New MFP'r!

Hey there everyone,

I have always been over weight basically my whole teenage life and on.

About 2 years ago I got to my heaviest weight 243...It was a reality check I NEEDED to get things in check and do something about my weight. I started counting calories and working out at the gym (I found I really enjoyed the gym! Who woulda thought?) I got into a routine of working out nearly every day and I seen a great success in my weight loss! In about 4 months I had shed almost 40lbs!! It was the biggest weight loss I have ever shed! I felt great and was complimented non stop on my new found self!! Life was great! However life caught up with partner and I of 4 years broke up. I slipped out of my routine slowly.....a few months later found a new love, a few more months and I wasn't even going to the gym anymore and ended up actually cancelling my membership. 9 months after that I am a mom! It was a great day in my life however throughout the pregnancy I gained about 25lbs. I was now 225lbs and today-- here I am. Unhappy and disgusted with where I find myself again...I step on the scale(very unhappy mistake!) and here I sit 234.6. 2 years later a new love a new born and all I can say to myself is that "I have lost you...but NOW its time to find you!" Well, thats my story and please I am looking for anyone to help support me on my journey and give me encouraging words! I need all the help I can get! I've lost myself!


  • fdgrafius
    fdgrafius Posts: 21 Member
    I hope it's a system mistake that when I click on your profile it says you have deactivated your account. MFP has really helped me stay on track. If you get this, hang in there!
  • ginnyroxx
    come backkkk!