I'm new and looking for friends and motivation! Thanks

Hi I'm trying to find people who want to help me along with my weight loss,and also to see healthy food choices! Thank you


  • Aka I need friends :D
  • I need friends also
  • Great we can help each other :)
  • I need friends too, add me to your list :)
  • I just did :)
  • Ldbg289
    Ldbg289 Posts: 236 Member
    You guys can add me if you want :)
  • susplatt
    susplatt Posts: 7 Member
    I keep sliding back into the same ole routines. Feel good and motivated for about 3 weeks then something happens and I slide. I want to lose weight and be fit forever. How can we help each other?
  • I feel the same way, I went for two months with doing so good and then, I stopped doing my work outs and went down from there, I promised my self I would not do it again, we can do this!! When you feel weak just think of way you wanted to lose this weight we can keep each other on track :D
  • katscoots
    katscoots Posts: 255 Member
    You all can friend me if you'd like as well. I've been on here and up and down for about 2 years. I met my goal and then fell partway back into bad habits and stopped logging...if I don't log it, it doesn't count...right? WRONG!!! Anyway, I've found that having a goal other than just a weight loss goal helps me to stick to the program. I signed up for a half marathon and I was danged if I wasn't going to finish...so guess what...I had to train and that kept me motivated...until after the half...but I digress. Over the last year, I've moved and started a new job which gave me the excuse of skipping workouts...but I will not allow myself to fall all the way back to where I was two years ago, so I'm back on here and committed to logging and exercising, but I need some peeps to keep me accountable.
  • Thanks for sharing with us!! I will add you :)
  • I would also love to meet some people in this community - I'm really into fitness and healthy eating (although I have a ton of trouble keeping on track and meeting my goals) but none of my friends are into that stuff so it would be great to meet some like minded people!
  • Great I'll add you
  • Feel free to add me. Half way to goal and needing more motivation
  • Candela16
    Candela16 Posts: 5 Member
    Add me too! I need motivation and accountability. Anyone in the Fred, VA area?
  • Eire228
    Eire228 Posts: 238 Member
    katscoots wrote: »
    You all can friend me if you'd like as well. I've been on here and up and down for about 2 years. I met my goal and then fell partway back into bad habits and stopped logging...if I don't log it, it doesn't count...right? WRONG!!! Anyway, I've found that having a goal other than just a weight loss goal helps me to stick to the program. I signed up for a half marathon and I was danged if I wasn't going to finish...so guess what...I had to train and that kept me motivated...until after the half...but I digress. Over the last year, I've moved and started a new job which gave me the excuse of skipping workouts...but I will not allow myself to fall all the way back to where I was two years ago, so I'm back on here and committed to logging and exercising, but I need some peeps to keep me accountable.

    I'm in a similar situation! I was running quite a bit over the summer because my brother convinced me to run a half marathon with him. I did it, it felt great, and now I never want to do it again. :p But I do want to keep up with the running, at least in smaller doses! But since the half marathon, I've lost my motivation to keep up with it, especially in the colder weather. I need help to get myself motivated again!
  • That is get! I know it sounds crazy but maybe sign up for another one to keep your motivation going, my friends and I do the 5k runs a lot, just to set goal to get that motivation back!!!! I know it's hard but that is what it takes to stay on it and not fall back to the old habits!!!! You can do it :D
  • Good Morning everyone and Happy New Years Eve.. I have struggled all my life with my weight. In 2007 I weighted 252 lbs, I lost 102 lbs by March of 2008. This past year I have gained 25 of that back. I'm made my mind up I'm going to lose that 25 lbs and keep it off. I just want to be my healthy self again. It's hard to keep going and find motivation when your doing it alone. I love watching people accomplish their goals and continue with new ones. It motivates me to do better and be a better person inside and out. Please feel free to add me as well. I need buddies to start this off on the right path.
  • I know how you feel, i have had a hard time with my weight as well, in my life. You can do this we all can!!!
  • Hey! I used this app in high school and I lost 70 pounds because of it. I absolutly love it but I have put a lot of weight back on through the past couple of years due to just kind of losing myself. So I am taking another crack at it but my motivation is not wut it was in high school and I was hoping to find some buddies to chat with on a weekly basis for kind of a goal to work for.