Awkward healthy eating side effect.

I have noticed that since I have been eating healthier, my digestive track is running so great!

I love the little things you discover once you start treating your body right!

Has anyone else noticed this or other awkward healthy eating side effects? Or any not so awkward healthy eating side effects?

I know this isn't the most comfortable topic, but hey we are all here to do the same thing! :)


  • fostermommy43
    fostermommy43 Posts: 10 Member
    I am only on day 2 and yes I confess things are running different..............I am sure that is a good thing though. :o) Amazing what some good food will do for you.
  • amandabrowning20
    amandabrowning20 Posts: 1 Member
    This is totally not awkward! That is the first thing I ever notice, and is one of my main motivations for healthy eating! I make sure I get at least 25-30g of fibre each day! Your digestive system is one of the best indicators of health for the body! If things aren't moving, so much of your energy is being used to clean out your system! A fast moving healthy digestive tract=energy that can go to making you look and feel beautiful! Glad to hear you notice these changes and appreciate them.
  • stpetegirl
    stpetegirl Posts: 241
    lol...I agree! I am on day 10 and have noticed a lot of differences! I don't get the stomach aches like I used to! I don't even have to eat tums for constant heartburn, I've stopped taking my nexium already and yes, my digestive system is much happier!!
  • To be completely honest, I've had trouble um 'moving my bowels' and would be constipated a lot. I'd be lucky if I could go once or twice a week! Since I've been eating healthy (I'm assuming all that fiber), I'm going a lot more. It feels good because now I don't have to worry about stuff being in there too long lol!
  • HeatherDee92
    HeatherDee92 Posts: 218 Member
    To be completely honest, I've had trouble um 'moving my bowels' and would be constipated a lot. I'd be lucky if I could go once or twice a week! Since I've been eating healthy (I'm assuming all that fiber), I'm going a lot more. It feels good because now I don't have to worry about stuff being in there too long lol!

    I had this problem, and used to not see it as a problem. I used to eat alot of cheese and people would be like you must be so constipated! I would be like no not at all! And now that I eat VERY little cheese daily I am just like oh... maybe I was, and if I binge and eat alot of cheese the next 2 days are terrible! :(

    It helps me not binge on it as much, but I have serious cheese addiction. If only it was healthier! :( HAHA
  • smalleyez06
    smalleyez06 Posts: 132 Member
    This is always one of the first things I notice once I get back on the wagon. Since I have been pushing water I don't mind just water as much and I also feel like crap when I steer away from the healthy options. Last night I did not finish my dinner and when I had a brownie sundae I did not enjoy it. I know bad me in the first place but it was just too damn sweet and too much chocolate. Like hell you would have heard me say that before!
  • diverdiza
    diverdiza Posts: 82 Member
    Strangely enough the last few days I have been less regular than usual.. and I've eaten what I'm sure is WAY more than enough fibre.. Actually a bit concerned!
  • HeatherDee92
    HeatherDee92 Posts: 218 Member
    Strangely enough the last few days I have been less regular than usual.. and I've eaten what I'm sure is WAY more than enough fibre.. Actually a bit concerned!

    You should know that too much fiber can do the opposite effect of the right amount! Ranging from constipation to the runs! :(
  • diverdiza
    diverdiza Posts: 82 Member
    Strangely enough the last few days I have been less regular than usual.. and I've eaten what I'm sure is WAY more than enough fibre.. Actually a bit concerned!

    You should know that too much fiber can do the opposite effect of the right amount! Ranging from constipation to the runs! :(
    Oh oh... And here I've been attempting to treat it by adding MORE fibre.. :-(
  • FloridaAimee
    FloridaAimee Posts: 295 Member
    This is always one of the first things I notice once I get back on the wagon. Since I have been pushing water I don't mind just water as much and I also feel like crap when I steer away from the healthy options. Last night I did not finish my dinner and when I had a brownie sundae I did not enjoy it. I know bad me in the first place but it was just too damn sweet and too much chocolate. Like hell you would have heard me say that before!

    Ive noticed this as well- my love of sweets has changed!!! Like I'd LOVE a brownie sundae, but an itty bitty one, not a huge one like I used to eat. Actually my have dessert is some really great vanilla ice cream (french vanilla or vanilla bean) with half a banana sliced on it and a tiny bit of hot fudge. YUM

    For me, my IBS is much better when I stay 'on the wagon'. I ate a cheeseburger and fries from our favorite local joint last week and it about killed me.
  • diverdiza
    diverdiza Posts: 82 Member
    Strangely enough the last few days I have been less regular than usual.. and I've eaten what I'm sure is WAY more than enough fibre.. Actually a bit concerned!

    You should know that too much fiber can do the opposite effect of the right amount! Ranging from constipation to the runs! :(
    Oh oh... and here I've been trying to treat it by adding MORE fibre!! :-(
  • kcoburn327
    kcoburn327 Posts: 111 Member
    Not sure how this relates to eating better but i have found I express gas a lot more than I use. I also use the bathroom a lot more since I drink more water.
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,179 Member
    This isn't quite where you were going with this, but...:laugh: My immune system came back. For years I was the person that caught the flu, spread the plague, and was still miserably sick when everyone else had gotten over it. Colds lasted weeks with me and my anemia was insanely out of control. Eating better and/or working out has almost reversed my susceptibility to sickness, and while my anemia still requires shots to manage, they're not as often or as large a dose, and the symptoms aren't nearly as bad. No more ice cold fingers and toes!!
  • Kathy53925
    Kathy53925 Posts: 241 Member
    To be completely honest, I've had trouble um 'moving my bowels' and would be constipated a lot. I'd be lucky if I could go once or twice a week! Since I've been eating healthy (I'm assuming all that fiber), I'm going a lot more. It feels good because now I don't have to worry about stuff being in there too long lol!

    I had this problem, and used to not see it as a problem. I used to eat alot of cheese and people would be like you must be so constipated! I would be like no not at all! And now that I eat VERY little cheese daily I am just like oh... maybe I was, and if I binge and eat alot of cheese the next 2 days are terrible! :(

    It helps me not binge on it as much, but I have serious cheese addiction. If only it was healthier! :( HAHA

    I eat the reduced fat cheese! It IS healthier! lol
  • My husband has had problems being regular... I am always on to him about his diet. I eventually gave up and let him hit a brick wall almost literally before he came back to me for some help. He has noticed since increasing his water consumption and decreasing sugary drinks he is feeling better. One baby step at a time. For me I grew up with home cooked meals not boxed meals so regular was normal. My wieght issues are from stress and hormone issues that I am working on plus adding more physical activities to have toning results.
  • FatStoatLondon
    FatStoatLondon Posts: 197 Member
    I have noticed that since I have been eating healthier, my digestive track is running so great!

    I love the little things you discover once you start treating your body right!

    Has anyone else noticed this or other awkward healthy eating side effects? Or any not so awkward healthy eating side effects?

    I know this isn't the most comfortable topic, but hey we are all here to do the same thing! :)

    I'm confused - are you asking if people are crapping and farting more? I'm not trying to be gross but I don't know exactly what it is you've "discovered"!

    I find that the extra exercise makes me move my bowels; I probably pass a quick, healthy stool twice a day now, rather than a dense, pongy turd once a day. I sincerely hope this is what you were talking about, or else I've just made a tit of myself!
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    yes, I notes that too.
  • InkedBeauty89
    InkedBeauty89 Posts: 114 Member
    I used to get heartburn everyday. Now i havent had it in months!
  • chica23GK
    chica23GK Posts: 100 Member
    Strangely enough the last few days I have been less regular than usual.. and I've eaten what I'm sure is WAY more than enough fibre.. Actually a bit concerned!

    I'm more like you - since I started eating healthier, I aimed for at least 25g of fiber but was feeling bloated & constipated until I increased my water from 8 to 10 minimum.
  • _CowgirlUp_
    _CowgirlUp_ Posts: 585 Member
    Fiber is need it in your diet but if your body isn't used to can be a pain in the *kitten* literally. :laugh:

    Increase your fiber slowly and gradually. Raw fruits and veggies are loaded with fiber so be careful if you're trying to suddenly go from not getting enough of these things to getting plenty is going to stop you up.

    As you increase your fiber, also increase your water intake. Lots of fiber with little water will stop you up. Fiber needs liquid to help it break down and get through your system.

    Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor and don't pretend to be (publicly) :drinker: But I did work for a Gastroenterologist for 6 years until we moved 4 months ago. We saw this "problem" a lot.