really disappointed with myself

LawBug17 Posts: 26
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
Hi everyone. I've been a member since January of 2009 and I was fortunate enough to go from 152 to 127 with a good and healthy diet and exercise program. 127 was low for me, so I maintained around 130, fluctuating up to 133 at times. Now, my wedding is less than 3 months away and my last two weigh ins have been in the mid 136s and 137s. I know it may seem horribly whiny and self-absorbed of me but I feel like I've lost the willpower to eat healthy all the time. I don't think I'm doing much different, I still work out about 5 times a week and eat healthy most of the time. I think my main issue is that I just binge on the weekends. Then I feel ashamed of myself and out of control. I know I have 3 months to get back down to 130 where I'd like to be, but I keep telling myself I can't do it and I'm not going to fit into my wedding dress I ordered a year ago. I am miserable today :( Just wanted to get that off my chest.


  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    Don't feel like your being whiny or self absorbed, especially on this website. That's what we are all here for is to listen to you and encourage you toward your goal. You should be able to get to your goal with some hard work and determination. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • hopewms
    hopewms Posts: 22
    I know it can be disappointing, but look at the bright side. You have 3 months to lose 6 pounds. That is completely doable! It's ok to feel disappointed for a little while but then turn that disappointment into resolution. You have done this before - you can do it again. Only this time it won't be nearly so hard, you only have a 6 pound loss to achieve. Seeing what you were able to accomplish I have complete faith that you'll get to your goal by Wedding Day!
  • You can definitely do it, no motivation like a wedding, but don't forget that muscle weighs more than fat, you could have just gained some muscle weight from working out 5x/wk
  • I think we all have days like this. Get it out of system and then consider tomorrow a "do-over". You've already accomplishment alot, you know what you gotta do, just let us help motivate you and you do the rest! You can do it!
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,459 Member
    I'm a big fan of venting, it allows us to get what is on our chest and mind on the table so that we can think about them and hopefully get moving beyond them. Apparently there is some willpower there or you wouldn't be concerned; it just may be time to get moving with it. Set your goal and realize that you have done it before and you can do it again, and even more! God bless!
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    I know it's pointing out the obvious, but it has been said that whether you think you can or whether you think you cannot; You are right! I wonder if it is really the weight that is bothering you or if it might be something else; but regardless, I know how easy it is to become consumed with negativity. Just focus on the fact that you were able to lose weight successfully in the past. You haven't strayed that far; just bring yourself back. Remember your motivation!
  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    Don't stress girl, you got this! 6 pounds in 3 months isn't as bad as it seems! Plus, if you have a bad day or two every month it's not going to hurt you that bad. This is a totally doable goal and everytime you just want to give up for good picture your wedding dress and I'm sure that will be all the motivation you need. Good luck!!! :smile:
  • IngeS18
    IngeS18 Posts: 36
    Planning a wedding is horribly stressful, I know I've been through it! So you will have your desperate moments of course, venting is a perfect way to deal with them.
    Just remember: You've done it before and 6lbs in 3 months can;t be that hard! If you keep up your exercises and push yourself to eat healthy you'll be fine.
    Also, what you could do, add a little extra to your exercises. Sometimes your body needs a little extra push to get your muscles working again. If you have done the same work-out for a long time they might have gotten used to the intensity. Pump it up a notch and see what happens. Muscle may way a lot, but if your body is toned you WILL fit in to your wedding dress!
  • thank you so much for all of your support. i've been doing kettlebell training and trx 1x or 2x a week so i really think it could be some muscle. i'm usually pretty much 100% cardio. i really appreciate the kindness. my friends don't get it, especially because they think i'm small already and just being ridiculous. but it's really upsetting to do so well and start to slide back. i get worried i'll wake up one day and be back at 152. maintaining is SO hard.
  • You have plenty of time to get yourself back down to where you were comfortable in your skin! In 3 months, with hard work and dedication, you can easily loose 5 pounds a month. Keep your chin up!

    We are rooting for you!
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