

  • I hope it is not too late to join. . . but I am IN! 1st = 1.5 miles 2nd = 3.5 miles 3rd = rest 4th = 1.75 miles Total = 6.75 (78.25 miles to go) Usually my runs are more substantial than this, but this was our exam week, so I haven't had much time just yet. :)
  • I always tend to gravitate to low-fiber, high-carb foods as well before my long runs. Usually something very mild, like half a bagel - and I always time it so I have enough time to use the restroom before leaving. That seemed to help me!
  • Do not be afraid to ask the weight room attendant for help! They are often super friendly and very knowledgable, and they are used to answering questions ALLL the time. Feeling embarrassed is perfectly normal. :) Just don't let that stand in your way of getting a great workout!
  • I've been a Zumba instructor for about 4 years and I still learn something new each week. The biggest thing that helped me was to network with other instructors - at our gym, we have about 7 instructors, and most of us co-teach. In addition to our regular staff in-services, we hold monthly Zumba-only workshops where we…
  • also, try 6pm.com. the downside is you can't try anything on, but i've bought SO much stuff there lately. i got a speedo swim suit for $20, running tights for $32, and the perfect running shoes for $48. there's also a plethora of brand name clothes with deep discounts. and the best part? shipping is always $6.95, no matter…
  • sarawo24: because you're body is becoming more adapted to the workout regime, the same weights & the same number of reps is not going to equal the same calorie burn over time. This isn't necessarily a bad thing - it means you're getting stronger! To get your heart rate up a bit more and therefore burn more calories, try…
  • Morning everyone! Glad to see so many dedicated and hardworking people here. It's so inspiring! I taught Zumba again last night (and burned 700 calories in the process), so I'm a dragging a little today. Unfortunately, this affect my performance in Plyo this morning but I know I gave it everything I had. I only burned 468…
  • Hi everyone! Today is the first day of Phase 2 for me and as such the first day of Chest/ Shoulders/ Tri + ARX. Let me tell you that one hung me out to dry! So freaking hard. I had to do almost all of the pushups on my knees and didn't go about 10 lbs for anything involving weights. I hope that changes with time. On a…
  • bryan: Welcome to the party! I think this is one of the more interesting groups on MFP, but I admit I am most likely biased on that one. :) Well, today is FINALLY the last day of my "recovery" week. I am so surprised that I've been so impatient and literally craving to go back to the hard work outs. I woke up early by…
  • You are gettin' it done, girl! Wish I could be that productive. :)
  • Hey guys! I woke up early this morning to get my Core Syn workout in before my group exercise instructor training in (which burned an additional 374 calories too!). I am so excited to have a productive day. In other news, I taught Zumba class for the first time last night and I think it went really well! However, I still…
  • I did those for the first time today. I'm convinced that as soon as I will be ready to do all of them, I'll be ready for the olympics. Ha.
  • Jennyco: Glad to know I'm not the only one who doesn't exactly care for an hour and a half of yoga, hahah. I'm already flexible (I've done dance for a long time), so cardio is definitely more of what I should be doing to reach my fitness goals of slimmin' down. Marksball: Amen to working out outside! I feel trapped in the…
  • Hey guys! Today is Week 4 Day 1 for me. I honestly can't stand Yoga X for the life of me (I'm a cardio addict), so I did 30 mins on the bike and 20 mins rowing + Stretch X later tonight. Haha. That's actually a light day for me, so I'm not going to worry about it being my recovery week. It's all good. PS: Watching the…
  • Hahah, your post is yet another reason I should stop focusing on vacuuming behind my refrigerator.
  • That is so awesome! I honestly don't know if I'll ever learn to love Yoga X. . . unless the vinyasas decide to magically disappear. Then maybe, I'll reconsider. You, on the other hand, gettin' it done! Such inspiration right now!
  • Sorry it's taken me so long to respond (I just got hired to be a Zumba Group Fitness instructor today!. . . and then came the paperwork. Haha.) But I ended up just taking the worksheets and the workout guidebook with me. I remembered most of the moves from the past two weeks and about how many reps I should be looking to…
  • Hey, guys! I've avoided posting on these until I truly committed to the 90 days of P90X. I've had a lot of false starts (mainly lasting less than a week), but as of today I am on Week 3 Day 4 and have yet to miss a single workout! That may seem trivial to some of you, but from the perspective of a commit-a-phobe in every…
  • I'll join you. I was doing P90X a number of months back and fell off of the wagon. . . hard. It will be nice to be part of a thread with people starting at the same time. I'm excited to get back to reality!
  • This is such a cool idea - thanks for the tip!
  • I've had the same issue, except I think mine is strep throat. Honestly, if you don't feel up to it, wait. It is a better idea to allow your body the rest that it needs to heal itself so it can be back at 100% than push yourself too much and make you feel worse. Just my two cents. :)
  • I just got my Polar FT 40 this week and. . . well, I have fallen a little in lust.
    in HRMs Comment by jfilon November 2009
  • Same here; unless you're wearing a HRM (and not base it off of the instructor's guess), I would say it's closer to 500-600. I've been doing zumba for three years and am getting certified to teach it next week, and the most I've ever burned during the so-hard-I'm-almost-dying sessions, is 780. I wish I burned 1150! Try a…
  • Thanks for the heads up! So glad you posted this. :)
  • Better luck this week, right? I'm only down 0.5 a stinkin' pound. . . so now at 146.3 lbs.
  • I'm so happy for you! Triathlons are truly amazing. You're going to have such a blast. Does your bike have clipless pedals? It honestly makes such a major difference in maximizing your pedal stroke efficiency. If not, don't worry about it, but it is something to look into. Just have fun! :smile:
  • Yeah-yeah! I'm now at 146.8. . . which is down 1.2 pounds! And that's even weighing in at night instead of the morning (totally spaced after my A.M. workout). You all are doing awesome! Let's make this week fan-freaking-tastic. :wink:
  • Yay! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Being a junior in college myself and knowing how beautiful the words "free" and "cake" go together, I can totally appreciate your willpower. You're doing awesome, girl! :) :) :)
  • :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: hah. better luck tomorrow/