shanniepk Member


  • You should get some satisfaction that she is jealous. I know that's not right, but it's true. Congratulations on your weight loss. Keep it up and I promise you will have more'll learn to get used to the haters:).
  • This is really tough. Sometimes I hate that we are such physical creatures. We are our worst critics for sure and tend to obsess over our own flaws. Maybe think of this as another hurdle in your journey, whether you choose surgery or weight lifting or just learning to be comfortable with it. Sounds like you have some…
  • Just make sure you are well hydrated the night before. I have run on an empty stomach many times because I don't have the luxury of getting up an hour before my run and having breakfast (which would be 3:30 a.m.) and still making it to work. I do however, prefer to have a few sips of chocolate or skim milk (1/4-1/2 cup or…
  • As others said, you are young and your skin is still very resilient and pliable. Lots, lots, and lots of water intake, a good prescription strength moisturizer massaged in your skin everyday and some weight lifting. I have a bootcamp friend that is your age and lost 100 pounds in the last year, and she was worried about…
  • I live in the South and hear snide comments all the time. I belong to two local workout groups and we have private facebook groups to encourage each other. That helps and MFP is helping as well. Don't let it discourage you. Once I started showing significant improvement and weight loss, some of those same people also…
  • I log it all. Important for me to see protein, carbs, sugar, fiber, fats....everything. It gives me a baseline to where I need to throttle because everyone is a bit different. Plus nutritional intake should be just as important as calorie count, but that's just me:smile:. I perform "everything" better with better food in…
  • You can add me. I am somewhat serious about what I eat, and I don't post food pictures. LOL.
  • Got serious about exercise when a co-worker went on and on that she couldn't believe my wedding picture was me. Got serious about eating when after losing 20 pounds after getting serious about exercise, I had a fully body assessment with pictures. After 2 intense years of very strenuous workouts/running, I was strong with…
  • I do 0445 bootcamps. What every one else has said...get your clothes ready right by your bed the night before, wash your face with some real cold water/brush your teeth, lace or slip on the shoes, take a "sip" of protein drink or chocolate and your off:). If you can get an accountability buddy that will help, if not, just…
  • I used to gain until I ramped up my exercise/cardio the days before, drank more water and avoided salty and heavy foods. Exercising (brisk walking/jogging or running) starting the week or days before my cycle and during almost completely tooking cramping away during the day. I still have a bit in my sleep but nothing a…
  • This again. Sign up for one soon (this weekend or next) so you can "experience" one. Most of all, whether walking, jogging slow, or any combo, enjoy crossing the finish line:) and hang up the bib somewhere to be proud you finished.
  • LOL. No, I'm not doing anything like that. He's the talker in the family...certainly not me.
  • Thanks all. Lots of great advice and lots of different persepectives. I agree it's a lifestyle. The hobby part is getting certified so I can help others or teach classes part time because I love learning about health/fitness/nutrition. I have a full time career and am very vested and am definitely cannot or will not leave…
  • My husband leaves for work at 4:30 and I leave for a bootcamp class about the same time. Class is close to home, my son has his phone and knows the days I won't be home by 5:30, and just sleeps right through it. Still makes me a little nervous (you start thinking about worse case scenarious like fires/intruders, etc.) but…
  • Yep, after 16 years of marriage it's sad, but this is about where I'm at. I took up all kinds of hobbies with him, ...not because I was particulary interested, but because he was and I wanted to share life with a partner. And most of the time, I learned something and ended up enjoying them. No regrets or resentment. I am…
  • I should have clarified. He is not "on board" with me getting certified and doing part-time training/instructing. I wish he would eat healthy and exercise with me, but certainly don't do it fo him. I just want to discuss it with him, because it's a hobby/lifestyle, but you are right. I should just be quiet about this…
  • You are right. I will not talk about it. Would be nice to have a spouse that would share the same interests, but we can't have it all:).
  • Thanks. We have been married 16 years. Just started seriously exercising 3 years ago. But you are very right...I "rarely" nag, complain, or dwell on anything, but I do care about him and his health. Just hate to see him going down the same path as his father that died at 40. My husband will be 40 this year.
  • I think she looks fantastic. Ironically, I was just thinking when I was looking through their catalog the other day, they seem to be getting away from the super thin with some of the models looking a little more full. I wouldn't mind looking like this model, with a little more muscle, of course:).
  • Sounds like you definitely have made a commitment to a healthy lifestyle, congratulations. I'm 43 and started my health/fitness journey 3 years ago, and have made huge progress. I worked out very hard for the first two years but didn't really lose much more than 15-20 pounds and plateaued. I still work out vigorously…
  • Ouch. :noway: Sorry you are not feeling well. As others said, remember how you felt next time that kind of urge hits you and work on finding your trigger and overcoming it. My son overdosed on root beer and candy a few months ago and had a huge stomach ache for a day. He learned:). Just eat extra healthy nutrient rich…
  • I log it as calisthenics (vigorous).
  • Got this from the web: The biggest burners Calories burned per hour* Based on a 160-pound person 1. 986 calories burned: Running at 8mph 2. 913 calories burned: Rollerblading 3. 730 calories burned: Tae Kwon Do 4. 730 calories burned: Jump rope 5. 657 calories burned: Stair treadmill 6. 584 calories burned: Jogging at 5mph…
  • Oh thanks. Forgot I had some. Going to mix it into my protein shake right now.
  • I'm 5'3" and even 5 lbs makes a huge difference for me in clothes size, etc. My best friend in high school was almost 6', and I remember even back then she could eat whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted and did, while I ate a lot of salad. LOL. Twenty some years later, I still have to exercise like crazy and eat right…
  • It's really unnatural and has a lot of chemicals, but I love me some Diet Dr. Pepper!
  • Lifting weights/body weight exercises, etc. Join a strengthing class like bootcamp or crossfit if you are unsure where to start. For me, that route was cheaper than the personal trainer, and I didn't like going to the gym alone. Now that I know what I'm doing I'm comfortable with it.
  • Hi! I'm 43 and started getting more serious about my health at 40 and hitting it hard this last year. I am in better shape and certainly stronger than I was in my 20s (I didn't say skinnier:)). I have a crazy work schedule as well, but MADE the time and stopped making work/family as my excuse. I started out in the 160s and…
  • Running is one of the biggest bangs for your buck. It builds endurance and mental stamina. I LOVE it! I helps with all my other workouts too. TIP: A good comfy/supporting pair of running shoes are a MUST.