I fart alot now

beanstwoniner Posts: 2
edited December 2024 in Health and Weight Loss
Ever since using this site to monitor my food intake, I've been having really smelly and more farts now.

I eat at least one serving of fruit at each meal and for snacks. Corn has been the main choice of vegetables, its in season here.

From the fiber from the fruits? Peaches, watermelon, cherries.

I started on wednesday 22 aug 12.


  • kcragg
    kcragg Posts: 239 Member
    LOL, do you live alone?!

    It could be the fruit - try to eat it in the morning. If you have it after a meal it can sit on the meal and ferment in your stomach causing the gases!

    any sort of fibrous fruit and veggies, like beans could cause such an effect.

    Good luck
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member

    You aren't alone. Farting and pooping can be side effects of increasing fiber and moving more often. Protein shakes make for some nice crop dusting as well.

    Use your new powers carefully. Go forth and prosper.
  • MissC787
    MissC787 Posts: 175 Member
    The sugars in some vegetables can lead to intestinal gas as they’re digested. Onions and artichokes contain fructose, a type of sugar, while another sugar, raffinose, is found in asparagus, brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cabbage, among others. Vegetables that have soluble fiber, like peas, can cause gas as they’re digested in the large intestine. Those with insoluble fiber should pass through without discomfort or excessive gas. Some fruits contain another sugar, called sorbitol, which causes excessive gas. The biggest culprits include prunes, apples, peaches, and pears. Sugar-free gum and candy are sweetened with sorbitol, which is why they can lead to excessive gas, too. Fruits also contain soluble fiber, which when digested in the large intestine produces gas as a byproduct. Starches, which are very high in carbohydrates, can cause gas when your digestive tract goes through the process of breaking them down. At the top of the list are foods made with wheat, including breads, cereals, and pastas, all of which can lead to intestinal gas. Other common gas-producing foods in this category are corn and potatoes. Unlike all the other starches, the one that doesn’t seem to create intestinal gas is rice. So basically anything you choose to eat will give you gas...lol

    I suggest trying Been-O, or Gas-X.
  • Vtron9
    Vtron9 Posts: 18
    Anytime you increase your fibre intake, you get gassier for a little while as your body adjusts. Also, cherries in particular are very high in vitamin C, which stimulates your bowels and sortof acts as a natural laxative. Same thing if you eat a lot of prunes or apricots... you can get the trots pretty quickly afterwards.
    If it's really bugging you, switch up the types of fruit you're eating and see if you notice any improvement
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,571 Member
    Your body needs to develop the right flora to digest all the stuff you're eating now. Corn and fruits all have lots of soft fiber.

    If this type of healthy diet is new for you, it will take a while.

    Try beano short term. You can get it any pharmacy. Take a drop or two before you eat and it will help your digestive problems. It's made to stop farting.

    Long term, help you gut flora. Try to some natural yoghurt and - better still - try some kefir. Both will help you develop a wider variety of healthy bacteria in your guts and make you fart less.
  • My wife does not appreciate the smell. lol

    And for the first time, I heard my 2 yo. daughter say "daddy, smelly" in Cantonese, as she went near the washroom today. hahaha

    I figured it was all the fruits I've been having.

    Thanks for the input.

    FYI, I'm ok letting smelly ones rip all the time, its the women in the house who are complaining. hahaha
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