Early in my P90X progress

reedman Posts: 35
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
Anyone else start it up recently? I'd like to compare notes and experiences with someone who was in decent shape to begin with and is still in Phase One. If thats not you and you'd still like to comment and compare notes that'd be fine too...I'm absolutely in love with what P90X is doing for my body and can't WAIT to see how I look on day 90!


  • fjtcjt
    fjtcjt Posts: 199
    I haven't done it for a while, but you can go to my profile and see my before and after pics.
  • Yewkon
    Yewkon Posts: 34
    Im just finishing Phase I. I do the workouts and play golf 9 holes (walking) about 2x a week.
    I dont know if I was or am in decent shape, but for example can get through the first 30 minutes of the Plymetrics without pausing the disc, but then I have to start taking longer breaks in between the exercises to get my heart rate back down below maximum.

    I do make it through all the routines, some just take me a little longer than than others.

    Also, I dont follow the P90x diet. I log my calories burned on this site and try to eat back my exercise calories.

    So, if the above meets your criteria. I'd compare notes with you.
  • I am just starting as a beach body rep and coach and will be getting into it soon. I am currently in great shape and will have lots of other input..so if you want more info or need a coach let me know!
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Hi, reedman!

    There are several P90X threads where you'll find lots of us P90X followers. I currently post on P90X starting a new thread, and Time to Tackle P90X. Lots of great, dedicated folks in all phases of their journey. I'm in week 10 of my 1st round. My husband is in week 6 of his 1st round. We have seen tremendous results!!!:drinker: Although I wasn't super fit, I was moderately fit starting out and have really increased my endurance. My dh now admits he was fairly out of shape but has come a long way!:laugh:

    Good Luck! I'll look for you!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Wow, I can only imagine the kind of progress you're gonna have!
  • reedman
    reedman Posts: 35
    FTCCJT - great results. I'm not excluding anyone from the thread - please feel free to comment...if you can recall the way things went for you back in your first run...

    I'm really curious how the next phase is going to be...
  • reedman
    reedman Posts: 35
    I've always been thin...my whole life I've struggled with gaining any real weight. I tried the gym thing off and on for years and while I'd see an increase here and there...I've never seen an increase like I've already seen with P90X. I'm eating between 2500-3000 calories...and working my tail off with these routines.

    I bought into the whole BeachBody idea - started the coaching side of it too...along with my wife. So far its one of the best things we've ever done together.

    Yoga is still really hard, but I am not pausing it (or any of the other DVDs) and I'm doing pushups the whole way thru with the DVD. In fact, the only thing I'm not able to do is the rock and roll jump on plyometrics...I've got a bad knee and that routine feels a bit unsafe when I try it...so I just jump normal with the group.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    reedman...I'm quite the opposite of you. I'm a musclehead who has never really been thin and seems to gain muscle by looking at a dumbbell. I started this program the last week of December (currently finishing week 5 of round 2).

    Started out at 288 lbs/ 34% bodyfat/ size 48 jean and am currently at 235 lbs/ 10.8% bodyfat/ 32 jean/ 50 inch chest.

    Best of luck....:drinker:
  • reedman
    reedman Posts: 35
    Outstanding results...I regret not checking my body fat before hand...the last time I had it checked was in 1998 :) but I didn't look any different then than I did when I started P90X 19 days ago...

    My body fat then was 4.8% and I'm going to assume that I was maybe somewhere around 8-10% body fat when I started P90X.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Outstanding results...I regret not checking my body fat before hand...the last time I had it checked was in 1998 :) but I didn't look any different then than I did when I started P90X 19 days ago...

    My body fat then was 4.8% and I'm going to assume that I was maybe somewhere around 8-10% body fat when I started P90X.

    I'd go out and get a fat caliper and measure your current % just to get some kind of baseline. Just my opinion though.
  • reedman
    reedman Posts: 35
    I really should - I just haven't found myself in the right place to pick one of those up.

    Another random question...and maybe I'm a little vain (possibly)...I love taking a lot of pictures of my progress and having my wife/friends take pictures during the work outs...

    Everyone else doing that...? Anyone else doing that?
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    I really should - I just haven't found myself in the right place to pick one of those up.

    Another random question...and maybe I'm a little vain (possibly)...I love taking a lot of pictures of my progress and having my wife/friends take pictures during the work outs...

    Everyone else doing that...? Anyone else doing that?

    I only take pics after 30 day phases but I'm thinking of having my girlfriend videotape some of my workouts so some people can see the ridiculous weights I use.
  • lokana2k
    lokana2k Posts: 8
    I recently got a P90x. I am on week one, day 4. I will be happy to join your blog to write details on my progress and we can probably trade notes. I have scoliosis rod in my back so I would like some help regarding certain exercises I cannot do. The rod makes my back extremely straight so things that require me to curve my back is a bit of a challenge or I am unable to do.

    I have maintained and loss three pounds.
  • reedman
    reedman Posts: 35
    How much taller did you get after the rod was put in?

    You're awesome to be going for it with that limitation in your back. I'm impressed!
  • MrsGrace
    MrsGrace Posts: 13
    I'm starting this as of Thursday. We'll see how it goes! I need to get a pullup bar, but for now using the resistance bands modified will be fine.
  • jlasa06
    jlasa06 Posts: 1
    I just started this monday (June 8, 2009).

    Im having some troubles meeting my calorie intakes, im at Level II Phase 1 (2400 cal/day minimum) yet today i only hit 1,782 but i basically reached my protein and fats, just the carbs i was short on.

    I need some guidance on what i can do to meet these as I feel im eating enough, keep in mind im a college athlete, but not in ELITE athlete shape, ive been playing sports since grade 6 and play basketball in college now, im looking to get more ripped and drop body fat %.

    I have some of the basic meals made in my day, such as the cheese scramble, a slightly modified tuna salad, and i make chicken breast (8 oz servings just like in the book) with a side of steamed veggies for dinner, i eat protein bars after workouts and drink protein/ and a hybrid recovery drink which has glutamine/creatine with lemon juice/honey/water.

    i need some tips on planning my meals so i can atleast meet my 2400 cal/day while staying in the 50/30/20 (protein/carb/fat) ratio as im afraid it might have a negative affect on my body and start eating away my muscle that im gaining since im not eating enough calories.
  • PAESP16
    PAESP16 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in week two. I've fallen off the bandwagon a bit. I missed one workout! :(
  • I have been using Beach Body Products for about a year and a half and love them. I had completed Power90 and was 40 days into P90X when I hurt my back and then life got in the way and I stopped for about 9 months. My old habits came back during that 9 months and I gained about 10 pounds back, but I lost a lot of strength. I am back to doing P90X I am in week two of phase one and my body feel great. This program works, but the key to the success is in the diet. You need to find what works for you and this website will help a lot. I need to eat around 2,000 to 2,200 calories a day to lose weight and yet not bonk on my workouts. I use a 50% protein, 30% carbs, and 20% fat breakdown to help me lean out and build my muscles.

    P90X is a great workout program and you will get results.
  • I LOVE LOVE LOVE P90x! I just started week 4 and cant wait to take my 30 day photos~ Will be glad to share as we move along.... :) I use their suggested menus for reference only! I find SIMPLE eating is much easier!!! Have a good day everyone!
  • reedman
    reedman Posts: 35
    So I took the advice from an earlier post and got a fat caliper...7% body fat! WOOT!

    I assume I was probably at something like 8 or 9% when I started - I've always been really lean.

    To those of you who have fallen off the bandwagon...get back on it and to those of you who are continuing to bring it - well done!

    I strained my calf during plyo last week and then pulled it in my soccer game on Sunday...I had to totally skip plyo last night and it KILLED me to do so, but there is simply no way I could do the routine...

    I'm hoping that with two more days of rest it will be ok and I can make up plyo on my X Stretch day...this sunday!
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