*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Discussion Week 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Brandy, I love zumba on wii too! Just a quick check in. I went to zumba today and burned 735 calories!!! I love my hrm avg hr 161, max hr 187. My instructor is intense!

    Two more days until we weigh in! I'm keeping calories at bay and hope to keep it up through the weekend even after we weigh to set myself up right for next week (always gotta think ahead)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Brandy, I love zumba on wii too! Just a quick check in. I went to zumba today and burned 735 calories!!! I love my hrm avg hr 161, max hr 187. My instructor is intense!

    Two more days until we weigh in! I'm keeping calories at bay and hope to keep it up through the weekend even after we weigh to set myself up right for next week (always gotta think ahead)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Brandy, I love zumba on wii too! Just a quick check in. I went to zumba today and burned 735 calories!!! I love my hrm avg hr 161, max hr 187. My instructor is intense!

    Two more days until we weigh in! I'm keeping calories at bay and hope to keep it up through the weekend even after we weigh to set myself up right for next week (always gotta think ahead)
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    I'M BELOW 200!!!! This morning I hit 199.2 lbs!! WOOHOOOOO!!!!


    WOOT WOOT! Can't wait for that to be me! Awesome job girl....keep rocking it out!

    Yeah! I can't wait to see those numbers on the scale (again)...Congrats!!!

    You'll get there!! Just keep trucking! :smile:
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Happy Hump-day Snowflakes:) :flowerforyou:

    Today was decent for me but a little off!! I had to run a lot of errands so I ended up eating lunch out at Jimmy Johns and I had almost 800 calories on lunch alone!! But I am still under calories for the day so its all good :) I am still focusing on drinking tons of water so hopefully that will help me on the scale this week!! Hopefully it will make up for all of my sodium intake :blushing: I just cant help it!!! I always go over on sodium!!! :tongue: I worked out this morning before I went to class so im feeling good about that :happy: I also got my HRM so i will actually be tracking exact calories now!!! maybe this will get me below 162!!

    I am glad everyone is staying on track this week!!! Woo hoo!!! Lets make this week the best!! :glasses: <----gettin ready for that sunshine LOL:laugh:
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    I'M BELOW 200!!!! This morning I hit 199.2 lbs!! WOOHOOOOO!!!!


    WOOHOO! That is awesome! Congrats! I can't wait to get there!
  • purplespeckle
    hey guys! how is everyone!
    SW 182
    CW 177.4
    check out my recent post about my new Dvd i just bought! i love it!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Also, I realized that I have lost 35lbs thus far and that is great! And the body tends to slow down a little after significant weight loss...but by no means does that mean that I am slacking off or giving up!
    Awesome! Way to do it!
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I think this week might be a carry over week for me. I managed to catch somthing unpleasant. There is just something wrong with a grown women spending time on the bathroom floor. :sick:

    Hope everyone else has a great week.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    sorry, I dunno why it posted the same message three times. I am getting ready to get in some cardio early and I will play zumba on wii later. I will probably do crunch abs and *kitten* on exercisetv tonight. I'm not eating after 8PM, I don't want anything to effect the number on the scale tomorrow!

    everyone have a lovely day!
  • forgiven4life
    Good morning all! Good news! The number on the scale FINALLY came down this morning. So I am looking forward to weigh in tomorrow. I have actually stayed on track all week which is a near miracle for me. I am chugging lots of water today and going to watch what I eat.

    I know I have said it before, but I just want to say it again. I am sooooo glad to be a part of this group. Everyone here is awesome and I just love the structure we have going on. I am a member of another challenge and I only post my weigh in on Fridays on that one. It is pretty unorganized and it makes it hard to keep up. So props to this group for it's awesomeness!! Just a thought...IF some of us don't make our ultimate goal or want to go even further after this challenge is over, I would love for the same group of people to do another challenge together. What do you all think?
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good morning all! Good news! The number on the scale FINALLY came down this morning. So I am looking forward to weigh in tomorrow. I have actually stayed on track all week which is a near miracle for me. I am chugging lots of water today and going to watch what I eat.

    I know I have said it before, but I just want to say it again. I am sooooo glad to be a part of this group. Everyone here is awesome and I just love the structure we have going on. I am a member of another challenge and I only post my weigh in on Fridays on that one. It is pretty unorganized and it makes it hard to keep up. So props to this group for it's awesomeness!! Just a thought...IF some of us don't make our ultimate goal or want to go even further after this challenge is over, I would love for the same group of people to do another challenge together. What do you all think?

    Thats actually a pretty good idea....hopefully we will all reach our goal..however, after this 40lbs I have 20 more to go! So I am definitely up for it! :)
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Good morning all! Good news! The number on the scale FINALLY came down this morning. So I am looking forward to weigh in tomorrow. I have actually stayed on track all week which is a near miracle for me. I am chugging lots of water today and going to watch what I eat.

    I know I have said it before, but I just want to say it again. I am sooooo glad to be a part of this group. Everyone here is awesome and I just love the structure we have going on. I am a member of another challenge and I only post my weigh in on Fridays on that one. It is pretty unorganized and it makes it hard to keep up. So props to this group for it's awesomeness!! Just a thought...IF some of us don't make our ultimate goal or want to go even further after this challenge is over, I would love for the same group of people to do another challenge together. What do you all think?

    Thats actually a pretty good idea....hopefully we will all reach our goal..however, after this 40lbs I have 20 more to go! So I am definitely up for it! :)

    I think that's an awesome idea!! Unfortunately, I'm going to be at Philmont Boy Scout camp working as a Medic all summer and I'm not sure how much internet access I'll have, but I'll check in as much as I can. You're not getting rid of me that easily!!
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    I think that's an awesome idea!! Unfortunately, I'm going to be at Philmont Boy Scout camp working as a Medic all summer and I'm not sure how much internet access I'll have, but I'll check in as much as I can. You're not getting rid of me that easily!!

    Speaking of that, I set a new goal for myself. I'm shooting to be a healthy body fat percentage (18-25%) by the time I leave for Philmont. I'm at 29% right now, so I think that's possible to get to the top end of healthy. AND I would LOVE to be in the 160s by then. That puts me right at the 40 lbs mark from the beginning of challenge, so I'm going to push it hard every day until then!

    We'll be working as Medics at 10,000-12,000 ft and hiking every day. I need to be in seriously great shape to be able to handle the altitude and all the hiking. I am SO excited! Talk about fun exercise ALL summer! :smile:
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning Snowflakes..didn't do any exercise this morning. I am just trying to stay under calories today and drink lots of water. If I do workout today..it will be light. I know for the past 3 days I have been really honing it in..and when Zumba is done at full intensity...it can take a toll on your body..and I want to see if not working out the day before weigh-in helps with water retention.

    I am hoping for a good number tomorrow...but if not, I know my hard work is paying off...because my obliques are on FIRE! I did Zumba Sculpt and Tone and Flat Abs last night...as well as Level 2 of 30 Day Shred....and I am definitely feeling it today. So either way I am ok with inches and/or lbs dropped. I was also reading up on some things regarding losing weight and new workout routines.

    ***If your goal is to lose weight, you should focus on high repetition sets with lower weights. This will define your muscles without getting overly bulky. Combine these type of exercises with High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and other cardio work. You can keep about the same diet as you regularly would, but decrease your fat consumption, and moderately increase your protein intake for muscle repair.

    Also this was a really good article I read:

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Thanks Krys for the article. I will print it off and read later.

    Hello all,

    I wish I had more time to support you all but I am so busy at work these days! I am doing OK this week. I hope to have lost something but I don't think it will be another huge weight loss this week. I had a few not so good days and one missed workout too.

    I did a short good workout this morning. I am drinking a lot of water today and I am going to attempt to squeeze in some extra workout today for my last chance workout and to keep my 360 min in exercise quota for the week.

    Stay strong everyone and remember, nothing feel as good as skinny feels! I am keeping 344 in my mind for the next 11 days of this month. I want to get to 344 by January 31st.

    Keep up the good work peeps!:flowerforyou:
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    Good morning all! Good news! The number on the scale FINALLY came down this morning. So I am looking forward to weigh in tomorrow. I have actually stayed on track all week which is a near miracle for me. I am chugging lots of water today and going to watch what I eat.

    I know I have said it before, but I just want to say it again. I am sooooo glad to be a part of this group. Everyone here is awesome and I just love the structure we have going on. I am a member of another challenge and I only post my weigh in on Fridays on that one. It is pretty unorganized and it makes it hard to keep up. So props to this group for it's awesomeness!! Just a thought...IF some of us don't make our ultimate goal or want to go even further after this challenge is over, I would love for the same group of people to do another challenge together. What do you all think?

    Sounds good to me! I think this is going to be a slow and steady thing for me, so I'm not sure if I'll lose all 40 by June 1st. So, a part 2 with some of the same awesome people would be great! :smile:

    Have a great weigh-in everybody!!
  • annerssju
    annerssju Posts: 111
    Hi everyone! I finally got some time to get on here and join the discussion group. It's truly motivational to read everyone's stories! I am excited for weigh in tomorrow... I am hoping for a decent loss. My first week I lost 5 lbs. And last week lost nothing, so I am due for a loss! I have been exercising and staying under calories so hopefully it will work out. I also "feel" lighter, you know what I mean? Haha maybe it's crazy, but I can usually imagine exactly what the scale will say before the number pops up! Anyway, I'm hoping for success. I just bought hip hop abs and am waiting for it to come in the mail. In the mean time I have been doing workouts on demand and today ran for a half hour at the gym. I've exercised every day this week so I'm feeling good! Good luck to you all tomorrow. I hope the scale is kind to you!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Last Chance WORKOUT!!!! woo hoo!!! tomorrow is weigh in!!! I am excited and anxious and nervous!!! I havent even peeked at the scale since i weighed on Saturday!!! All i have to say is I BETTER SEE A LOSS!!! I think i might lose it if i stay stuck at the same weight for a 3rd week in a row!! i have stepped it up this week with my workouts and i have been chugging water like crazy!! Hopefully this hard work pays off!! Good Luck Tomorrow!!!!