missabeez Member


  • I'd like to jump on this. I was able to drop almost 10 pounds in two weeks a month or so ago but 5 ish of those crept back on. I hope to follow the same pattern of dropping 3-5 pounds a week for the first week or two and then going to 1-2 pounds for the remainder. So maybe in 12 weeks I'll be down 20 or even 25 pounds! I'm…
  • Managed to drop 5 lbs of water and salt :) Should reach 155 by the end of the month. SW:155 (November 2015) CW: 163 (tailbone injury/holiday gains :l) GW: 125-130 by 2017 January Goal: under 155 Weigh in dates: Start of the month(01/01 Friday): 01/02 Sat: 163 01/09 Sat: 158 01/16 Sat: 01/23 Sat: 01/30 Sat: End of the…
  • Check in day! January 10: 158.
  • Its been a journey, can't believe its been almost ten years, at least through my 20s. Highest weight: 210 Lowest Weight: 145 Body 'natural' weight: 165 Ultimate Goal weight: 125 Current weight: 163 January Goal: 155 as that was my pre holiday weight.
  • I've been about 30 away from goal fir a whole year. This is the year I will finally get to my goal. Its been tough cuz I'm fitting into small sizes so my motivation is a bit low, but I want to be on the low to mid end of my bmi. I also have a lot of fitness goals I've missed due to some injuries last year. Couldn't run…
  • SW:155 (November 2015) CW: 163 (tailbone injury/holiday gains :l) GW: 125-130 by 2017 January Goal: under 155 Weigh in dates: Start of the month(01/01 Friday): 01/02 Sat: 163 01/09 Sat: 01/16 Sat: 01/23 Sat: 01/30 Sat: End of the month(01/31 Sunday): Total weight lost: Looking forward to getting on track again. 2015 seemed…
  • I think I have had many ah ha moments. The first time was when the scale went over 170, so I lost 20 pounds doing south beach and joined a gym. Then there was a gain of 30 pounds or so, and I had to buy a pair of size 14 jeans. Lost the 30 pounds when I worked on mfp for about a year, and started to do classes at my gym.…
  • Hey I've been around for a while. I log every day and run eveeytime but winter lol. I try to comment on friends posts so feel free to add me! Ps-like everyone my diary sometimes isn't the healthiest. Most of the time I'm pretty good.
  • Funny, I was just talking to my coworker that I had no idea what to do with my kale before it wilts. I will try something like this for supper tomorrow or something, thanks!
    in Recipes Comment by missabeez August 2014
  • Hello! Vegetarian for the most part from 2011-2013. Had some health issues (unrelated to diet or what I was or wasn't eating), went back to omnivorous eating. Got down to what I find a comfy weight (still halfway to go though) and decided last month it was time to go back to vegan eating permanently. When people ask me my…
  • I love it! Also, this: http://www.buzzfeed.com/jessicamisener/21-things-that-happen-when-you-dont-eat-meat I've had a few. One was, "oh, you've only been vegan for x months? Ya, you're not a serious vegan" (says a meat eating chef) And more recently, I decline a sample of protein powder after looking at the ingredients, I…
  • When you say PB2 or regular peanut butter, how does this affect the texture? I have never used PB2 and thought that it was a powder. Therefore if you use it, do you have to alter the liquid that goes into these? Just curious :)
  • Many things! First of all, when I buy clothing, I buy them in sizes I know I will be for another 10-20 pounds. At the beginning of this current journey (Jan, 2014), I was basically just wearing my yoga pants and baggy tops. I refused to buy anything because I was mad at myself for going over 200 pounds. It probably was not…
  • Do 10-20 minutes of cardio minimum as a warm - up before doing any lifting/resistance training. If you like doing it (like jogging or whatever), do more if you want but it isn't necessary. I highly suggest reading a beginner lifting book like Starting Strength or new rules of lifting for women. Either of those break down…
  • It depends on your frame of mind and what you do already. If you are going from no activity to two + workouts a day, I'd say it would be hard to stick to and may be exhausting/discouraging. If you already have a routine you have stuck with for a while then I don't see why it wouldn't hurt as long as you like doing it and…
  • Bump for responses.
  • Agreed, I'd rather have an appetite. Being sick sucks.
  • That's the gift of us "pears". We have smaller bellies and larger thighs. It's up to genetics as to what we lose, where, and how much in what order.
  • The first day of my period, I am the complete opposite: I have no desire to eat and usually vomit even if I haven't eaten anything. (I should probably see a doctor about this actually) I just don't even bother weighing myself for that week because I know I'm bloated and I will just feel depressed if I see the number on the…
  • The six pounds probably was not a true gain of six pounds. It may have been 2 or 3, if that. If you get back to it you will likely drop back down. A combination of worry and stress for your mom, tracking calories not being in the forefront of your mind, more salt, less water, etc. probably brought your water weight up this…
  • I'm super sad. The chick pea cookie dough I made that I was going to tweak to make into these went sour after like 3 days in the fridge :( They smelt rancid. Same with the chick peas I had in the fridge in a mason jar. Who knew dry chickpeas don't last as long as canned chickpeas once they are cooked...
  • I enjoy fruit but lately have really just been eating half a serving of frozen berries and/or half a banana. Like everyone says, count them into your calories for the day and enjoy the healthy sugary deliciousness!
    in fruit Comment by missabeez April 2014
  • My fiancé has seen me at my lowest, 150, and my highest, 205. The only thing that changed was that I did not feeel sexy the more I gained. Losing again has definitely improved my libido. He finds me attractive either way. We do more walking and hiking as I lose weight since I don't feel like being a couch potato anymore.
  • I love banana and peanut butter Frozen Greek yogurt Chocolate Celery and cheese or peanut butter Dill pickle wrapped in deli meat More chocolate
  • Considering you are 4 11, its probably fine to go under 1200 more often than average folks. I'd probably stick above 1000 though. And zig sagging your calores is good if its helping you :) I do it and its worked well for me.
  • I can understand your frustration. I haven't gone through such a stressful week, but I still didn't lose when I knew I should this week. Its very disheartening and confusing since logically there should have Bern a loss. All we can do is keep trekking on, get back to normal, and reevaluate in a few weeks if we still…
  • If you are already doing lemon and cucumber I don't really know, unless you want to also bring some frozen berries. What if you bring 3 slices of lemon keep them all in the bottle and just squeeze one at a time whenever you fill the water bottle? That way you have the flavour you want.
  • Feel free to take look at mine. Don't mind the easter shindigs. I eat what I crave in small amounts.
  • My Easter was Friday and Saturday. Yesterday I was going to be ~1400 cals but then I binged a bit on chocolate unrelated to Easter :P Weekly though I am only over by about 200 cals so I will go for a run this afternoon, stuff my face with some protein (and leftovers) and call it a day, lol.
    in Easter Comment by missabeez April 2014
  • That's the Dream! 5'3.5", started at 206 and down to 180 right now. 50 pounds to go!