

  • I need friends too, add me to your list :)
  • Try to tuck in your tummy muscles as much as you can, imagine that you are trying to touch your spine with your belly button. This is something you do in a Pilates class which focuses in strenghtening your core muscles (stomach, back). Do this all through out the day, be more aware of those muscles working. Don't give up…
  • I agree with other posts. Try having an honest conversation with him, talk about your goals and health changes. If he doesn't understand and wants to be supportive, I would say you also want to be in a healthy relatiionship and emotionally it doesn't sound like he is moving along with you. So ask yourself "can I deal and…
  • Hi, welcome and wish you the best in your efforts to get healthy. I have to agree with everyone else, you should be eating at least 1200 calories/day. Anything less is not healthy for you and at the end you sabotage your efforts because you'll be starving and too weak emotionally to make right food choices so you'll end up…
  • I am 51 but don't think of myself as "old." Life hasn't been easy for me either and weight has always been an issue not to mention a list of genetic pre-dispossed illnesses but I refuse to let all that keep me down. Life is a gift and we are to enjoy it. I believe that by choosing to be healthier we will enjoy that gift to…
  • Hi Erin, welcome and give yourself a pat on the back!! You should feel so proud that you are making choices that will benefit you for the rest of your life. I believe you are on the right path and the desire to be healthier will get you through this journey. Be aware that there will be times when you feel like giving up…
  • All you need to know and think about is that you are especial and beautiful to The One who created you and don't let anyone (including yourself) tell you otherwise
  • Seems that you have received lots of answers and encouragement already but here's my ten cents. I do understand exactly how you felt because it sounds like something my husband would say. You need to remember that you are especial and important because someone bigger than ourselves created you worthy and especial. Don't…
  • I agree with Kylas7, it sounds like you are making all the right changes--keep it up and don't get discouraged. I would also say to keep en eye on your calorie intake. You need to have an intake of at least 1200, if you are like me--probably try to cut down as much as possible but everywhere I read that you need to take a…
  • Feel free to add me anyone, I am also looking for more friends for motivation and support. I haven't lost any weight in two weeks and I'm getting frustrated and almost to the point of giving up...need to know I can do this
  • That sounds easy enough and doable with out having to make it to the gym, count me in...I am already trying to do something every day from gardening to stretching and even a dancing (kinda) :) great motivation!!!!
  • Put a slice of some fruit in the bottle with your water (cucumber, lemon, orange, peach, fresh mint....) it will give it some flavor and you'd be more inclined to drink it than the plain "flavor" of water. That's what they have for guests at some spas. Hope it helps
  • I've been drinking coffee since I can remember and I don't think is that bad for you. If you do decide to cut down on your intake I would start mixing it up with decaf 50/50 so that you don't get the bad headaches. What to drink instead? Green and white tea are suposed to be good for you. Also, you can't beat just plain,…
  • I am on my second week and still trying to figure all the tracking, monitoring and making better choices. Feel free to add me, I am in So. Calif. and looking forward to making friends and encourage each other. We can also learn what works and what not to do....I think we can all use the help. :)
  • They are all cute but #4 looks very nice on you :)
  • Hi, I just read your post and I can identify with you. I don't have that many pounds to lose but I am just as confused as you are about my calorie intake. I thought the point was to take in less than what you burned but apparently not. I feel like giving up but I can't, at 51 I want to lose some weight so I can age…
  • I am on my third day and also trying to figure out all the calorie vs. food intake tracking. It frustrates me that "it" is always saying that I'm eating too few calories even though I'm staying at/or within 1200. So according to it, I will gain weight instead of losing--what's gives? I'm trying to stay positive and just…
    in HELP!! Comment by ahawks98 May 2012
  • Lauren, I applaud you for standing strong by your principles and deciding to keep your baby. I was barely 23 (my daughter was born a week after my birthday) when I had my first child, and even though I was married it was still hard but I would not change the blessings that came with that beautiful baby for anything! She is…
  • Thanks for the info, I am new to fit bit-today was my first day and was a little confusing but reading all your comments I think I'm getting the hang of it. I will try the sleep mode tonight. Thanks again!