Chocolate Fix



  • akaChuck
    akaChuck Posts: 233 Member
    For good protein I recommend Balance Bars in any favorites are the double chocolate brownie (it's so rich it's hard to eat all of it!) and cookie dough.

    Like some other users said, Anything Skinny Cow makes tastes amazing and you don't feel guilty about it.
  • watrmlon
    watrmlon Posts: 34
    I take strawberries or banana and drizzle pb2 mixed with cocoa :)
  • mpf1
    mpf1 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Hi -- I am new to the online community after tracking for one month or so. I've lost about 20 lbs, 4 since starting MFP. Now I will be thrilled to maintain. I've been heavier all my life (sometimes heavier than others), and weight was a major issue, and it is freeing not to feel unhappy with my self on a daily basis. Its true that maintaining is not as exciting as losing, so I am really looking for a community to stay focused and honest with myself.
    I love this string. I love chocolate and like to eat it daily -- The cookies and cream Luna bars are a great choc lover's breakfast, with coffee with diet swiss miss cocoa! that is my daily breakfast and i love it! I also love the sugar free fugsicles, and dark chocolate jello sugar free pudding (the pudding and lite yogurts when frozen are so much more decadent- like ice cream, but you don't want to overfreeze or they get icey).
    I hope to be in touch. I am a 42 yo working mom of 2.
  • LOVE sugar free pudding cups-you can freeze them for an icy treat! And sugar free fudgesicles! It feels like you're cheating...and you're not!!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Diana's Bananas Banana Babies! 1/2 a frozen banana covered in dark or milk chocolate, with or without peanuts. I get the dark chocolate kind. I eat one pretty much every day. :bigsmile:

    Oh, and only like 130 cals for a dark chocolate one.
  • theflyingartist
    theflyingartist Posts: 385 Member
    Luna Protein bars in Chocolate Cherry, Chocolate, Chocolate Peanut Butter, and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.
    All chocolatey cravings are satisfied. They are super high protein, gluten free (no flour or starch fillers), and SO YUMMY! :)
    I'm addicted, and buy them at the store when they are .99 on sale.
    Here's a link to read about them. Give those a try.. they remind me of candy bars!
  • to think of it i havent had chocolate in a while! :)
    id just dive straight in :( lol
  • aapye78
    aapye78 Posts: 24
    This is a great thread.

    FiberOne makes a brownie that is 90 cals. Coupon in Sunday's paper, so I will try those.

    I like taking a chocolate crunch rice cake and microwaving it with a marshmallow on top-- I have been using the jetpuffed jumbo marshmallow eggs. I think it is around 90 cals and really curbs a craving for sweet.

    SF mocha with almond milk and unsweetened chocolate almond milk with some splenda are other ways I get the chocolate fix. :)

    I love FiberOne!!! I eat one a day and it fixes my sweet tooth
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