ssilvey726 Member


  • Congratulations, this is awesome. I'm currently nearing the end of my own C25k journey. I'm on Week 6, Day 3, and have really enjoyed myself. It's a great way to "learn" to run. Before I started this journey, the longest I think I'd ever run was 5 minutes. Tomorrow I'll be doing 25. Your post helps those of us on the…
  • I'm also on Week 2, Day 3. Was just about to hop on the treadmill. I'm doing the treadmill version, which so far has gone well. It's honestly hindered my weightloss a little bit, because I was told to not overdo my cardio exercises in order to give my legs more time to recover, which is especially important once you hit…
  • I've played MMOs since the early days of text-based MUDs back in the mid-late 90s on AOL. I played WoW for a long time, quit about a year ago and have gotten back into console gaming recently. Currently playing mostly sports game. Just picked up Madden 13 on the Amazon deal of the day and started my franchise this…
  • Seriously knew I would get the letter 'S' with my name.
  • I have a B.S. in Journalism, with concentrations in Public Relations and News/Editorial. Considering continuing my education, but not sure what a MS in Communications would really get me. Would be interested in hearing the opinions of folks with a Master's degree. Is it worth the extra debt these days?
  • Every morning, after relieving myself. It's the best way to track things in my opinion. I don't count weight going up on this site, I only count losses below my previous low weight.
  • Not only is my problem with wanting to stop after a minute, it hurts the knees to run on concrete after a while. I think a lot of men with bigger frames have that problem. I'm 6'2" and it seems like it's hard for taller people to run because of the toll on their knees.
  • Born and raised in Stockton, California. Voted on numerous occasions as "America's most miserable city" and also recently became the largest US City in history to file for bankruptcy!
  • SW: 245, May 3, 2012 (I think) CW: 211 GW: 195
  • My degree is in journalism. I have been a copy editor for over five years. Do you see what I did there? That was my biggest pet peeve. "Over" is a measurement of height. "More than" represents a numerical measurement. Using "over" in that situation denotes that I have been a copy editor for above, or on top of five years.…
  • I don't claim to know the science behind it, but it honest to God works. I'm not saying to wake up and just have another binge session like Bukowski would, but one or two beers to get the slightly tipsy feeling while waiting for greasy food works wonders. Once you've eaten the greasy food, start drinking water/gatorade…
  • Hair of the Dog. Seriously. Hair of the dog. Not for the weak of heart. Worked for Charles Bukowski, and he's the biggest drunk I've ever heard of. For those who don't know, Hair of the Dog is an expression meaning to drink more alcohol when you wake up. It does actually work. After a few drinks, have someone responsible…
  • Can't tell if this is a troll post or not, but in case it's not, or there are other people reading this topic who actually care: Your weight in pounds, stones, etc. or BMI are not the biggest factors to look at. I'm a former sports writer. I've covered high school football players who were 6'1" and 225 pounds. That would…
  • I'd actually be interested to see how they would do in a long distance foot race against each other. Not a sprint, but a very long run. 10,000 or something. While I find running and swimming both insanely difficult now as an overweight adult, as a kid I always found swimming to be MUCH more taxing than running was. I have…
  • Also, as Hunterkiller said above, it's best to just eat a little bit lighter during the day if you think you're going to be drinking. It's surprisingly easy to cut 300-400 calories over the course of a day, so that when you do drink, you're not taking a huge hit on calories.
    in Alcohol Comment by ssilvey726 July 2012
  • I drink beer for a couple reasons. 1. I like the taste of beer far better than that of hard alcohol. I was a beer critic for two years at my old student newspaper. 2. Hard alcohol mixed with anything is a sugar hangover waiting to happen. 3. Beer actually fills me up. It makes me feel less hungry than when I drink hard…
    in Alcohol Comment by ssilvey726 July 2012
  • Oops, I forgot to mention, I sleep as late as I can (usually between 4-5 pm). I workout, then eat breakfast around 7-8 pm. I go to work, have a snack around 10, lunch at 11:30 pm. I have another snack between 2:30-3:30, then eat my dinner between 4:30-5 am. I get off work at 7 am, go home, watch Netflix or something until…
  • Hey there, as already mentioned, you should hop in at the overnight thread! Having said that, here is what I do. I log from 7 pm to 7 am as one day. I work 9 pm to 7 am with no lunch break, 4 days a week. It's very hard to keep things in order, but I basically just consider Friday's food to be Friday from 7 pm to Saturday…
  • For about a week I was tracking sodium. If you eat one packaged/processed meal a day, you are going to SHATTER the mark set by this site. I work a 10-hour shift with no lunch break, so packaged meals are my best bet if I want to eat anything. I didn't like it saying that I was eating double the sodium I should based on one…
  • Posting in lieu of my girlfriend who is out right now. She is 6'1" and is looking to get to around 185 or so I think. But in reality, it's something that she will re-evaluate all the time as she gets closer to that. It's just very hard to predict how you will look at a certain weight as a female when you're fairly tall.
  • A lot of people in here are carrying on the horrible stereotype that guys only want and/or care about sex. Anyone that would never turn down sex under any circumstance (minus being really sick, etc.) seems like they need to have their priorities checked. I've turned down sex with drunk women, I've turned down sex with my…
  • My dad died when I was 12. My mom, in order to compensate and make me "happy", started bringing home fast food 4-5 times a week. I went from average size to fat within a year.
  • I'm from California. Grew up in Stockton. Woot, woot, biggest US City in history to declare bankruptcy! Went to college in San Luis Obispo at Cal Poly. I miss SLO so much! :(
  • Cheating is going to happen, in one form or another. My advice is to remember how you feel, and use that next time you feel like really going overboard. From the sound of things, it's not necessarily anger at cheating, it's anger at how/what you cheated with. If you can keep that lesson in mind the next time you're in a…
  • Congratulations! You look fantastic! I don't know if it's weird for a guy to say this, but I really like your fashion sense. You seem to be very stylish!
  • Pink Floyd - Shine on you Crazy Diamond
  • I generally agree with folks who say if you're going to cheat, just do it for a meal. Cheat days where you don't count calories are counterproductive. If you're unwilling to even count it because you've cheated so badly, you probably shouldn't be cheating that much. If you go a few hundred over your already-planned out…
  • Some great answers in here. My favorites include Charles Bukowski's Henry Chinaski. I like the candid honestly, whether he's acting like a prick, a drunkard, or one one of the rare occasions he's acting like a decent fellow. I'm currently reading A Game of Thrones series, and really enjoy Arya Stark's character.
  • The worst for me are the enablers. People that know you're on a diet, yet always say things like, "Screw healthy eating, we should go grab a burger or something tonight." It's easy to say that when you're skinny and don't put on any weight. It's very hard to turn down something that you've been used to eating for the past…