

  • chocolate covered katie is one of my favorite recipe sites! Try the deep dish cookie pie!!
  • More downtime, or even worse - an injury. It's happened to me more than I like to admit to myself. I find that yoga 1x/week and allowing for proper recovery helps me avoid injury. I'm currently on a one week recovery break - my legs have been sore since Saturday, they're feeling much better today - I've been foam rolling…
  • It's so important to let your body recover. This is a lesson I learn over and over again! I have superwoman syndrome and like to think I can do it all.
  • 1. Search online for veggie recipes, as a previous poster suggested 2. Buy a few veggie and/or vegan cookbooks to get inspiration for new meal ideas
  • I don't agree. You can get plenty of protein and still avoid processed soy and palm oil products.
  • I really like these vegetarian protein sources: eggs, greek yogurt, beans, lentils, Jay Robb protein powder (tastes the best of the ones I've tried, has the best (cleanest) ingredients list I've seen on a protein powder). Have you tried 3 grain tempeh? It has some soy in it, but is also mixed with some grains. There are…
  • I'd recommend Intuitive Eating also :) Great book and practicing Intuitive Eating has taught me a lot about myself. Maybe take a few days off from tracking.
    in Restless Comment by stbxadict June 2011
  • We're so happy to have you here =)
    in New Here Comment by stbxadict May 2011
  • You shouldn't let yourself be hungry. Eat more calories than MFP says and see how your weight loss goes. You should let your weight loss be your guide and you shouldn't be hungry all the time, it's not healthy. Try eating MORE for breakfast (adding PB to your oatmeal is a great idea!) and within an hour of working out. You…
  • Everyone is going to give you a different answer, because we've all 'heard' different things and we all prefer our own ways of working out. It's great you want to start working out! Like you said, I agree it's important to start relatively slowly. I wouldn't jump into heavy weights and hard cardio sessions. Don't get rid…