*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Discussion Week 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    I totally forgot about the discussion thread and went on my rant on the week 3 weigh-in thread. Oops! :embarassed: Sorry for posting twice, but I figured I'd put it here, too, in case anyone was in the same situation and wanted to know that they are not alone....

    Congrats to everyone who saw a loss this week!!! As I've been peeking at the scale all week, I'm not surprised to see a gain of 1.5 pounds. Everything was on target--good food choices, under my calorie goal, awesome workouts at the gym, workout variety at home (including Zumba and 30 Day Shred).... It has to be water. TOM is ending and my muscles are very sore from starting 30 DS on Monday. I'm trying to stay positive and focus on NSV. My pants are little looser, and I see a difference when I look in the mirror. I'm feeling stronger, too! :smile:

    Hoping for a good loss next week and trying not to focus on the scale this week. Good luck to everyone! Let's keep up the positive changes we're making!!!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Ok so I'm a little pissed off today. Got on the scale a couple of times this week..(I know, I know) and noticed that I have gained since last week! Well I figure this...I have been under calories, been working my little booty off in exercise this week...so what the heck?

    I figured out three things that are most likely the culprit: I didn't drink enough water this week, I am on Depo-Provera and I don't have a normal TOM indicator but if my memory serves me correct...this is the week it should be making a cameo appearance so I am retaining water, AND I am feeling a little "backed up" (I know a little TMI..but hey, we are family right lol). And to add insult to injury, I added sodium to my diary this morning and looked back at this past week...I was only under my sodium intake twice in the whole week!!! Every other day I was either over or right at the 2500! No bueno! So with all that being said..I am praying for a GREAT loss next week. Stepping up my leafy greens, more water, let aunt flow run her course, and getting rid of the high sodium stuff...opting for more salads at lunch time.

    ok that is all...I just had to vent a little. But no problem, I am coming on strong next week...starting today!

    I think this week hasnt been to hott on anyone!! I didnt weigh in this morning because i forgot until after i had breakfast but i feel llike i am going to see either no loss or a gain!! I have stayed within my calories everyday and worked out atleast an hour everyday!!! I have gone over on sodium but idk i just feel "bigger" today....im not sure what is going on with me but i definately feel bigger than what i did last week!!! its annoying and it almost makes me feel like giving up!!! I have been working my *kitten* off this week---like seriously getting up two hours earlier to workout before school!!! Not to mention the only day that I really ate a lot of calories i like doubled my workout time!!! AHHH!!! i just feel like screaming!! its not fair that I bust my *kitten* and watch what i eat and i am still big! I measured myself today and exactly the same as last week so no loss in inches anywhere....maybe i will measure again tomorrow...not that one day will make a difference but i can hope! I did order a couple of dvd's last night to switch up my workout routine :happy: maybe my body is just getting used to the same workout everyday!! I ordered 30 day Shred and No More Trouble Zones--both are Jillian DVD's!! Has anyone uses these and have success stories with them??? Good Luck everyone on the weigh in today!! and congrats to everyone who has had a loss!!!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    I did actually lose this week. Not as much as I would have liked-but since I have consistantly been gaining (I don't know why!!) then I will take the pound. I do feel that I am gaining because of my increase in exercise and lack of water intake. I just can't seem to make myself drink enough. Anyway-what worked for me this week....paying more attention to calorie intake. What didn't work-too much sodium and not enough water.

    Next weeks focus: 8 glasses of water a day and more exercise!

    A loss is a loss!!! be happy with any loss!!! as long as its not a gain be HAPPY!! congrats!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    I upped my calories from 1200 a day to 1300 (bringing it to a estimated 1.8 loss a week instead of 2 but I know my body needs more calories). I also donated blood this week so I missed 2 workouts because I felt weak. To top it all off TOM is visiting LOL. So my 1lb loss was very HAPPY to me! I am actually really excited for next weigh in because all these factors will be gone and it should be an AWESOME weigh in. FINGERS CROSSED! I would love to see 220s next weigh in. Im at 234 so maybe pretty close. 228 is my lowest adult weight of record so that in its self will be a very happy day for me.

    For those of you who have had a 2lb loss or higher, what works for you?

    Hey girl you had a loss with two days off from workin out!! Thats awesome!!! I also upped my calories this week in hopes of losing a little more!! I did forget to weigh in today but i feel like i will have a gain!! Congrats again
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    I am feeling GREAT about my 3 lb loss this week. I was under my calories all week, got in 5 or 6 solid work outs and drank a ton of water, so I'm glad to see my effort show up on the scale. I can't WAIT to be under 200 (only 1.4 lbs away!!!).

    To everyone who's feeling disappointed and/or discouraged: You are all doing great. The fact that you are still committed to this means that you will meet your goals. Just take it one day at a time. Get in your workouts, track all your food and you'll get there eventually. Just think about where you'll be in June. One lb or 0.5 lb loss don't seem like much when you're working hard, but they ADD UP!! You've freed yourself from weight that would have just stayed with you if you hadn't done anything about it.

    Keep it up everyone! WE CAN DO THIS! :smile:

    3lbs is amazing!!! Great Job!!!! Maybe i should focus on getting my water intake up!!! How much water are you drinking everyday?
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    I am so glad to see a loss the week. I would have liked to lose 2 a week, but 1.2 is not so bad. I have been eating so many fruits and veggies. And I haven't had any potato chips since the new year. I have been drinking so much water and my workouts are ridic ! I try not to eat late at night and I do always eat breakfast. I am going to go back and review my food log for the week. I have been logging everything, even if I close my diary and still eat afterwards, I make sure to go back and log it for accuracy.

    I'll come back later to see how everyone else is doing. Kris, will the spreadsheet update automatically or is there another link to see the week 3 progress?

    Congrats!!! Keep up the hard work!!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Yeah I am not happy!!! Last Friday 168.6 and this Friday 169...I have ate within my calories all week (maybe not the best choices but I have done it!!!!) but not worked out as much :0( but that was out of my control!!! Lets hope for more of a loss next week I guess!!!!

    Rest of you CONGRATS!!!! :)) Lets keep on losing!!!! We can do this!!!!! :)) Thanks for all your support!!!

    Girl I hear ya!! I havent weighed yet but im pretty sure i'm going to see a gain!!! It is really hard to work your butt of and not see results!!! lets just stick with it and hopefully see a loss next week!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    I am feeling a little discouraged this week. I have exercised and ate like I was supposed to. I guess I am being impatient but I only lost about a pound this week. I have my calories set to lose about 2 lbs a week. What else can I do to boost my weight loss???

    a pound is a pound and any loss is a loss!! Be happy for your sucess!!! it may not seem like much but its something!!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    i'm pissed 2 bc this week i think i gain 0.3lbs. i'm so stressed from school i been getting those bingeing urges; i did not succomb to them but i haven't been moving around alot as i should. FIGHTN BACK :devil:

    I hear ya!! I started a new semester this week and It has been hard!! I have been waking up 2 hours early to workout!!! Just keep working on it and hopefully you will see a loss next week!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    I have lost 0.6lbs. My close do feel better and my tummy does not bulge out so much. I did drink 64 ounces of water most days. I think i need to double up my work outs to loose 2 lbs a week. Thats going to be my plan for this coming week.

    Congrats!! you are probably losing inches!! you should measure yourself!
  • jslmom1
    jslmom1 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm feeling a little better this week. I feel like this website and my new S2S buddies have been a great inspiration. Thanks everyone!! I am still struggling to find time to exercise though. MY 3 yr old, hubby and job keep me busy. BUT I'm hoping that will change
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    I've been having a rough time :( I've decided to work on my eating habits first and hold off on exercising because I find myself overwhelmed. Recovery is hard and while I want to lose weight as much as possible, I won't get anywhere when I feel like a failure every single day which just leads me to binging. Weigh in day is not pretty today :/

    On a brighter note because positivity needs to be more prominent if I'm going to recover from this crappy disorder, I am figuring out I'm carb sensitive. I just want carbs carbs carbs when I binge. It's triggered by anxiety, but the carbs just keep me going. Therefore, I'm monitoring my carbohydrate intake and increasing my protein and healthy fats. Yesterday I went shopping and I have many fresh veggies to cut. Now I just need to find an easy sour cream and chicken recipe to use

    do you like bell peppers? i loooove carbs too!! I cut up a red bell pepper and dip it in some low fat ranch dressing!! YUMMY there is also a yummy dip that you just mix a package of taco seasoning with fat free sour cream it is soooo good and perfect with peppers :)
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    I've been having a rough time :( I've decided to work on my eating habits first and hold off on exercising because I find myself overwhelmed. Recovery is hard and while I want to lose weight as much as possible, I won't get anywhere when I feel like a failure every single day which just leads me to binging. Weigh in day is not pretty today :/

    On a brighter note because positivity needs to be more prominent if I'm going to recover from this crappy disorder, I am figuring out I'm carb sensitive. I just want carbs carbs carbs when I binge. It's triggered by anxiety, but the carbs just keep me going. Therefore, I'm monitoring my carbohydrate intake and increasing my protein and healthy fats. Yesterday I went shopping and I have many fresh veggies to cut. Now I just need to find an easy sour cream and chicken recipe to use

    do you like bell peppers? i loooove carbs too!! I cut up a red bell pepper and dip it in some low fat ranch dressing!! YUMMY there is also a yummy dip that you just mix a package of taco seasoning with fat free sour cream it is soooo good and perfect with peppers :)

    i have about 5 bell peppers to eat up. thanks for the suggestion!
  • forgiven4life
    Well I maintained this week which I am okay with I guess. A little discouraging since I saw a loss on the scale yesterday. But I guess that is why we shouldn't weigh everyday. Anyhoo, I did 47 min of exercise last night using some weights and I think that is why I am not seeing a loss today. I always retain water after a workout. Better next week.
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    Well I maintained this week which I am okay with I guess. A little discouraging since I saw a loss on the scale yesterday. But I guess that is why we shouldn't weigh everyday. Anyhoo, I did 47 min of exercise last night using some weights and I think that is why I am not seeing a loss today. I always retain water after a workout. Better next week.

    Brandy, Thank you SO much for your comment on my post on the other thread. I really appreciate the support. :happy: I'm sure we will both see a loss next week. Great job getting the exercise in along with the weights and maintaining your weight!! We have to banish this water weight by next week. :laugh: Have a great week!!!
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    I just want to say everyone is so positive-and I really appreciate all the communication and encouragement! Thanks guys!!!
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hi All! Oh how I love this group.
    SW: 211.8
    W2: 209.2
    W3: 206.4

    I have found I lose weight best when I:

    1. Avoid artificial sweeteners (don't eat anything w/splenda, nutrasweet, etc.)
    2. Avoid diet pop (soda)
    3. Drink nothing but water
    4. Make sure my calorie intake is from a good mix of protein/veggies/fruits/carbs - if I am still in my calorie range, but a big % are from "breads" - I don't lose as much
    5. Homemade soup works well for me for some reason...
    6. Cardio with intervals (ie: walk @ 3.5 for 2 min, jog @ 5.0 for 2min for a 30 minute period... or on Treadmill @ 3.5-4.0 increase incline every 60 seconds, then once hit top incline, decrease it every 60 seconds).

    Hope that helps. Great work all, keep at it! Hugs, Amy
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Ok so I'm a little pissed off today. Got on the scale a couple of times this week..(I know, I know) and noticed that I have gained since last week! Well I figure this...I have been under calories, been working my little booty off in exercise this week...so what the heck?

    I figured out three things that are most likely the culprit: I didn't drink enough water this week, I am on Depo-Provera and I don't have a normal TOM indicator but if my memory serves me correct...this is the week it should be making a cameo appearance so I am retaining water, AND I am feeling a little "backed up" (I know a little TMI..but hey, we are family right lol). And to add insult to injury, I added sodium to my diary this morning and looked back at this past week...I was only under my sodium intake twice in the whole week!!! Every other day I was either over or right at the 2500! No bueno! So with all that being said..I am praying for a GREAT loss next week. Stepping up my leafy greens, more water, let aunt flow run her course, and getting rid of the high sodium stuff...opting for more salads at lunch time.

    ok that is all...I just had to vent a little. But no problem, I am coming on strong next week...starting today!

    I think this week hasnt been to hott on anyone!! I didnt weigh in this morning because i forgot until after i had breakfast but i feel llike i am going to see either no loss or a gain!! I have stayed within my calories everyday and worked out atleast an hour everyday!!! I have gone over on sodium but idk i just feel "bigger" today....im not sure what is going on with me but i definately feel bigger than what i did last week!!! its annoying and it almost makes me feel like giving up!!! I have been working my *kitten* off this week---like seriously getting up two hours earlier to workout before school!!! Not to mention the only day that I really ate a lot of calories i like doubled my workout time!!! AHHH!!! i just feel like screaming!! its not fair that I bust my *kitten* and watch what i eat and i am still big! I measured myself today and exactly the same as last week so no loss in inches anywhere....maybe i will measure again tomorrow...not that one day will make a difference but i can hope! I did order a couple of dvd's last night to switch up my workout routine :happy: maybe my body is just getting used to the same workout everyday!! I ordered 30 day Shred and No More Trouble Zones--both are Jillian DVD's!! Has anyone uses these and have success stories with them??? Good Luck everyone on the weigh in today!! and congrats to everyone who has had a loss!!!

    Don't give up! I know the feeling though because I felt like I kicked it up a notch with working out! But I know why I gained the weight...so it's ok. I got on the scale this morning and said, "Ok, Krystle no problem...you have been here before, you are experiencing TOM and retaining water from too much sodium....YOU GOT THIS!" So I am looking for any kind of loss, especially after I lower the sodium intake and push more water. You have been doing great girl...you have been working out just as much as me and I know you are pushing it. Give yourself some credit.

    By the way, when I first loss half of my weight, it was by doing Jillian workouts. She rocks! A 25 minute workout with some 5lb handweights will WORK YOU! Let me know how it goes!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    Ok so I'm a little pissed off today. Got on the scale a couple of times this week..(I know, I know) and noticed that I have gained since last week! Well I figure this...I have been under calories, been working my little booty off in exercise this week...so what the heck?

    I figured out three things that are most likely the culprit: I didn't drink enough water this week, I am on Depo-Provera and I don't have a normal TOM indicator but if my memory serves me correct...this is the week it should be making a cameo appearance so I am retaining water, AND I am feeling a little "backed up" (I know a little TMI..but hey, we are family right lol). And to add insult to injury, I added sodium to my diary this morning and looked back at this past week...I was only under my sodium intake twice in the whole week!!! Every other day I was either over or right at the 2500! No bueno! So with all that being said..I am praying for a GREAT loss next week. Stepping up my leafy greens, more water, let aunt flow run her course, and getting rid of the high sodium stuff...opting for more salads at lunch time.

    ok that is all...I just had to vent a little. But no problem, I am coming on strong next week...starting today!

    Aunt Flow is what it is and life goes on aterwards. One week at time! You wil be fine.......:-) Thanks for sharing!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    See below link of a new realilty show coming A&E. I saw it this morning on Good Morning Amercia!! It looks like it is going to be better than The Biggest Loser because they have built in time for the mental issues that plague the morbibly obese.


    I hate I am going to miss it because I do not have cable TV? Does anyone know if they have their shows on line to watch?

    I will try to catch up on posts over the weekend. Very busy at work today!

    I just wanted to tell everyone to have a good weekend!! One day at at time!