

  • Insanity probably includes them MFP does not... So either adjust your calories to 1849 or just leave them at 1200 and eat your workout calories according to MFP.
    in New! Comment by julia_shealy July 2012
  • Everyone is different...you'll just have to play around. 1200 seems to be MFP favorite answer. Does insanity suggest a calorie intake or certain portion size? I know P90x does portion size and bbl does calories. If it is portion control then log what you eat and see where your calories land because Beachbody is very good…
    in New! Comment by julia_shealy July 2012
  • Naan is made from chic pea flour which is healthier than flour pitas
  • I love the concept of paleo but can't follow it because my body does not know how to react when I go for my glucose screening. So I do whole/raw foods as much as possible. It is so funny that for me the healthiest meat I can get my hands on is grass feed beef from a local farmer for the same price the grocery store sales…
  • As soon as I finish breastfeeding I plan to start doing Brazil Butt Lift in the mean time. Age: 28 Height: 5ft 4in BMI: 33%
  • Greek God
  • I don't know what you like or dislike but my favorite thing to do is find healthier alternatives to my favorite dishes. Goat cheese Mac and cheese, fixing my greens in the same pan I just pan seared my meat. Try other cultures foods. Indian food is loaded with tasty ways to fix veggies.
  • Stevia is a plant extract like sugar but it is not equivalent teaspoon to teaspoon as some of the packing companies are advertising. I prefer to get mine in liquid form so I am not tempted to over sweeten bc it has a sweeter taste... At least for me. Please do plent of research before you purchase your first bit. Proper…
    in Stevia Comment by julia_shealy July 2012
  • My husband has had problems being regular... I am always on to him about his diet. I eventually gave up and let him hit a brick wall almost literally before he came back to me for some help. He has noticed since increasing his water consumption and decreasing sugary drinks he is feeling better. One baby step at a time. For…
  • Reward 1 my John Hardy year of the dragon bangel (celebration of my son's birth) once I hit either the 1/2 mark on weight or clothing size... Don't want the scale to rule my life Reward 2 my 2ed tattoo at the 3/4 mark...may wait until after done not sure yet ;) Reward 3 new clothes
  • I have found a cheaper route that I like... It also incorporates my style of nutrition. Prograde from getprograde.com. It is gluten free and uses stevia instead of fructose.
  • Atkins can really teach you about good and bad carbs of you let it!
  • Sounds like two things could be happening or one. Too low of a caloric intake causing "starvation" mode and/or the types of food your eating. I dont know you so these are guesses. What I mean by the type of food is high perseritive/hormone food. If you read Rabbitfoodformybunnyteeth.com you can see where I am heading this.
  • You have to remember that this sites calorie intake is a loose calculation you may need to increase. I know for my self this website is at least 200-300 calories off since I breast feed. I have to remember that eating too little makes you gain when you eat right initailly bc your body went into "starvation" mode.
  • I had my son 9 weeks ago. Back to work full time and looking for buddies to help me keep motivated. 200lbs goal 130lbs.