You set the number of intervals you want, and if I want to track total time, I just use the stopwatch feature on my phone
I'm always hungriest during the middle of the day, so lunch is usually the biggest meal for me. Otherwise I eat 4-5 times a day and the other meals are all about the same amount
You are absolutely beautiful (before and after), but you can definitely see how much happier and healthier you are now. Keep up the good work, you are going to inspire so many people!
Wow thanks everybody for the amazing comments. I never thought I'd get so many replies, let alone compliments! Thank you all so much
Thank you so much! Hopefully muscle gain happens primarily in the *ahem* glute region :D haha
Thank you! Honestly, I'm happiest about my energy levels and ability to breathe (and sleep through an entire night without having to wake up wheezing). That's so great about your husband! One thing I've learned is that there's no substitute for a healthy lifestyle when you want to feel awesome all the time.
Yeah that was definitely me... I would just stop eating as much to try and lose weight... but I would see absolutely no change, and I would be even more tired. Thank you so much, and keep up the hard work! :D
Thanks so much! :D Taking progress pics is awesome, I never expected to see such a difference! When you look at yourself every day it's hard to notice changes over time. I do BodyRockTV's workouts, sometimes I customize my own routines based on their exercises. I also use a sandbag (currently at 24lbs) and a 10lb dumbell.…
I agree that compared to others my progress has been pretty slow, and a major part of that is because I didn't have all that much weight to lose. As you get closer to your lean body mass progress typically does slow down. That said, I honestly didn't see much progress until July or August of this year, because my…
Thanks Dog :tongue:
Sorry! Had to resize my picture. Works now :)
Yeah I know haha, part of it is because I have a small band size, and part of it is the squish factor from the sports bra
When I'm sick I always just feel like cold, juicy things for some reason. So i generally will eat a lot of fresh fruit like apples, mangoes, melons, oranges etc. They're so high in water content and vitamins so it helps your body heal too. Also, frozen cherries work wonders for a sore throat.
Great job on your success so far! But don't stress out about it too much! My weight can fluctuate anywhere within 5-7 pounds depending on things like water or bloating. My advice is to buy fat calipers and measure your body fat%, as this is a much more reliable method to track success. You could very well be losing fat but…
I use Fitness Blender all the time. They have a great variety of free streaming videos, and you can search for ones that target specific muscle groups (i.e. glutes! yay bum!), or by what kind of exercise you want, (i.e. cardio, strength, toning etc) You can also modify these by adding weight or just using bodyweight.…
I have a lot of digestive issues and allergies which don't allow me to eat a lot of foods, and I get a lot of comments about the things I do eat. If I make broccoli, my dad complains about the smell. I made egg-less cookies at thanksgiving and he told me they were "dry as a turd on a sunny day" and once when I was eating a…
Anytime you increase your fibre intake, you get gassier for a little while as your body adjusts. Also, cherries in particular are very high in vitamin C, which stimulates your bowels and sortof acts as a natural laxative. Same thing if you eat a lot of prunes or apricots... you can get the trots pretty quickly afterwards.…