

  • Awesome! I love that you're researching this stuff. Fantastic! :)
  • Yes and no on the fat burning. It's rather a big myth that is pervasive and hanging on it would seem. A great link on heart rate myths here: Basically, you have to train for YOUR body. A good trainer should look at your numbers with many workouts and create a plan that works best for…
  • If you have a heart rate monitor, you can make your workouts more efficient by mixing it up. Get your HR up to your fat burning zone, then a few bursts in the cardio zone. Both burn fat and overall it's the only way to really train IMO. Otherwise, your efforts and calories burned become subjective. A decent entry level…
  • I get my gummi vites at Costco. My Dr recommended it for me when I was preggers. They were easier on my tummy. If you get the different kinds, you can get up to some 8 gummies a day. ;) Yummy "treat". Just don't forget to log them. So far I have: Vitamin gummies, fiber gummies, calcium gummies and Omega gummies. :D Yes, I…
  • Get a $30 Mio HRM (Heart Rate Monitor) that will help you measure caloric expenditure. Then your "category" you choose doesn't matter, you just input generic calories. Best of luck.
  • I watch G.I. Jane for motivation. Nothing like a gal that can do one-armed pushups to impress and inspire!!
  • Where did you get it? At a store or at a WW meeting? :) I want one!
  • Whatever you use, use it consistently. Don't cheat yourself and weigh on numerous other scales. It'll only lead to frustration. Invest in a better scale. Better yet, get a tape measure too and do hip, thighs, arm, core, chest, calves. Re-measure once a month to check your physical gains. Sometimes you gain muscle, lose…
  • Do you have any new videos you can use, or maybe find a friend to work out with a few days a week? Try to change up your routine. And whatever you do, don't drown your sorrows in food!!!!! These are my tips (not that you asked, I'm giving them anyway!!!) when you feel depressed and you want something to eat: 1. Before you…
  • Body fat testing. You can buy a body-fat tester online from or hit a local fitness store like Big 5 or Sports Authority. Make sure you get a hand held version and you don't test your body fat right after you exercise. Do it first thing in the morning after you hit the scale. Or you can get some fat-testing…
  • I was a member and used everything I learned and continued on on my own. However, I really miss the camaraderie of meetings and having the connection with other people who are struggling with the same issues you are. You know what I mean? It's worth it to do, even if it means you only do it for a week or two to get a good…
  • I'm starting this as of Thursday. We'll see how it goes! I need to get a pullup bar, but for now using the resistance bands modified will be fine.
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