

  • ah. I had the same problem, sometimes I found myself low in calories and say to myself "do I need to keep eating all day?!?!?!" but at the same time I realize that this depends on what I eat, if I ate for breakfast smth that will give me good nutrition like bagel n peanut better..or a banana n apple... both makes you full…
  • Don't be afraid...just take a look and say to urself "This is going to go way down sooon!!" Just have trust that you can do it. There is simple things you can do that will help you being healthy n burn calories.. NEVER walk slowly! always walk fast as if you r late! this will help you burn calories n have a healthy heart!…
  • I agree it's mostly mental and about what you tell yourself is what you are going to be/do... You shouldn't be picky if you want to be healthy.. but is't really that healthy food isn't "tasty"? Well, I know some moments when I ate smth and someone will ask me how is it? and my answer will be is that it's one of those food…
  • So I tried it last nite!! After my regular 2 miles run, I got home and decided I will give it a shot. So I took deep breath saying YES I WILL!! I started actually with 2 instead of one pushups I guess bcuz I'm just used to not do only one! Anyway, then I did 2 sit-ups, 2 squats, 3 pushups, 3 sit-ups, 3 squat,...my mind…
  • aww so there is a dance game for WII!! wow this makes me want to buy wii for that game!! Red13, It's hard to suggest a specific dance DVD. This also depends on what kind of dance you/your daughter likes? Hip-Hop? Jazz? Ballet? I have a couple of Dance DVDs for Hip-Hop and social dance. The first from Pick Up Dance(dot com)…
  • ambercole..I agree it might be the most accurate solution..but I don't want to pay that much amount of money that I can use for other useful things...but thanks for the suggestion lilchino4af, I see your point. I also created an exercise and named it "Two miles run- Time is dependent on how fast the run" depending on a web…
  • aww this is tough!! you shouldn't do that! haha, well you know you really shouldn't :) Ok now this happened what to do? I'm not sure from a health prospective, but from a psychic one I will be drinking more water, and I do mean MORE water. then I will have to "punish" myself with extra workout and exercise. You know, when…
  • sounds interesting and challenging!! Let me think about it. so let's say I started with 1 pushups,1 crunch,1 squat...15 pushups,15 crunch,15 squat This are a total of 15 each..now reversing, 15 pushups,15 crunch,15 squat...1 pushups,1 crunch,1 squat Now this is a total of 30 each..that is a total of 90 reps If you did up…
  • I don't have asthma myself. But this summer during a dance program, a friend of mine did have asthma issues. Well, she was able to work around this from what I see in her good performance. Every Mon, Wed, Sat we run 2 miles..and she used to use her medicine on a period of time before we start gettin ready and stretching…
  • I also agree!! when you share with others what you are doing you want to show your best!! so this is really a good way to be motivated to do better and better each day..never fall behind!! The community, friends, environment around you have bog influence on us, wether we like it, notice it or not. So being within a…