Run and pushups, calories burned and time VS reps

hi all!
I want to know how many calories I burn during my running exercise and pushups.

The way I run is not about the period of time I run, but about how long it took me to run certain distance.
That is, I usually run 2 miles. and the way I evaluate myself is by how long it took me to run these 2 miles.
The same for pushups, it's not just about how many reps I do, but about how long it took me to do these 50 pushups.

My 2 miles run take between 14 mins smth to 15 min smth, depending on the environment and other things like what/when I eat.
the same for push-ups, 50 pushups will take me 1m:20s to 2 min.

The problem is that I tried to know how many calories I burn when I run or do pushups in this way. But all what I find is about how long you do practice pushups or how long you run. But this doesn't help bcuz I may run 2 miles in 14 min or even 17 mins, in which I burned more calories, the faster I run? or the longer I run?
what about pushups, 50 in 2 mins, or 50 in 3 mins?

I would really appreciate it if anyone can give me some insight and help me with this!! :)


  • ambercole
    the best way to track your calorie burn is with a heart rate monitor. Polar makes some nice ones. I bought my Polar F6 3 years ago and it was worth every penny.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    For running, there's an entry for running with a mph attached to it and they're usually in .5 increments, so you could select 7mph or 7.5mph to log your 2 miles in 14-15 min. As far as pushups, you can log it as strength training with a time frame.
  • Ahmed20OD
    ambercole..I agree it might be the most accurate solution..but I don't want to pay that much amount of money that I can use for other useful things...but thanks for the suggestion

    lilchino4af, I see your point. I also created an exercise and named it "Two miles run- Time is dependent on how fast the run" depending on a web search the 2 mile run will burn about 341 calories..I am not sure if this make sense?