has anyone said to you...

mrslantu2020 Posts: 71 Member
edited September 29 in Success Stories
Hey!! I am getting really close to my goal weight...well, to be precise, I am over 10 pounds past my original goal, but I have updated it the further along I got. I have had others recently saying things to me like, you are melting away!! But, sometimes they don't mean it in a good way...in fact, my friend asked me the other day what size pants I was in and then I mentioned I wanted to be at least 10 pounds lighter and she said, "well, don't you think you are already too skinny?" with a slight hint of disgust in her voice. I have also had people say I may become anorexic because I won't know when to stop...
This being said, what is your take? I think I am just trying to be healthy. Others perceive this as abnormal behavior. Have you had others "rain on your parade"? :ohwell:


  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    People say that to me all the time. I think it's because we were quite a bit heavier before, and they are used to seeing us that big. We've lost a lot of weight, and they probably think we've lost enough. My reply is usually, "well, I look okay with clothes on." LOL
  • adhillman01
    adhillman01 Posts: 206
    I had a professor tell me that if I lost any more weight I'd disappear. I told him thank you and decided to take it as a compliment. I also had a classmate ask if I have been sick due to all my weight loss. I was like "no I worked really hard for this!" I'm just trying to take it in stride. I'm barely within a healthy weight range and not at all too skinny.
  • aapye78
    aapye78 Posts: 24
    I've had people tell me to be careful you don't want to lose too much weight or the even weirder " be careful you might become addicted to excercise", Some people are so weird
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,075 Member
    All. The. Time. All the time. Seriously... did I say all the time? LOL

    It is normal and accepted to be fat and unhealthy.

    It is abnormal and unaccepted to be fit and healthy.

    This world has a skewed view. Don't let others' negative attitudes stop you from reaching your goals.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I dont know your height and goal weight/current weight, but I've been there, and I would say take their opinions into consideration. yes, it could be jealousy, but it could also be that they love you and are trying to tell you something that you may not be able to see.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Yup, my husband has had a few "you look wonderful now, you don't NEED to lose any more weight, I don't want you to end up with other problems". I'm not quite sure what other problems he is imagining - eating disorder maybe, or perhaps it is just making him feel bad about his little beer belly.....
    And my dad keeps saying things like "I hope you aren't fading away" when I tell him that I've been for a long run.
    They can see that I'm eating plenty of healthy food and am not starving and have no prospects that I can invisage of developing any kind of eating disorder.
    I could be developing a bit of an obsession with counting calories, but I'm not too bothered because I think it's a really useful skill and it's not taking away from anything else I'm doing.

    Hang in there with what you know is right, perhaps ask a girlfriend or someone else that you trust "am I looking too thin?" if you aren't sure. That's what I'm planning when I get to my current goal weight (which I have revised UP a few kg now I'm close).
  • clrrrr
    clrrrr Posts: 261 Member
    Earlier today I asked my mom if she thought I should go to the gym considering I'm 60 calories over for the day...my dad was in the room and he told me, basically, not the worry about it. And he's a healthy guy so I took it more as a reality check. His healthy lifestyle is a lot more time-tested and routinized than mine, so I do feel the need to be this strict for now just to get into a rigid set of good habits, but I definitely understand that he loves me and would rather I had a healthy body image and reasonable lifestyle, whether or not that led to a perfect body. And I do see in myself the possibility of becoming exercise bulemic once I reach my goals so I definitely want to take those opinions into account.
  • elsham
    elsham Posts: 549 Member
    Yep, and I haven't even lost that much yet! Now when people say it, I just reply that I'm not really paying attention to the weight, I'm working on getting stronger and more fit, which is true. I've had friends roll they're eyes at that one, and to tell you the truth, it hurts. At times I find myself wishing I could get them interested in getting fit so they can see how amazing it feels, but it hasn't worked so far.

    I think a lot of it has to do with them knowing me before hand, and being so used to the (slightly) bigger and lazier me. It's a bit different with people I just meet b/c they didn't know the older side of me, and, well...I don't know.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    omg i totally know what you are talking about! I can't tell people in real life I am on a diet half the time since I "look okay" so "why diet?" I obviously MUST have an eating disorder if I am already healthy but *GASP* want to become HEALTHIER! :sick:

    I think it comes down to jealousy when women say that many times...they don't want to see you get prettier/healthier...so the best way to keep you from doing so is saying "You look fine. You don't need to lose weight!" -- The same white lie used when "Someone called me fat today!" "Nooo you aren't fat!"(but they really are) type situations...only different intentions. :grumble:

    Just because I am "FINE" how I am, DOES NOT mean I am "anorexic" because I STILL want to improve myself! :angry:

    ps: In my case I am very short. At 124 pounds I was overweight and my blood pressure shot up and became HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE for the first time in my life. 124 pounds may be thin on someone else, but NOT on me. I even had a double chin, but because of the "low number" somehow this was disregarded even by the nurses. :mad:
  • elsham
    elsham Posts: 549 Member

    I could be developing a bit of an obsession with counting calories, but I'm not too bothered because I think it's a really useful skill and it's not taking away from anything else I'm doing.

    Yep, same here. I do it for myself though, because I like knowing what goes in my mouth now, whereas before I had absolutely no idea. A lot of the time counting calories won't stop me from having something though, it'll just make me have less of it.

    It really bothers my mom when she sees me looking at a label, and it bothers me that it bothers her. It's a label for crying out loud! It's meant to be looked at, that's why it's there! And I don't do the whole "OMG THIS HAS SO MANY CALORIES/FAT/WHATEVER, IT'S SO BAD FOR YOU" bit. My cousin used to do that and I HATED it, totally ruined the mood at the table and appetites and all that. Look at it for yourself, decide for yourself, and be quiet about it! Don't scream it out to the whole freaking table!

    Sorry, got carried away. End of rant, thanks for reading.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    All. The. Time. All the time. Seriously... did I say all the time? LOL

    It is normal and accepted to be fat and unhealthy.

    It is abnormal and unaccepted to be fit and healthy.

    This world has a skewed view. Don't let others' negative attitudes stop you from reaching your goals.

    very well put!
  • MelisBee
    MelisBee Posts: 31 Member
    I've had that happen recently. I'm not at my goal weight yet but when I tell people that I have about 20 more lbs they are like "you'll look anorexic" but I've been at my goal weight before and I didn't look that anorexic or scary. Sometimes you just have to ignore the comments. When I was skinnier people who were overweight used to tease me for being skinny. Sometime people just don't like seeing other people doing what they wish they could.

    But I've seen your pics and you look great! Congrats on your hard work and those last 9 lbs!
  • nuviag
    nuviag Posts: 131 Member
    never lsot enough weight for someone to ahte on me like that LOL wahhhhhhh...
    But i drop beer when i diet and people do say you and "your counting calories"
  • kemp42
    kemp42 Posts: 8
    all the time. "your getting skinny"... i just take that as a compliment and keep soing what im doing. most of the time i think there just mad cause they dont have the will power to do it. i have freinds tell me, so-in-so asked them "how did he loose all that weight?". They really look at you crazy when i tell them i did a life-style change im not on any diet. So dont let them bother you keep on doing what you are till YOU decide your where you wanna be.
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  • Cmon78
    Cmon78 Posts: 67 Member
    I get it ALL the time! At first I just brushed it off but now it's getting annoying. My MIL told my husband the other day that she was worried that I am an anorexic......seriously woman you just saw me eat! lol
  • Sooznine
    Sooznine Posts: 29 Member
    i think it's a little bit jealousy... but people also get "used" to seeing you a certain way. any time you 'change' that, you are changing the norm that they have established for you... if they can't accept that, then they see it as a negative. if they are truly happy for you, then they would see it as a positive, unless you've gone off the deep end and really ARE anorexic! :) You did what you've done so far for yourself.... if you are happy and comfortable, keep going. :)
  • KateCon912
    KateCon912 Posts: 200 Member
    I went to my best friend's Tastefully Simple party over the weekend and she told me that I look scary and WAY too skinny. I told her I'm not trying to lose any more weight and that I'm happy where I am and she said that if I lose any more weight she will not talk to me! WTF.. what I didn't mention is that I'm still not happy with the weight I am and I wouldn't mind losing another 5.. but at the risk of losing her as a friend? I thought that was really out of line for her to say.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    i think it's a little bit jealousy... but people also get "used" to seeing you a certain way. any time you 'change' that, you are changing the norm that they have established for you...
    I think that's exactly it. Skewed sense of health/beauty doesn't take into account the fact that a lot of people think fashion models are beautiful. Often, it's not that they think skinny is ugly; it's just that they're not used to seeing YOU that way.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    I've had people tell me to be careful you don't want to lose too much weight or the even weirder " be careful you might become addicted to excercise", Some people are so weird

    True story. I totally am. Endorphins for life baby!
  • My dad always said that he knew he needed to lose weight when his aunts told him that he looked healthy.
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