

  • In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion
  • Edamame!!!!! A cup will give you 290 calories, and a very good hit on your protein, with only 12 fat
  • Agreed... what I should have really said is: A calorie burned\used\spent, is a calorie burned\used\spent... doesn't matter how it was used.. Just out of curiosity, how many calories would you use on an elliptical for 20 or so minutes, but keep your heart rate to around where you are when using the treadmill? I think they…
  • I wasn't going to jump in on this conversation, but this argument popped up in another thread... like someone else said, its all about effort. If you put a treadmill at a 0.1 incline and walk at 15 minute miles, it will be hardly any effort, with no calorie burn.. the same is true for an elliptical.... no resistance equals…
  • I just made myself a brunch style lunch... what do you think of the mix.... Publix - Naturally Hickory Smoked Lower Sodium Bacon Thick Sliced, 2 fried slices 100 calories 0 carbs 8 fat 8 protein 60 cholesterol 230 sodium (urg!) Al Fresco - Country Style Breakfast Chicken Sausage, 1 link 50 calories 0 carbs 3 fat 6 protein…
  • Just to defend myself a little here... the Peter Pan peanut butter was a one time deal.... don't normally eat peanut butter... even the REAL stuff... just don't really care for it.
  • Because high BP and Cholesterol is a known problem in my family, so I monitor by sodium and cholesterol intake... But saving that... I am going to go back to eating two poached eggs on home made quinoa bread for my breakfast..
  • The problem I have with all the Jimmy Dean sausages is the amount of sodium they contain... two patties would eat up 500mg -- or a quarter of my daily intake.... but I guess there isn't a perfect food out there, and we all have to make some compromises..
  • Love the yolk ... just hate the cholesterol!
  • Thanks for the suggestion, but the problem I have with egg whites is that they are so low in calories... Egg beaters are only 25 calories per serving -- I would probably eat 4 servings in one omelet.... I wonder if there is a turkey sausage that is low carb (and also low sodium!!!) out there that will boast the calories...…
  • Cooking it tonight, with poached salmon and steamed green beans... I eat it three nights a week... love the stuff.
  • That's all the equipment I have access to... sad, but true. From do some more reading on the bench press, I get the feeling that its my form that is holding me back... I am using a bench press machine, with pulleys... I think I will need to adjust my position on the bench so my hands so I am hold the drips higher up…
  • I'm 5'10, and my goal is 165lbs ... current weight is 170lbs ... but I am going to start lifting heavy to add muscle and get more definition .. and if that means I stay at 170lbs, I will be happy with that.
  • @RowanP52 Feel free to follow me... I will tweet my runs from Nike+ GPS on my iPhone
  • I'm in S. Florida and I typically run at 8am and even at that time it is 80f+ and high humidity ... but I love it.. Can't wait for the real summer months. I am running my first test 10k tomorrow morning... hoping to complete it within 80 minutes....
  • This .... Just sounds like you are going to 0 to 60 and not giving enough time for your heart and lungs to get moving....
  • That is awesome! Good for you... My PCP wanted to put me of meds, but I refused... :-) I've basically given myself 3 months to get my BP under control .. and by watching my sodium and cholesterol intake, I know I can get it there, and not take any meds!
  • Thanks for the advise... I don't think I will come close to running 8:40 or 8:45 on the second half... more like the mid-9's.... but I will try it, and see how my legs react to running slower in the begging. I have a few weeks to build up to half-marathon, so I can still try different methods. Totally agree with the water…
  • I'll be the first guy to reply ... I want to loose around 8lbs .. but would be happy to gain 8lbs also -- if it were muscle and I got tone with definition.... Its only been a few weeks since joining MFP, and I've lost 3lbs .. but now I am stuck at 170lbs mark.... :-(
  • low BP is just as bad as high BP ... low blood pressure can cause dizziness and fainting or indicate serious heart condition.. I don't think I'll ever have an issue with low BP ... but I would love to reduce my resting HR.... 88+ just seems to high!
  • A made up chicken curry (think chicken-tikka-masala without the cream) with basmati rice
  • i want to be WITH her ;-)
  • The same thing happened to yesterday! But I have just weighed myself this morning, and 2lbs have already done... ;-)
  • It took two weeks to understand the settings in MFP!! I started using on my iPhone, and never changed any of the default settings, and just went with "its" recommendations.... which was 1600 calories a day... My goal is simple... loose about 8lbs, ending up around 165lbs... at the same time train to run a half-marathon to…
  • Okay, after reading some of the replies to my message, and reading other comments about daily calories and eating more to loose weight, I went back and looked at my profile setting..... and the first thing I noticed that I hadn't changed the default settings for exercise ... MFP had be listed as light exercise and only…
  • Agreed... Sodium is something that I am trying to reduce... Yes, I know I had a horrible day yesterday..I had two Jr Cheeseburgers from wendy's and that took me to the edge at mid-day! The funny think is, I don't even cook with salt, or add salt to any of my foods... its amazing how much sodium is in food.
  • Chicken livers are yummy... but very different from lamb or calf liver... and all three are fantastic cheap eats
  • Calf liver can be found in most supermarkets these days, just as the butcher and I am sure they can help you out... you should also try lamb kidney if you can get it .. if not, beef kidney is an okay replacement... just make sure you rinse it in cold water first... thin sliced and sauteed with some onion and garlic...
  • I think Pu_239 had an issue posting his reply ... he has since replied again.... I will have to read it later... its rather long... As for my running habits .. 5 miles a day for 5 days... I am going to complete a half marathon in July, so will be increasing the running a mile a week for the next few weeks... Once I have…