

  • People who see you often wil probably take a while to notice, but those who haven't seen you in a week or 2 should be able to tell that you look different since they saw you last.
  • It might take a lil longer with the proactive. When I changed bc prescriptions I started getting really stubborn acne on my cheek, and started using it. It took around 2 months before it really started helping and went away. If you have the mask use it too, it helps. You can either put it on for 10 min after washing your…
  • "Muscle weighs more than fat" doesn't mean that 5 lbs of muscle will weigh more than 5 lbs of fat. It's saying that if you have a handful of muscle and a handful of fat taking up the same amount of space, the muscle will weigh more. You can weigh 130lbs and be chunky and lumpy if you have lil to no muscle, but you can't…
  • 182 is pretty high. I'm 25 and my heart rate goal is from 150-170, I usually stay around 165-170 when working out. My sister's 30 and her heart rate goal is lower than mine. Sounds like where you are is good, esp if you're feeling it. Some heart rate monitors (i have a polar) will have you plug in your weight, age, etc and…
  • You can definitely do it, no motivation like a wedding, but don't forget that muscle weighs more than fat, you could have just gained some muscle weight from working out 5x/wk
  • The distance calibration might be off on the machine. The elliptical at my old gym was the same way. Ones I used to go on would say I did 3 miles in the 30 min, and started at that gym and I was lucky if it gave me a mile.
  • Also, make sure you're drinking water in the morning, it'll help to keep you full longer too.