down to 11 lost). But now I am refocused and ready to go.

    Now my son and DH have a cold. I am just keeping my fingers crossed that I avoid it.
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Nicole - Ohhh I never thought about a craft schedule, that would be great, especially for summer. One chore I always stick with is to clean the boys bathroom while my 4 year old is in the bath. Usually the one year old is at the side playing with the bath toys so I can get everything but the floor done and since I wash the bath before each use I don't have to worry about that. I'm weird about having a clean kitchen and bathroom. So glad you are feeling better and had a a great time at volleyball.

    Wildcatmom - Sorry about the sleep, ugh! Hope last night was better. I'd so be all over the nap too, sometimes we need to rest and let our bodies catch up a bit.

    Shoppie - LOL, at my old job I had a German boss and an Italian boss, they would crack me up when they picked up some Oklahoma slang. It didn't help that they were picking up words from the cowboys that worked with us. Hahahahahaha, it was hilarious.

    Cat - Great run!! Your class yesterday sounds crazy, I would be sleeping til noon and covered in icy hot!!

    I lost another pound. I'm so happy but also wondering if I'll kick this up a notch. LOL, if only I would give up some calories!!! When I cut back it seems to make me snack late at night so I'm still trying to balance it all out. Good news, several of my pants are too big and I'm wearing some that haven't fit in a while. Hubby keeps asking if I went shopping. I told him, he'll know when I go shopping, hahaha.
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Danielle - What week of C25K are you on? Several of us are doing the C25K program. I just did W6D2 last night, hoping to do my 5K in May also.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    4loveofkids- I am repeating Week 6 day 3 next work out as I didn't quite make it 2 1/4/ 25 min without walking. Hopefully this time I will and then I will be on to Week 7. I am hoping to get that in today if it is warm enough to run outside today. Last time I was able to do 15 minutes, walk 90 secs, and then run the remaining 8.5 minutes.
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Good (almost) afternoon Ladies,

    I am so tried today. The thing is it's for no apparent reason. Only one child waking up last night and she fell asleep again, in my bed of course. Today was cardio only as my legs are sore from Monday's workout and I did upper body stuff yesterday. I started using the fitness room when a class isn't going on to do some step aerobics. I used to teach step class about 12 years ago. I was just messing around for a little while and realized how much I missed it. I've done 15 min. each day since. A gym friend came in while I was doing it yesterday to chat. Today she came in and wanted to do it as a warm up before she met with her trainer so I 'taught' her for about 10 min. she hadn't really done step before so I kept it really basic. All together I did it for 30 minutes and with a 10 inch step that's 350 calories! No wonder I was in such good shape back when I taught!! I'm on the count down to the early morning class 5 days till not looking forward to being up so early I really hope the class is worth everything Louie (my trainer and a teacher of said class) claims it will be.

    Danielle-Welcome back, everyone falls off the wagon at some point but you can always get back on!

    Amy-Congrats on losing another pound! Calorie tweaking is a constant for a while I think. I know I wasn't eating enough so I slowed my anticipated loss to 1/2 lb. a week and am eating more. We'll see how it works or if I need to mix it up more.

    Nicole-It figures that when you plan to have pictures done of your kids for something at least one will have a scratch or bruise of something on their face! Glad you are feeling better and you had a good night for volleyball.

    Cat-You are a spinning machine! I bet it feel good to have everyone think so highly of your talents as a teacher that they would like you to do more. I bet your Glee class was awesome, I love that show!

    I know I"m missing some put these are all are on my page at the moment!

    Swtchrypie-It's hard trying to get your workout done at home and seems that once you hit your grove is when someone needs your attention. It's frustrating. I hope you are able to get the rest of your workout it.

    Shoppie-So what would you say to a friend in Britain instead of "go girl"? As for being called a 'Yank' that can be touchy to some. During our Civil War the country was divided and the northerners were referred to as Yankees and it was meant as a derogatory word. Even though our civil war was over 150 years ago some people in the southern states still refer to northerners as Yankees and if you weren't born and bred in the south you could never 'officially be a southerner' even if you lived there for the rest of your life. Funny quirks we have here.
  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    Cat—I don’t think its cheesy at all that you are hoping to pay it forward. I know that if I hadn’t had someone at the gym who was welcoming, and ready to help me take steps toward my goals I wouldn’t have stuck with it like I have. You are doing a great thing!!

    4love—congrats on the pound!

    Another busy day here…waiting for DH to get home so I can go to my step class and then straight into the office for a little while. I have to start thinking about what I am going to pre-pack for dinner to eat at my desk so I am not tempted to stop and grab something. It’s rainy and dreary today, so I am feeling a little BLAH…hopefully my step class will give me a pick me up!!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Shoppie ~ LOL!!! I take no offense to the term yank...although that generally refers to those born in the Northern someone in the South might be offended ;-P I just started doing the 200 sit-up I do that 3 days a week:

    Welcome back Danielle! I bet you'll lose those 4lbs fast!

    Amy ~ Congrats on the pound!

    Busy day here, have to do a double work out because of a yummy coffee cake a friend made...oh well! LOL Going to go make an early dinner, it's AWANA and Zumba night! :)
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