

  • The only reason why I had made this post was because people Im dieting with always have nothing nice to say to me when I tell them about my boxing. They seem to think that lifting is the magic bullet for weight loss. Knowing what I have been told I dont think I need to use heavy lifting. Because I know that heavy lifting…
  • I do kettlebells or cardio weights 3 times a week. I have been telling people that if I bulked up I would get slow and not perform to my fullest potental they dont actually believe me. They find ways of telling me that the boxing regime is rubbish and wont give me the body I want and I wont loose as much weight as they…
  • I have looked into the P90X and it looks good. I may have to try that if it can give me explosive power and staminia. Although I dont have the obvious muscle mass because of excess skin, however I have been told on occasion by the assistant boxig instructor at my gym I have good strong hits when we do pad work.
  • When I told people I have taken boxing they got a little jealous so rubbishing me and making me think lifting weights was the only thing in the world to help loose weight. I think from seeing the comments I dont have to feel bad for not trying to be a body builder type, to be fair since i have taken up boxing I look a hell…
  • Thats the advice I was given by my two friends who are heavily into fitness. I have been on a happy medium of kettle bells and cardio weights. I used to train with guy who looked like he should be in muscle and fitness magazine and his foot work is awful, he moves like cold grease on a cold day running down a hill and he…
  • I have just added you. I have the same ideology as you on the low carbs and I love to work out too. Since you are at goal maybe you can give me pointers to maintain when I get to goal and we can share ideas :D
  • Boxing is my life and it will stay in my life even when Im an old granny. As for the lifting thing people always rubbish me and try to tell me that what I'm doing is totally wrong. It bothers me when they say stuff like that because I put in the work at the gym I get injured and I had to fight to get noticed at my gym to…
  • Manny has an amazing body and he moves gracefully also that is what I want to achieve. Yes one thing does have to take preference over the other, no point in doing both. I do know both activities are both hard an challenging I just get sick and tired of people rubbishing a fighting sport over weight lifting they don't…
  • But are you lifting weight to achieve a Mr Universe carpet smuggler look? Because people tell me that my boxing regime is rubbish and it doesn't help you loose weight like "lifting"
  • I know body builders and strong men are totally different since thier goals have no real comparison to what I'm trying to achieve. I do a lot of bodyweight stregnth conditioning like pushups, sit ups, and other things also I supplement these things with time in the boxing gym (working with punch bags, sparring with a few…
  • That is what both my friend and my instructor was saying about heavy weight lifters. I have been rubbished on other forums when I tried to explain what I do for training they think that lifting heavy weights is the only thing that can make you strong and look well. To be honest I don't want to be slow when I'm in the…
  • What my instructor means by heavy weights is that he doesn't want me pumping iron and turning into some kind of Mr Universe. Both he and a strong man friend of mine told me getting really buff will make me slow when punching and I will get too heavy to move as fast. Don't get me wrong I do work out with weights, I mainly…
  • Im in an interacial marriage my husband is a white British man and Im an American with Filipino heritage. He knows I prefer to be home in San Diego but my relationship with my husband is far more important than being back home. Also we cant just pick up and leave due to the fact he is in the British army so we go where the…
  • Dried fruit since going low carb I'm totally in love with dried fruit!
  • When shark week rears its ugly head I tend to turn to Atkins bars because there aren't too many low carb things to buy in the shops in the UK
  • After I had my son, I didn't think I could have a baby. So after he was born I lost 70lbs and kept it off for 8 years but I'm on route to loosing the extra 30 to get to my life long achievement of a 100lbs
  • Awesome! Can I add you?
  • My belly is like that, mine is loose skin :(
  • I'm 5'7 170lbs (12st 2lbs) I'd like to get to 154 or 155
  • I have always been the fat kid when I was a child then I became the more mature looking teenager and that when my problems started. In my teen I got fatter and fatter but I was always active I played basketball and I was in jrotc. But my weight just went up and up. In my early 20's I lost 30lbs then got married and gained…
  • Hi I'm from Windsor, Berkshire... Please feel free to add x
  • Hi All Im also new to the group. Im 5'7 and 170lbs (12 stones 2lbs) size 12 on the bottom and size 14 on top. If anyone wants to add me I need more friends x
  • I have a "cheat day" once every 2-4, the rest of the time I stay good. I dont see why having a treat is bad for you as long as its in moderation
  • Before I started low carbs I was a Weight Watchers devotee I had lost 70lbs with that plan but after a while my body wouldn't play ball with th program I have always stayed within 14lbs of my target weight. I tried the old points plan and the new pro points plan and scoffed at the idea of low carbs diet. I always though…
  • Thats a bit of a toughie, have you considered kettle bells? its an all over work out that doesnt bulk you up and doesnt require doing sit ups or crunches. Hope that helps
  • I have somewhat done the same thing, people who havent seen for a while are shocked to find I look slimmer. My best friend and I are having a reveal of our new bodies at the end of the month. Well done on your progress :D
  • I feel it does improve sparring staminia. When I don't keep up with cardio I find that I don't last too long when sparring.