gameon15 Member


  • Hey there, I'm sorry to hear that you're having such a rough time. I can only speak to my own experience with learning lessons around emotional eating... I have found that I eat the most when I'm really depressed, anxious, angry, etc. - and I'm not finding ways to deal with it or even just get it out. Eating - addiction to…
  • I totally get that!! Emotional eating just does not help me in the moment - eat so that I can avoid feeling things - but it is also a protective layer - a lot of people call it a fatsuit... it can keep people away - especially people we may be attracted to. I am struggling with that one right now...
  • well it`s good to use the calorie quota for something to aim for, but remember to be easy on yourself when you have a `treat day`. I myself had a hard time on here at first, feeling like I had to go `hard core` about everything everyday - I try to look at what I`ll be able to live with in the long term. The greatest thing…
  • Hi Katie & Angel. My name is Karry & a lot of my emotional eating also stems from childhood trauma. Separately I also have a lot of current stressors with my family & it's so hard not to eat when my emotions get highly charged. MFP has helped me to think about eating before I eat it...but now I"m getting into when I want…
  • Oh, for sure!!! I find that especially true for when I overload on sweets...if I'm really stressed out & I binge out on super sweet things, I get such a sugar rush that my mind starts racing...and then when the crash follows thereafter, I feel depressed. I didn't reallly think of it that way before now, thanks for the…
  • Thank you for posting this!! I've had a REALLY stressful emotional day with my family & I just want to eat crap & binge on sweets & salty good-tasting horrible food. It's what I've always done for stress - and then I feel absolutely horrible after, physically & emotionally. Not only did it not get rid of the pain - just…