

  • Hi all! I finally had a loss! I am at 162.5. So that's two pounds down from last week! So happy. I have been limiting my carbs and I think that's been helping. Hopefully this trend will continue because I still have a ways to go, but I'm in the right direction this week! It looks like many people had losses this week so…
  • Sorry for the late post for my weight this week. Was at 164.5 on Friday (stayed the same) but feeling good about this week's weigh in and am hopeful I'll see a drop.
  • Hi all, beyond frustrated with my body. Iam up 1.5 lbs. This week- another gain!! :( I started exercising regularly 2 wks ago and i've seen a gain the past two weeks so there's got to be a connection. I'm just going to try and stay positive, and keep working out and counting cals and hopefully next week I will see a drop.…
  • I was feeling frustrated after my weigh in this week. I gained a pound, and I was expecting a decent loss because I did a six day "jump start" diet and exercise program. I despaired a bit this weekend after that and yesterday I was really bad while watching a sports game. However I am refocused and going to give it ALL…
  • Hooray! Down 2.5 lbs. This week! Seems like a good week for a lot of people. Congrats!
  • Hi everyone! I finally got some time to get on here and join the discussion group. It's truly motivational to read everyone's stories! I am excited for weigh in tomorrow... I am hoping for a decent loss. My first week I lost 5 lbs. And last week lost nothing, so I am due for a loss! I have been exercising and staying under…
  • Hey all! I stayed the same last week and am still at 164.5. Hoping to lose more this week. Actually just bought hip hop abs so hopefully it will be a good program for me. I will let you know! Have a good week!
  • Hey all! Wow, cool spreadsheet Krystal. Thanks for organizing all of this. Here'a my weigh-in for this week: SW: 167 CW: 164.5 Goal weight for Jan. 159 Ultimate GW: 140 Good luck everyone! Anne
  • Hey all! I hope everyone had a great week. I did well most of the week. No fast food, except I did have 2 slices of plain pizza for dinner on Friday night. Other than that, I did pretty well. Exercised every day, even though I wasn't feeling that good (annoying cold, both me and my daughter suffering from it!) It's the…
  • I am motivated for now and have done well the past two days. I am worried that I will lose motivation and that scares me. I have been repeating the Nike slogan "just do it!" to try and keep me motivated. And trying to really vary my diet with lots of fruits and veggies. My new years resolution is balance in all aspects of…
  • Hi all! Good idea for a challenge! Starting weight: 167 Goal weight for January: 159 Ultimate goal weight: 140 Good luck everyone!:smile:
  • I am in!
  • Hi everyone! I would like to join this group if possible. My starting weight is 170.5. My goal is 140. My work out plan is running 30 min. twice a week and 30 day shred 3times a week. Good luck everyone!
  • I feel your pain!!! I am the same exact way. I need to find motivation.... it's so hard. And I started back at the gym last week and atually GAINED 2lbs!! I'm telling myself that it's my muscles tightening up and so they are heavier and that's why I gained weight, but it's REALLY frustrating. I just LOVE to eat bad foods!…
  • That's great! I am going to try the sit up challenge as well. In my initial test, I managed about 55 sit-ups without stopping. The thing that is weird for me is that I'm so used to doing sets of sit-ups, and doing different kinds of sit ups,that it felt odd to just keep going with a regular sit-up without stopping. Then my…
  • Start weight: 172 Jan. 8: 165.5 Jan. 15: 163.5 Jan. 22: 163.5 Jan. 29: 162 Feb. 5: 164 Feb. 12: 163 Feb. 19:161.5 Feb. 26:161 I'm happy I lost a half pound but it's time to step it up if I want to make it to my goal! I'll be happy with 150 though. March 5: March 12: March 19: March 26: April 2: April 9: April 16: April 23:…
  • Start weight: 172 Jan. 8: 165.5 Jan. 15: 163.5 Jan. 22: 163.5 Jan. 29: 162 Feb. 5: 164 Feb. 12: 163 Feb. 19:161.5 Feb. 26: March 5: March 12: March 19: March 26: April 2: April 9: April 16: April 23: April 30: 145 - This is a lofty goal but I'd REALLY love to be there.... I am hopeful I can do it! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!
  • Start weight: 172 Jan. 8: 165.5 Jan. 15: 163.5 Jan. 22: 163.5 Jan. 29: 162 Feb. 5: 164 Feb. 12: 163 Ugh... well at least I'm better than last week, but I am still up from the end of Jan. which is not good. Hopefully this Friday's weigh-in will be better. Feb. 19: Feb. 26: March 5: March 12: March 19: March 26: April 2:…
  • Congratulations! What a great accomplishment!
  • I lost it for longer than a week- probably closer to 2!!!!!!!!! I blame the snow, we've been stuck indoors and eating bad foods! But excuses are over, I'm back to counting calories and working hard. Summer will be here before we know it!!!!!! We can do it :)
  • Start weight: 172 Jan. 8: 165.5 Jan. 15: 163.5 Jan. 22: 163.5 Jan. 29: 162 Slowly but surely getting there!!!!!!!!!!! Feb. 5: Feb. 12: Feb. 19: Feb. 26: March 5: March 12: March 19: March 26: April 2: April 9: April 16: April 23: April 30: 145 - This is a lofty goal but I'd REALLY love to be there.... I am hopeful I can do…
  • Welcome!! Stick with it, drink your water, and log in EVERY bite of food that you eat. You can do it!!!
  • O my gosh! You lost 73 lbs. in 5 months?!?! That is AMAZING!! How did you do it- anything in particular or just diligently counting calories? You should be SO PROUD!!!!!!!
  • Hi again! I hear ya also about the motivation... I really lost motivation the past couple days! I've just felt sooo RAVENOUS lately! :drinker: I did start my TOM on Friday so that may have something to do with it. But I am back on the train, and was very healthy today. I'm actually way under calories for today and really…
  • Start weight: 172 Jan. 8: 165.5 Jan. 15: 163.5 Jan. 22: 163.5 Jan. 29: Feb. 5: Feb. 12: Feb. 19: Feb. 26: March 5: March 12: March 19: March 26: April 2: April 9: April 16: April 23: April 30: 145 - This is a lofty goal but I'd REALLY love to be there.... I am hopeful I can do it! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!! No change this week…
  • OMYGOSh!! I'm sooooo glad you mentioned that! My husband and our friends were hanging out one night and the commercial came on and we were all HYSTERICALLY laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It looks sooooo dirty!! I couldn't believe it was on TV!! LOL, maybe we all just have dirty minds, but either way, it was a good laugh!! Let me…
  • Workout day 1: completed Jillian Michaels 30 day shred DVD. Feeling good!! Now I'm going to walk around the outlets with a friend and our babies, so we'll burn even more calories while walking!!
  • Good for you! It's fun when someone random flirts with you! :)
  • I am going to the 30 min. of exercising challenge again, that's something I really need to do, especially this week, with my TERRIBLE day on Sat. As for doing something for myself, I'm going to try and get my nails done on a weekly basis! This might sound like a selfish, silly goal, but I think it'll help me feel better.…