

  • Hi, I go through the same every month like clock work. I gain between 4-5 pounds and it lasts until a day after my cycle is completely over. Try and relax and enjoy a piece of dark chocolate or 4 oz of red wine. My weight has been falling off since I started doing that. When we freak out our cortizol kicks in and it will…
  • I love almost all squashes and pumpkins. I have never heard off a tiger stripped pumpkin but I'll bet it would be fabulous with some cinnamon or pimkin pie spice and maybe a little honey :) I would roast the seeds to and put them on salads or have a handfull as a snack :) let me know how it works out Leslie
  • my flat iron!!!!!! :)
  • Hi everyone, well I am one of those single parents that has 2 full time jobs and a 3 1/2 yr old. My ex lives in another state as well and so I only get a break every 3 to 4 months. I live on my own and sometimes bills, housework, planning for the next day plus all of my studying and research seems over whelming at best.…
  • Hi there.....I understand exactly what you are going through. I always used to let my emotions control when I ate and also how much I ate. One thing I finally got into my brain is that "Food" is not my friend and it cant comfort me the way a human can...:) Its satisfaction is very temporary and leaves me emptier than what…
  • i always rewarded myself with something non-edible like a massage, pedicure, manicure, etc.....that way I can continue feeling really great inside and out :) Leslie
  • I do Thursday am weigh in......count me in :)
  • I know how you feel......I am looking to lose 30 pounds myself. It is always a great boost to have friends boosting ones ego and giving encouragement.....Count me in for your list of friends....:) Leslie
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS 10 yrs ago and I was put on metformin and that drug caused me to go MAD. It totally tripped me out. Once I got off of it I felt a whole lot better. I would rather live with PCOS with no drugs than go through something like that. I have been overweight my entire life. I did lose 55 pounds on…