fdgrafius Member


  • Hi, my name is Frank. I'm 38 and was diagnosed with T2 last week... I'm not shocked, since I have been living in denial for a while. Up until this year, I had not had insurance for a while. But I finally bit the bullet and went to the doc to confirm what I already knew to be true. Based on the initial testing, I am not…
  • Wow! I am impressed! Not just with your endeavor, but with your willingness to fight publicly! Best of luck to you! I've been fighting for 5 months now, and feel better than I have in a decade! You can do it... one day at a time.
  • Agreed. A heart reate monitor is the way to go. It is still an extimation, but the most accurate estimation you'll get for your work. I've been doing P90X (I'm 1/2 way through my 2nd Round) and I log everything through cardio, even the resistance exercises.
  • Keep it up, man! I totally know the feeling, though. I'm down 62 lbs, and while I can see the difference now, I still have a long way to go. Whatever you're doing, stay at it! Great work!
  • Welcome! MFP has been a HUGE part of my weightloss! Best of luck on you journey!
  • I love P90X... though if it stands for Power 90 X-treme, then I'm on W90B... Weak 90 B-team! 8) Joking! It has been very demanding and, while I don't fit their "target audience" (folks already in decent shape, looking to take it to the next level), with modeifications (which the system allows for) and conistency I have…
  • Way to keep at it! Snacks are a must... well, PLANNED snacks are a must. 8) The cliche is right, though: 5-6 small meals throughout the day is best. I've been doing P90X for 4 months now and have lost 60 lbs. It's pretty demanding, but I really like it. Best of luck to you!
  • Thanks for the input! Is the "Fat Burning Zone" out? Just goes to show how long I've been out of the loop! 8) And EPOC? I clearly need to do some more research! But that is exactly why I posted the topic... I KNOW I don't know what I'm talking about. haha! If you know of any resources that debunk Zone Training, please…
  • Welcome!
  • Welcome!
  • Don't know how many dudes will reply to this, but my wife and I sometimes do "Power Cleaning." I have a heart rate monitor and I will do my best to keep my heart rate up in the Fat Burning Zone for however long. Since this becomes a measurable activity, I count it. The problem with using the online "guesstimates" is that…
  • I hope it's a system mistake that when I click on your profile it says you have deactivated your account. MFP has really helped me stay on track. If you get this, hang in there!
  • Thanks! I have been thinking through the thanksgiving meal with my in-laws, because aside from turkey and one vegetable, its mac & cheese, mashed potatoes, sweet potato cassarole, stuffing, and the list of calorie count crushers goes on and on! I was planning on asking for feedback. This is great stuff! Anyone else have…
  • Just saw this on another thread... This guy is my new hero! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/131657-p90x-round-2-day-30-pics
  • Power 90 Extreme (P90X) is a home fitness routine offered through Beachbody Fitness (www.beachbody.com). Judging from your comments regarding "tea," I assume that you live in the UK and not the US, correct? Regardless, P90X is one of those infomercial exercise products that I often skip right past (have you heard of the…
  • I just started P90X last week and I have lost 6 pounds! It's pretty intense and by no means can I do all the exercises with perfect form or for the full duration, but so far I love it. As far as diet goes, I'm cutting out fried food, fast food, and soda; limiting my carbs; and maintaining 2000/day calorie intake before…