*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Discussion Week 3 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Suffering from back pain. Will catch up later. :(
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    That's AWESOME, Krys_T!!!

    I'm working my way into my size 12 jeans that I was wearing when I got married. I've got 7 weeks until my birthday and I'd love to be rocking them by then!

    I love getting a smaller size pants. It's so satisfying. :smile:
  • dkbstill
    Okay weighed in and I gained this week....I am at 194.5. Guess that 5 pounds was water weight. Really trying to focus on eating and making sure I exercise as I should. Also doing a cleanse as well. On to the next week....
  • gethealthygetfit
    Sw: 206.7

    Week 2: 206.1

    Cw: 205.0

    Weight loss this week: 1.1
    Total weight loss: 1.7

    I know that is not much, but it is something. It is heading in the right direction at least. Besides... last week was the last full week on that medication. I have been off it for the last 3 days so it will be nice. I should be back to normal soon. I think another thing messing me up is the fact that the withdraws are causing me to be so tired and sleepy I haven't been going to the gym. And... I am still on my period. 8 days now. I think getting off the medicine has kind of messed up my chemistry so I am wondering if this is why. I think I will be alright. It's heading in the right direction. I am happy to see it going down. I know I will be okay as long as I lose 20 pounds. I want to lose 40, but I just want to lose something noticeable. It has been so long since I have been losing weight constantly. I just want to be heading in the right direction. I hope I can start losing more weight, faster, but anything is okay. I know that may not be the best mind set, but it's keeping me going. I mean at this point I am 2.3 pounds behind so I kind of feel like I am not going to make the 40 pounds. But instead of giving up or pressuring myself to catch up, I am just happy with the consistent weight loss despite everything.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I want to be 198lbs on the last friday of January. This means I have to lose 4.9 lbs in 2 weeks. I am issuing myself a challege.
    Anyone else have a Feb 1st goal they are working towards?
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    I am not grumpy! I have not moved the scale AT ALL. Now I will take the small victory that my inches and comeing off, but damn it, iam frusterated!!!! I have been busting my cardio butt oiff and nothing
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    This week, I'm going to focus on my eating. Where did I go wrong? Reviewing my diary really helped me find my pitfalls. It certainly wasn't on the exercise side of the equation. I just have to be smarter about what and when I eat. I need a bigger number next week to get me motivated again. I need to know that killing myself in the gym is really worth it. now I'm not going to give up, this is just the beginning. But I need to see progress, even if its just having looser clothes to justify this is working!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Morning Snowflakes and Happy Saturday!!! Moving right along in this challenge...unfortunately I weighed this morning and I am the same as last week. No loss/no gain :( Which sucks because at 3 weeks into the challenge we should have lost 4 pounds by now and I am only at 1!! I have been working out more than usual this past week and i upped my calories by about 100ish everyday!!! The only thing that I really havent been doing is keeping up with my water!! I usually only drink anything when I am working out or eating something....so my goal for this week is to focus on my water intake...I know the reccomened amount of MFP is 8 cups so 64 oz but what do you all reccomend? I started with lots of water yesterday and I know I had more than 64 oz!!! what do you all drink everyday???
  • ucms
    ucms Posts: 28 Member
  • purplespeckle
    177.6 :)
  • purplespeckle
    there was a spreadsheet link in one of the other forums where we could enter our weight where is it? what is the link?
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Morning Snowflakes and Happy Saturday!!! Moving right along in this challenge...unfortunately I weighed this morning and I am the same as last week. No loss/no gain :( Which sucks because at 3 weeks into the challenge we should have lost 4 pounds by now and I am only at 1!! I have been working out more than usual this past week and i upped my calories by about 100ish everyday!!! The only thing that I really havent been doing is keeping up with my water!! I usually only drink anything when I am working out or eating something....so my goal for this week is to focus on my water intake...I know the reccomened amount of MFP is 8 cups so 64 oz but what do you all reccomend? I started with lots of water yesterday and I know I had more than 64 oz!!! what do you all drink everyday???

    On a good day I try to drink AT LEAST for of the tall Smart water bottles which are 33.8 ounces a piece and then I know I need to drink more when I am doing Zumba. I always know if I drank enough water that day because I will be sweating like crazy halfway through working out.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,384 Member
    I want to be 198lbs on the last friday of January. This means I have to lose 4.9 lbs in 2 weeks. I am issuing myself a challege.
    Anyone else have a Feb 1st goal they are working towards?

    Yes I am shooting for another 10 pounds by Feb 1st! I may not get it but I am shooting for in all the same. I will take what I can get but I might well take advantage of my excitement, right? If I just get in the 340's I will be too elated!
  • MichelleOnTrack
    Sw: 207
    Cw: 204.8

    This week wasn't my best. I started a new semester and I wasn't able to exercise as much as I should have, so I need to make out a daily routein that fits my schedule. At least I didn't gain :)

    I like that you plan to make a routine to fit your schedule. Each week I write in my planner what days I will go to Curves...otherwise, I will not go!! I usually go the same days, but like next week we are off of school on Monday, so I will get up and go when Curves opens.
  • MichelleOnTrack
    Sw: 207
    Cw: 204.8

    This week wasn't my best. I started a new semester and I wasn't able to exercise as much as I should have, so I need to make out a daily routein that fits my schedule. At least I didn't gain :)

    I like that you plan to make a routine to fit your schedule. Each week I write in my planner what days I will go to Curves...otherwise, I will not go!! I usually go the same days, but like next week we are off of school on Monday, so I will get up and go when Curves opens.
  • MichelleOnTrack
    Didn't mean to post twice...I couldn't tell if it was posting, so I hit post again...SORRY! :tongue:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I can't let myself slip up and go over my calories on the weekend. I think that was my demise last week. After weigh in, I let myself slip over the weekend. And then I spent all week making up for it. So today, I will stay under my calories. I can have a treat without it turning into a splurge.

    Michelle, great loss and great plan to fit your workouts in. I do something similar with my calendar. I write down the fitness class and its time. If I have a class, I know I have to be there at a specific time. Plus, I have different workout friends that like to do different things, one likes kickboxing, one likes spin, two like zumba, so I always have someone to keep me accountable if I don't show up for class. Do you have regulars at Curves who you see and get acquainted with?
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    Arggh! I hate scales. :explode: Yesterday for weigh-in it read 176.4, down only 0.6 in a week. :grumble: Today, after a perfectly normal day yesterday, it reads 175.5, down 0.9 in 26 hours! :huh: Where is the justice! Well, I guess I can hope for a big loss going into week four.
  • MichelleOnTrack
    I can't let myself slip up and go over my calories on the weekend. I think that was my demise last week. After weigh in, I let myself slip over the weekend. And then I spent all week making up for it. So today, I will stay under my calories. I can have a treat without it turning into a splurge.

    Michelle, great loss and great plan to fit your workouts in. I do something similar with my calendar. I write down the fitness class and its time. If I have a class, I know I have to be there at a specific time. Plus, I have different workout friends that like to do different things, one likes kickboxing, one likes spin, two like zumba, so I always have someone to keep me accountable if I don't show up for class. Do you have regulars at Curves who you see and get acquainted with?

    I do have friends that I work out with--depending on what time of day I go. That is great that you have friends that like different things...spices up your workouts!
  • MichelleOnTrack
    Arggh! I hate scales. :explode: Yesterday for weigh-in it read 176.4, down only 0.6 in a week. :grumble: Today, after a perfectly normal day yesterday, it reads 175.5, down 0.9 in 26 hours! :huh: Where is the justice! Well, I guess I can hope for a big loss going into week four.

    I have given up on home scales! I weigh in at curves (with a doctor-type scale) or at the health room at my school--same kind of scale. They are the most accurate. And I don't obsess about weighing in everyday!!