

  • see that's my problem, I also have an underweight child on a high calorie diet ( not junk but high calorie).
  • I have another issue with my husband bringing it into the house. I have actually found myself feeding it to the kids more than I should just so it will be gone. UGH.
  • That's an idea, I may try that thanks
  • Sadly it's not skinny if you eat the whole box. Seriously eating sweet foods just makes me want more and more until I'm sick. :(
  • OMG, I get extremely moody and I love my "alone" time with a plate of cookies. I agree with the wanting to vomit part , I feel the same way
  • I believe they are equal but if I have to choose I would say calories the reason is I've always eaten whole foods, I just ate way too much lol
  • Yes it is horrible stuff. There are numerous countries that ban the use of it, The FDA is way behind on that one.
  • I use Pam Olive oil non stick spray. It works ( especially for mushrooms) and adds 0 calories
  • I have the same problem. But your here now and your working towards your goal. You can do it!
  • According to Dr Andrew Weil, lemon juice will curb sweet tooths. After I have 1 piece of dark chocolate I have water with lemon juice. Hasn't failed me yet. just an idea
  • As someone who has been on Foodstamps ( when I was a single mom) let me tell you that they usually don't give you enough money to buy healthy food to last the month ( lets face it eating healthy is expensive) and when you have hungry kids you are just concerned with getting food into their bellies
  • I've had people tell me to be careful you don't want to lose too much weight or the even weirder " be careful you might become addicted to excercise", Some people are so weird
  • I',m 32 and need to lose 30 lbs. I crave sweets too. you can add me
  • I love FiberOne!!! I eat one a day and it fixes my sweet tooth
  • just a suggestion, nuts are full of protein and peanut butter has tons of it. You probably already know that though
  • I have oral allergy syndrome as well. I can't eat bananas or any type of melons. I wish I could eat bananas because I love them and they would be good for me right now. I CAN eat them when they are cooked but no one cooks melons :(
  • I had that problem as well at the pool in my neighborhood but I found a city pool that has 5 lanes and a lot of people use the lanes to just walk in and a lot of people really swim and some likfe butterfy back and forth. I quickly got over my fear because I was just someone else doing what is best for their body. Maybe…
    in swimming Comment by aapye78 July 2011
  • I had that happen too but I ignored it and now I can't run at allbecause I tore up my ankles and have to see a physical therapist. Talk to your doctor before you run again.
  • my secret was too find something I love doing. we live near the mountains of Colorado and I LOVE hiking them ( burns tons of calories) and I love swimming. I know those aren't everyone's thing but find something you like to do
  • I love too cook, in fact my major was culinary arts ( a fact that got me here lol). I'm having a blast figuring out new low calorie recipes and love the recipes on eatingwell.com. Do you have any place you get your recipes? I'm always looking for new things.
  • Hi, I'm 32 with 3 kids and I have a problem belly too and a problem butt and thighs etc lol. please add me I'm new here so could use the support.