

  • The typical calorie count for human breastmilk is 20 calories per 1 ounce. Most providers advise against strict calorie counting while breastfeed feeding... it's very hard to do. You can only guesstimate. Remember the priority is healthy mom and baby. Baby doesn't care about mom's shape. My basal is 1570 for non lactating…
  • You need at least 300 additional calories overy your "normal". But be careful about counting calories. If you don't get enough, you won't produce enough. So I recommend you stick with that basal "weight maintanace" number then add 200 calories. Stay well hydrated. While getting your body back is important, feeding baby…
  • 1300. 1225 was way too hard to maintain with my crazy work schedule. I don't feel hungry.
  • I'm 5 "0. Lost 24# last year, and I have set an intermediate goal of another 15#, and then I'll go for that last 10. The cool thing about BMI's for us is that we can see HUGE changes in this with "modest" losses... last year droped from BMI of 33 to 28. Ultimate goal is 25 (125#, total wt loss of 50 #) My taller friends…
  • God yes. My husband does this too without remorse. He's not on here either. But I am proud to say that he has lost 25 lbs since I started MFP 4 mos ago (whereas I have lost 18). We have changed the food purchasing/ out-to-eat dining habits. So I look at it this way--if he is making the lifestyle change without my nagging,…
  • I find that if I procrastinate tracking things, I forget what I ate, etc, and that leads to false net cal's. Nothing can be perfect, but I am finding that with nearly everything in the database, I can track easily with my Droid. I am getting much better as visually estimating portion sizes. It takes practice. If you don't…
  • I work with pregnant women every day and have frequently been asked when is my baby due. It used to be daily. Now, its "how have you lost the weight!" Of course, it still happens occasionally, but not like it did. I always laughed it off: "Nope, just fat" and "See, I struggle with this just like everyone else." But it…
  • I agree that what we are doing is not just "dieting", but trying to affect LIFESTYLE changes, with positive reinforement from friends as we go along. I gained my weight the same way as everyone else: poor diet, lack of exercise, and normal changes in metabolism with having babies and aging. A dozen of us at work are doing…